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  1. I've asked this question before, but now it's more interesting to me than ever. Since any of my questions on the forum have six ideas inside it and no one answers to the point, I will ask it in TOPIC. Will there be anything that will threaten the player in the game itself, other than coalitions? Maybe there will be a unique state. There, for example, in 1789 there will be a superevent for the revolution and France will be given mega bonuses and the king will be overthrown, and a new political regime with a bunch of military bonuses and a handsome Napoleon in power will come in his place. I would like to see crises in the game, all sorts of gameplay-complicating things , gameplay for both the player and for other civilizations . crisis, I mean like the apocalypse or catastrophes, countries of supermassive or other threats , and so the crisis can only be because of atomic bombs and even that small (
  2. Hello, I was looking for a good background for the map of the earth, because the one that comes by default already bored me, could someone pass me some?
  3. Version 5.0 - New Song a. Siberian Anarchy Theme b. Burgund Erwacht! c. Slave Revolt d. The Final War e. Russian Anarchy Theme f. The Gun Pointed at the Heart Of Africa g. German Anarchy Theme - New Scenario a. Diponegoro War b. Europe Without WW2 c. Invasion Of Iraq d. Modern Fantasia : Event Timelapse e. Modern Fantasia : Pallenia Bad Ending - New Ideologies There Are 40 New Ideologies In This Mod LINK DOWNLOAD : CLICK HERE
  4. About mod: New formable civilizations, redone from zero. The formable civilizations have been redone only for the map of Europe. Now there are 175 formable civilizations for EUROPE in comparison of 93 vanilla formable civilizations for the WORLD map. All the formable civilizations are HISTORICAL and existed in reality. (okay, almost) Only PC!!! Supported languages: English, Deutsch, Русский, Türk, Український. Preview: Some interesting ways (not all, just example): German Confederation Holy Roman Empire HRE Italy Deus Vult Greater Ottoman Empire Greater Austrian Empire Greater Israel Download V1.0(released) After installation, unzip the ZIP-archive, transfer the files from the mod folder to the folder with the game and click "replace" or "merge". Special thanks to: PoedatelPelmeney228 please donate 🍵 For other modmakers: "Rule of three yes" Yes, you can use my mod for yours and dont leave link to original. Yes, you can edit my mod for yours and dont leave link to original. Yes, you can remake my mod for reupload, just leave link to original. No, you can't say that this mod is yours.
  5. Too bad upgrading the capital is a cheap number like 250 gold, The other upgrades are the same way and my suggestion is this: Upgrades should be priced according to the country's scores Example: The price of upgrading the capital city (Berlin): 8000 gold Capital(Trieste) upgrade price:1000 gold Military academy (Ottomans) upgrade price:9000 gold Military academy (Byzantine) upgrade price:4000 gold These values can be priced with a specific calculation. As the country grows (income and scores), the price increases @Lukasz Jakowski
  6. this mod is a mod about the Medieval age age the mod will be between 1000 and 1600 this will be most about medieval age what will be in the mod : government : finish scenarios : not finish province : not finish country : not finish flags : not finish 1444
  7. !SPELLING ERRORS AHEAD! Have you ever wondered wat could happen if the creatures of Equestria net the humans? I know you hadn't, so I had this crazy idea lol.This mod features a whole new storyline to humanity and the Equstrians themselves beginning from the 1980s, with both of them having a not so good first contact. EVERYTHING NEW (so far) September 6, 2024; 8:01 PM Brasília Time New Ideologies: Harmony Harmonic Liberalism Harmonic Conservatism National Socialism Socialism Democratic Socialism Military Junta Absolute Monarchy Liberalism Neoliberalism Removed ideologies: City State Tribal If you want to know more, contact me (5unny_starscout), or join the Discord Server. -There are not images for now, they'll be added later.-
  8. This is mys maps for Age of History II; Medieval Style: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Kq__82bptz-7T9MT4woqWe5xVXLVpgWG?usp=sharing Universalis Style: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ammPIRXh-n33c4AZZgDwYd_L1_8EgNHm?usp=sharing Enjoy!
