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How to access Podfile variable from podspect

I'm writing a React Native library, and for iOS, my lib depends on a third party lib with a default version, and I want to let user to be able to customize (override) the default version of the third ...
Duc Trung Mai's user avatar
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Flutter: unable to run flutter run or pod install

My application was working and running and I tried adding a new dependency and now my app won't build. I'm trying to figure out what the issue may be but can't seem to figure it out. I tried following ...
FlutterBuilder's user avatar
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How to add post_install script in my podspec file?

How can I add post_install script in podspec file of my custom cocoapod and execute code below? post_install do |installer| installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target| target....
thinkBinary's user avatar
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Retrieve a pod inside a repo nested folder

We have a developing framework which sharing repo with other frameworks. Here our currently structure: - Repo root: - Framework A - Framework B - OurFramework: - OurFramework: - ...
Hai Hoang's user avatar
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How to create podspec file for a React Native Library

I am writing my components in React Native using react-native cli and am damn frustrated and confused about configuring it to be consumed as a library. Here's how the react native folder structure ...
Shivam Sahil's user avatar
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source issue with podfile

I'd like to specify version 5.1.0 of the InstaCart TrueTime library in a Podfile instead of 5.0.3. I think this is the only way to use 5.1.0 since 5.0.3 hasn't been added to the master per https://...
ScottyB's user avatar
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How to manually add a .xcframework to a Flutter iOS Plugin?

I'm trying to create a Flutter Plugin to use a native library. This library I'm trying to use is stored in a private repository and can be used with Swift Dependency Manager. This is causing me a ...
siega's user avatar
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How to add PDFTron as dependency in podspec file

We have podspec file in the project and I wanted to include PDFTron as dependency spec. Below is the way i'm adding third party libraries as dependencies in podspec file. -------podspec file-----------...
Ravikanth Manne's user avatar
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Multiple commands produce frameworks issue (related to usage of cocoapod)

I have two frameworks 'GeneralABC' and 'GeneralXYZ'. Both of them have the same interface but different business logic. I define their module_name in podspec as General, so that other projects using ...
justicepenny's user avatar
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How to add ios source dependency to Flutter plugin?

I have created a Flutter plugin and this is my podspec file: do |s| = 'sdksso' s.version = '0.0.1' s.summary = 'A new flutter plugin project.' ...
Maxim's user avatar
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Podfile depending on alamofire and other pod that depends on alamofire too but different version

I have a project that depends on Alamofire 5.0 and another pod which depends on an older version of Alamofire 4.9. however I get the error when i compile it. my pod dependency are as follows: Podfile ...
justicepenny's user avatar
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Creating a private pod framework which is dependent on an external pod

I created a Framework in xCode called 'IdFramework', and also created a .podspec file for IdFramework. Part of the swift files in IdFramework are dependent on external CocoaPods such as Firebase. So, ...
Idanis's user avatar
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pod lib create deployment_target

I created a CocoaPod library project for iOS via the pod lib create command. The podspec file that gets created adds the deployment target as iOS 8 in it. I want it to be iOS 11. There is no option to ...
Isuru's user avatar
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Unable to find a specification for a local (private) pod

I created two local pods: MainPods & ChildPod like this: Create Framework (in Xcode) pod init & pod install for MainPod & ChildPod pod spec create MainPod & pod spec create MainPod (...
ocbnishi's user avatar
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How do I make my React Native module automatically add an entry to a project's Podfile after running react-native link?

I want to create a React Native module that can be installed using npm install --save react-native-my-module react-native link cd ios && pod install Using React Native 0.61.2 and a few ...
CptnKrunch's user avatar

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