hi, I’m velda!

Like Zelda with a V. I’m a WordPress expert, digital mechanic, dancer, empty-nester, and dog mom. This site is mostly a silly way for people I meet to remember my uncommon name, but it’s also an archive of my hijinks, haiku, and meandering ideas. If we met and you’d like to stay connected, send me a note via email or on the network of your choice!

What people say about my work:

  • She is one of the brightest and most dependable people I have ever worked with. I learned early in our relationship that I could count on her, and she never let me down.

  • The only thing I can think of that would improve your support service is to have Velda on every single call!!

  • She understood what I needed and took care of it efficiently, pleasantly, without any fuss. It was just what the doctor ordered. Thank you.

  • The support provided by Velda was outstanding! It didn’t seem to be a problem that I was struggling with WordPress terminology and specificities, Velda helped me and explained stuff when I needed it. Thanks a lot!


  • Colors

    Funny how a freeze
    brings out such variation
    of beautiful hues

  • Layers

    Colorful splashes
    Light reflects from oily spills
    On dirty pavement

  • Dancing

    The dance is better
    When it’s not the performance
    But the connection


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