  9. As far as I saw in the video, the Great and Powerful civilizations remained passive and did not make their power felt France and England, passive The Ottoman Empire was divided But these 3 states should be very powerful and unstoppable In the scenarios I want, I want all civilizations to remain as strong as they are and I want us to have a more realistic struggle
  10. Project Civilizations+ Stage of development: 100% done! Welcome to my mod. Project Civilizations+ is a mod supposed to aid players and modders to do their own scenarios in the best way possible. This mod took me at least 4 years to finish, between hours and hours of work and is finally being launched, so, what will this mod have? -4767 Civilizations to you be able to do the best scenarios. -At least 99,9% of the civilizations with flags. -A lot of civilizations with ideological flags, mainly monarchists, republicans, fascists and communists flags. -30+ Ideologies, all being usefull and thought to be usefull to use in at least 2 or plus scenarios. -Victoria II pallet of colors. -95% of this content is included in the @Çağan Ayyıldız's mod, Project Vita. -I'm also including my best map ever made for Project Vita. My Victorian Era Map with more than 600 civilizations and with the most detailed sources possible. -Added Modern World, Great War Prelude (1910), The Gathering Storm (1936), Twilight Over Europe and Giant Castle. MOD LINK PC(1.5): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gI-FBN-UM3xrclnMe7uNyE4WCTpPK9ab/view?usp=drive_link MOD LINK ANDROID(1.5) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1t4GGGTEkqEE8aPuZt1cJUA7ywqXCMx7Q/view?usp=drivesdk (Android version may present little bugs, but none of them affect the gameplay) Also, thanks for helping with some flags and UI: @Çağan Ayyıldız.
  11. Death of the Fatherland Death of the Fatherland is a upcoming mod for AoC2 which imagines a different timeline during WW1, where the Agadir Crisis sparked it and Japan joined the Central Powers. The beta will contain content for the RSSF, Westphalia, and Prussia as well as skeletons for France, the UK, and Italy, and Spain and other smaller nations. Expect most of the content in this update to be focused around Europe. Timeline: 1871: German Unification 1889: Boulangists take control of the Government declaring the 4th French Republic 1899: Philip VIII is crowned King of the French due to demand from the Monarchist factions in the government Russo Japanese War: 8 February 1904 - 28 November 1907 Germany embarks on unrestricted warfare in the Atlantic to hinder USA's contribution the Entente Agadir Crisis: Discord 1911: Moroccan Rebellion begins French Troops quickly arrive to put down the rebellion Germany demands compensation France refused and began causing chaos in the German stock market Germany launches naval blockade France declares war Italy and Austria, Spain join the Germans side United Kingdom stays neutral Russia joins France despite popular resistance Japan joins the central powers on the condition that Germany give up much of its pacific holdings December 8, 1911: Germany launches the Schlieffen plan and invades Belgium and the Netherlands December 12 1911: United Kingdom declares war on Germany Belgium falls but the Netherlands manages to hold on 1912: Frontline on the west stall Serbia, Montenegro, Bulgaria, and Greece declare war on the Ottomans triggering the first Balkan War Austria declares war on Serbia after discovering a Serbian telegram to France asking to join the Entente The Balkan League joins the Entente The Ottomans join the Central Powers Romania declares war on Austria 1913: Russian lines collapse and Germany enters Kiev French capture Barcelona, and Zaragoza is captured shortly after October 24, 1913: Petrograd Revolt Germany advances deep into Ukraine, Byelorussia, and the Baltics Germany consolidates its lines November 12, 1913: Russia unofficially leaves the war as it has lost all forms of central government 1914: Germany begins preparing its industry for a quick offensive towards Paris Central Powers begin relocating its divisions from Russia towards the West Ottomans lose control of Jerusalem Spain surrenders due to popular unrest and separatism and a armistice is signed Battle of Verdun starts with over 100 divisions on both sides Battle of Verdun ends leaving almost 1.5 million soldiers dead combined 1915: Germany begins heavily bombing French industry in preparation of the 1916 spring offensive Small movements from both sides Germany embarks on unrestricted warfare in the Atlantic to hinder USA's contribution the Entente 1916: 1916 Spring Offensive begins in the western front with German Forces using up much of Germany's resources, industry and manpower reaching the outskirts of Paris Battle of Paris begins with German soldiers starting to mutiny against the government on the Homefront 1917: Battle of Paris ends with a Entente Victory and the German army is beginning to be pushed back by the French Brussels is liberated by French, American, And British troops May 30th: The Central Powers surrender. The Treaty of Versailles is signed dissolving the Kingdom of Italy, Germany, and Austro-Hungarian Empire 1919: The exhausted Entente army decides to sign a armistice with Japan allowing them to keep their gains in the Pacific Progress Report: Civilizations: 20% Flags: 12% Ideologies: 100% Events: 0% Map: 100% (but will be subject to change before beta) Leaders: 6% TEASERS
  12. Links: https://www.mediafire.com/file/r6a1cgmlerpegyi/Desktop.rar/file https://www.mediafire.com/file/b2awszwmcm18lvt/1724435009832pfcsnlpa.rar/file
  13. Mod created by: https://vk.com/aocmobile (Sieg Edition Team) Mod (PC) translated by: http://www.ageofcivilizationsgame.com/profile/63926-aos_ker/ Mod (Mobile) Ported by: http://www.ageofcivilizationsgame.com/profile/28164-phzanonigamer/ PC: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1C3G0JgNhM807sZvBx2xCvi_5Y6Cuonoy/view?usp=sharing MOBILE: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1r_07UP08-iUUA4mO_AbGzRQBSb8XQ51v/view Report any translation issues in the comments!
