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  3. God bless my Mexican brothers 🇲🇽

  4. The Victorian era scenario looks so good
  5. Stuff like rise and fall of ottomans scramble for africa rise amd fall of horder Invasion and black death
  6. also add an event outcome that debuffs research speed for a certain condition (idk if it's there already)
  8. Some suggestions: ■ civ_controls_province=[insert province id] ■ civ_has_core=[insert province id] ■ civ_capital_is=[insert province id] ■ civ_ideology_is=[insert ideology id] ■ civ_religion_is=[insert religion id]
  9. It doesn't matter, the game will be release soon, and you would play Brazil as long you want. Yk, I could ask Łukasz to play Suriname, but it's not that relevant
  10. i was just playing as afghanistan while beating up the qing with entente aid (1910 scenario), i was gonna annex my puppet iran but i accidentally selected russia (which i dont have as a puppet) and annexed the entirety of russia, please fix this
  11. Time went by fast, good work Lukasz! Looking forward to playing this.
  12. Yes, but I really thought he would play with Brazil in some video on the channel. It seems to me that he won't post any more videos.
  13. This all looks so incredible! Thank you very much, but will there be a possibility in the future to create laws that can be passed if some other law was passed? For example, a law on "automatic tax collection" can be adopted if the law "automation" is adopted in "bureaucracy" law group
  14. genuine question, because logically speaking not every province has two cores, what happens to the provinces with 1 core? do they remain under the original ruler? do they become randomized civs? do they become uncolonized habitable provinces like the ones in the new world? also what happens to provinces that (other than the civs core) have cores to outside existing civs, for example if china controlled half of vietnam with the other half still being an independent civ, when the command is executed, does the chinese half go back to vietnam?
  15. Some important outcomes from AoH2 are still missing: ■ Add core ■ Remove core ■ Liberate vassal ■ Leave alliance ■ Form civilization There are others, but I think these are the most important.
  16. I wish Łukasz played more with Brazil, but that's okay
  17. I suggest to make cultures a settable for civilizations like it is for formable nations. Each culture will have one or several claimants that will affect cores. And as you said, cultures will vary according to the scenario, so this will be edited while creating a scenario. Btw, I will edit my culture chart.
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