  14. Now I working for my AoC2 Europe map, that have more provinces than Bloody Europe! I believe that I will be able to make this map by the February of 2023 (I mean connecting provinces and scenarios too) [---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] [---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] To show how big the map is, I'll make a comparison Crimea in Bloody Europe(20 provinces): Crimea in my map(28 provinces): Ukraine in Bloody Europe(146 provinces): Part of Ukraine in my map(186 provinces): [-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] [-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] Future scenarios: Modern World(DPR, LPR, Kosovo, Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Transnistrian Moldavian Republic included) Modern World+ (Russo-Ukrainian war and also Kosovo, Abkhazia, South Ossetia, TMR included) Regions of Ukraine 26 December 1991(Ichkeria included) World War ll 1919 World War l The scenarios will be supplemented [-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] [-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] If you think that I, like others, will leave the creation of the map at the final stage, its a mistake. I'm not them, I haven't so many things that I can't finish something. Map author is from Ukraine! You can follow the mod here: YouTube or Telegram Channel
  15. CENTURIA (Before Known as the 1900-2024 Scenario) This will be my first scenario posted in this forum. This scenario will have events from the 1900s to the 2000s or 2020s. Im planning to add some alt history paths too. Im planning to do events for major powers, and maybe when finish the scenario I will add some extra events to spice things up. If you have any alt history idea put it in this post: Uwut engine required I will uwut engine to make the scenario more realistic and I will use the superevents too. (Idk why you will do this but please dont hate me in the comments) Progress Now i am working for events from the 1900s to 1920s. Events: 65% (1900-1920) Scenario: 100% Reference for scenario (Start): In-game map (1900): Sry for low quality 😛 (The font and the map bg are not included) If you want go to to get it Features: -Events: Historical events such as: Balkan wars, Russo-Japanese war, World wars, Rise of fascism, etc. Also alt history/non-historical events! Such as: (For now): Boer victory in the Boer wars, alternate expansion of Italy in Africa, Early russo-japanese war, etc. This ones will not be 100% realistic. This is just for fun! -"Releaseables": There will be "releaseables" such as: India, Sinkiang, Armenia, etc. -Custom 1900 scenario -Superevents: Custom and historical -Endings: There will be endings such as: Nuclear war, Anarchism, Pollution, etc. Ideas from: -Uwut engine (Credits goes to him) Possible Features: -Flags -New Nations -Leaders Im considering these because this will add a lot more work to do. Years done: 1900-1914 Hope this releases soon!
  16. audrikney


    How would colonialism work in this game? When you set up a colony, will the colony be directly run by you, or will it be a separate civ like in the WW2 scenario video?
  17. It's time to put on your armor and saddle your stallion, because the Vicar of Christ himself has declared that all who help drive out the infidels from the Holy Land will be granted absolution! When the Pope decides that the time has come for a new Crusade, he asks all Catholics in the world for help. After this, you can get to the Command Window by clicking on the Crusade banner under your portrait. In the Crusade Window (hereinafter referred to as the CP) you can access a bunch of useful information, as well as take actions that will help the Crusade or change its course. You'll be able to see the recipient the Pope suggests (if there is one) in the top left corner, and the target character and title in the top right. There will also be a timer counting down until the start of the war. Until this point, you can do the following: Catholic rulers can give military support to the CP. When they do this, they appear in the list of participants. At the expense of each participant, prestige, piety and artifacts in the Military Fund grow. The target religion can do the same, with the relative strength of both sides shown under their portraits as "Common Strength". Participating rulers will be automatically drafted into war. All Catholics can donate money to the CP in exchange for piety and a plus for their relationship with the Pope. Crusaders giving military support can add a beneficiary. This character must belong to the participant's dynasty, and if the CP is successful, they can receive a title in new lands depending on your contribution. Players can change the target character/title for piety. The price is relatively low at first, but it doubles each time to avoid spam. This means that if you are pious enough and want to get rid of the terrible state of infidels on your border, then you can do it! If the Crusade is successful, the outcome depends on the position of who made the greatest contribution. There are three positions: “Selfish”, “For my beneficiary” and “Agreement with the Pope’s demands”. The AI will always choose the latter. With a selfish position, the most active participant takes all the lands for himself. However, this completely deprives them of the opportunity to benefit from the wealth of the war fund, and the Pope considers this an impious act. In the second case, your beneficiary will become the king/queen of the captured lands. Dad still doesn't approve, but he doesn't think it's impious, and you can participate (partially) in sharing the fund. If the Pope does not choose who should receive the title, this is considered the default position and carries no penalty. The last position simply gives the kingdom to whoever the Pope wants to see in this place. If he has no opinion on this matter, the kingdom goes to the person who made the largest contribution. In the old system, the title and everything along with it went to the winner of the KP. You would often see France or the HRE owning Jerusalem for example, which was honestly quite boring and often resulted in hereditary turmoil. While the player may still act in the old way by choosing a selfish stance, the new default behavior is completely different. If the Pope does not want to restore an existing king or pretender to the throne (in which case the old behavior will be used), then the Crusader Kingdom will appear: The Crusader Kingdom is a multicultural kingdom created from the beneficiaries of all members. The beneficiaries of the most active participants will receive the highest titles in the kingdom. To prevent the player from using the system through inheritance, the Kingdom will always have a ban on external inheritance, and the AI will try to select beneficiaries who are not inheriting something or are not married to someone who can inherit. If your beneficiary received lands in the Crusader Kingdom, your entire dynasty will receive a monthly piety bonus until their death. The new ruler of the Crusader State, in order to properly rule such difficult lands, receives the trait “Crusader King/Queen”, which gives a large bonus to relations with representatives of the same religion and other benefits. And finally, if your beneficiary has become a king/queen, you can switch to them, leaving your old character and taking control of the ruler of the new Crusader Kingdom (this is one of the reasons why you can only choose members of your dynasty as beneficiaries). We believe this will give you the quintessential experience of being able to both handle unruly vassals and defend against vengeful religious enemies! @Gustav Heinrich @Nisnac @Avinetta @BySpringBonnie76 @Evis7 @AleksGame @Nay_13 @IRn@bulbanoof @RMaRe@IKayzerI @thecarvalhogamer@ecl @Kiwi@aa30388, @Alexey Navalny,@wbladew5,@qxz,@Wayne23lololh, @Anyone,@Nowarhia, @Outlawexperience, @GalacticCakes, @Matvey, @bizacjum @paul2kdj @BALONA30, @Barbaris, @Rodak Polak, @wafflestein8, @Yahya @wbladew5, @Mihael1, @Warnnexx, @Free City of Łódź what do you thinks about my idea? @Łukasz Jakowski
  18. (INDONESIA) Hai semua! Jadi aku lagi gabut ga tau mau ngapain makanya aku bikin mod ini, eh malah bagus. Jadi daripada aku simpen sendiri mending ku bagi kan ke kalian semua. jadi kalian bisa nyoba! Btw ini mod baru, jadi kalo ada yang salah atau bug bisa kontak aku di discord. https://discord.gg/ShztvNXTza atau FahryUHD#9999 (ENGLISH) Hi all! So I'm bored, I don't know what to do, that's why I made this mod, it's actually good. So instead of keeping it to myself, I'd better share it with all of you. so you can try! Btw, this is a new mod, so if something goes wrong or a bug, you can contact me on discord. https://discord.gg/ShztvNXTza or FahryUHD#9999 DOWNLOAD LINK https://www.mediafire.com/file/nf3s0h7q2okcgtb/indonesian_lang.zip/file Installation instructions are in the file Petunjuk instalasi ada di file
  19. All rights of this scenario belong to me. I wish you good games. Trailer video: Scenario link: https://discord.gg/vCNKQuHjAQ
  20. You see, your games don’t have this randomness. Almost all games will be practically the same and there is no alternative end to them. This idea that the game ends only when you capture the whole world was also in the previous parts. those. The game has only one ending. But I would like something else. For example, an alternative ending with the Earth destroyed by nuclear bombs. Or not, on the contrary, the ending is that the whole world is in peace and harmony. Or I end with the invasion of synthetics from outer space. Or the ending that all people have gone crazy and no longer obey the states (anarchic) Or that one scientist invented ---- that make it possible to turn a person into a subordinate animal (yes, I was describing myself, but no, this is just a zombie apocalypse scenario), which can follow its leader and the end of this horde will be when the leader is killed. Yes, the last two can be modded, but I would like the game not to be boring. So that the game would at least have the opportunity for the population who are against the current regime to rebel against the ruler. But this is probably the next idea. @murai @AmericanLiberia@YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan @ALDI @mattxjpg @china peple @Das Moss Man@Dipto479, @Lim10, @aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, @SerenDippTheGreat, @bun_dha4, @Wooodex, @Iceman, @Comrade_Parrot, @桂圆甜不甜, @PiePants, @sanitar4ick,@Gustav Heinrich @Nisnac@Avinetta @Evis7 @AleksGame @Nay_13 @IRn@bulbanoof @RMaRe@IKayzerI @thecarvalhogamer@ecl @Kiwi@aa30388,@wbladew5,@qxz,@Wayne23lololh, @Anyone,@Nowarhia, @Outlawexperience, @GalacticCakes, @Matvey, @bizacjum @paul2kdj @BALONA30, @Barbaris, @Rodak Polak, @wafflestein8, @Yahya @wbladew5, @Mihael1, @Warnnexx, @Free City of Łódź What answer would you give to my question ? @Łukasz Jakowski
  21. Give me: Name / Flag and the territory color that you want (optionnal). If no flag, I'll create one.
  22. defensive or offensive alliances against common enemies in Age of History 3. this will work as follows, if 2 countries A and B have bad relations with country C and also have a border with it/have a common border (between each other), then countries A and B, provided that their common economic potential is less than or equal to country C, will conclude a defensive alliance against country C. If If the total economic potential of countries A and B is greater than that of country C, then in this case they will conclude an offensive alliance and either immediately or as relations with country C deteriorate, they will enter into a military confrontation with it. Thus, we will get a kind of 'local alliances' against certain countries. An example of a defensive alliance against a common enemy from history is the Franco-Polish alliance against Germany, and an offensive one is the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact against Poland After defeating a common enemy, the alliance disintegrates
  23. You know, this mod was forgotten, but I decided to resurrect it. Modding is abandoned beacuse Bpm is disbanded. And it doesn't see its true value What have I done: -With Uwut Engine -I edited the leaders (Harry S Truman etc.) -Ideology icons (including puppets) -2 new ideologies (Valkism, Sharia Islam Law) -Several secret paths(Snoop Dog, MrBeast Path etc..) -Tno updates(Has mistakes I will update that) -1942,1943,1944,1945, Endsieg will be added and it is planned to have an event with the next update (event only for allies and Germany) -The map will remain the same because it is very optimized and does not slow down. -Mostly deficiencies or fixes etc. -Innovations in Pearl Harbor, Sea Lion, Barbarossa in 1936 New Scenarios: The Soviet Union Collapse(1991) With (10 events , idk...) Red World ( Soviet Union Winner of Cold War) Age Of Imperialism(No ww1) with 50+ Events Fuhrerreich in Beta beacuse I couldn't find good resource pls send me link,map etc.. 1939-1945 (There will be no Events for now) +I'm thinking of making a Launcher for the PC version of game (with chat gpt) +I'm planning to use the Uwut engine version on mobile.(I need man for a mobile port) +I will take photos quickly and I will download the mod drive. Nots: +I am not working Bpm Modding +I am just One Man +Please make a comment if you interested +I do not want problem . Resources: Ideology source:https://hoi4mods.miraheze.org/wiki/Kaiserredux/List_of_ideologies#Market_Liberalism Recommendations = Aggressiveness should not exceed 10 Pls Play in English, all focuses are in English (I will update it a little more and send it.) Links: Pc: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19gAoup75zSMKT2j2yNn0xbCXoyg4-Hlg/view?usp=drive_link Mobile: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Dl0rvv-7yZQ25JhvbKEUA6IYGHW49Wmv/view?usp=sharing Discord For Turks: https://discord.gg/Ff3KRaEZH2 Discord for Other Countries: Coming SOON! Our Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@madeinprusia
  24. Era of Empires mod is out Features in mode: Rivers: a graphical feature that many modes don't have New Background: background of World+ mode New Colar Paletes: better colors Other fixes / edits other than these Download link PC:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EFze7svZMGPs-OZscaNe4jVfB0Rt7lFL/view?usp=sharing (1.0) Mobile: Not yet Major/Small Cities: a feature that increases the geographical position of states New Scenarios: 1500,1648,1756(beta) scenarios added New Icons: better than those icons we're tired of seeing New Scales: added new 2 scales (8,11)
  25. Let's take apart the existing ones and move on to the idea. Basic: -Capture (You captured provinces in the war with civilization and civilization was completely annexed) -The government lost support and rebelled against it (yes, or the government is authoritarian, then maybe with the support of other countries, the country can be captured by the rebellious population and it already decides what is better for him to accept, + you can sit down for a new or new the formed state) What appeared or may appear in the new game: -The displacement of the ruling party (yes, the ruling party loses support and is replaced by another one either through decisions and reforms, or the player wants it himself, but the state that we saw before has ceased to exist for us. Unlike the previous one, here the party chooses itself and rebels against the state) ?The destruction of the country by nuclear bombs (in a war against a sparsely populated country, you use a nuclear bomb in many provinces of the country and the country ceases to exist (maybe in principle, or maybe autonomous territories will appear somewhere)) -Accidentally exploded (if there is a leak in the province producing uranium, then the countries and provinces will receive a debit if the station explodes) What can be added: -The state will cease to exist if it cannot support the population (there are reasons for that. The state is in too much debt, but it is necessary to maintain the population and it either dies or runs away in small groups to neighboring provinces (if they are not colonized, then states with a large military force appear there and + when attacking and defending against the debtor state for 30-50 years) If the population is steadily falling, then it can migrate to places where it is better (even to uninhabited provinces) IN ANY CASE, IF THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE IN THE PROVINCE IS 0, THEN THE PROVINCE BECOMES UNINHABITED Mystical ways and they are implemented: -Littering of the country (if your country either produces itself or is littered with other industries, then it steadily gets debauched into the population in the province and in the provinces themselves, which are littered. If you continue like this, the provinces will become uninhabitable) -Your country was destroyed by the uprising of zombie people (if the number of attacks in your country is steadily falling due to illness and you do nothing about it, then people who have already died can rise up and destroy your state (+ you can play as a horde of the undead, which is controlled by one main goiter). A new state may have a population growth factor if a province is struck by a disease. + to the people of the country, which receives forever subordinate people, i.e. the maximum level of trust among the population and the smallest level of rebellion (but if it appears, it will be very strong). big - to production because nothing is being done and big - to technology because zombies are not strong in this.) -Your power was destroyed by a battered superweapon (a country that has experienced and has not conspired with yours receives maximum reasoning from others. Perhaps the country conspired with yours (since the test gives you and the allied countries + to the relationship) In any case, whether it's a SOLAR LASER weapon, a KALI STORM, a COBALT BOMB or a "KING" AI must understand that 75% of the land must not be touched by a bomb, otherwise it must refuse (or act treacherously))) - Everything is not in order in your country, and it is constantly torn apart by uprisings (Neighboring countries can divide the good territories of your country among themselves) Conclusion: You are Poland.)))) @ALDI @Uruguargentina @murai @AmericanLiberia@YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan @ALDI @mattxjpg @china peple @Das Moss Man@Dipto479, @Lim10, @aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, @SerenDippTheGreat, @bun_dha4, @Wooodex, @Iceman, @Comrade_Parrot, @桂圆甜不甜, @PiePants, @sanitar4ick,@Gustav Heinrich @Nisnac@Avinetta @Evis7 @AleksGame @Nay_13 @IRn@bulbanoof @RMaRe@IKayzerI @thecarvalhogamer@ecl @Kiwi@aa30388,@wbladew5,@qxz,@Wayne23lololh, @Anyone,@Nowarhia, @Outlawexperience, @GalacticCakes, @Matvey, @bizacjum @paul2kdj @BALONA30, @Barbaris, @Rodak Polak, @wafflestein8, @Yahya @wbladew5, @Mihael1, @Warnnexx, @Free City of Łódź What answer would you give to my question ? @Łukasz Jakowski
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