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  1. Overviev I have an, I believe interesting idea, (kinda inspired by Vic3). In Age of history 2, you had a mechanic such as assimilations. I had a problem with it, when i had "unified" Germany. My idea is for making Civilisation group or somewhat of a Nationality Map mode that may affect assimilation. That is, for example, Me (Brandenburg (or some other German state)) have unified North Germany. i have to assimilate the population of Magdeburg, Ulster, Hamburg like i would assimilate Polish or French lands, even though Germans speak the same language and have similar culture it will take as much money and time to unify them under the same banner. Another example would be annexing Mazovia as Poland. Mazovia is not a separate culture, they were only a vassal state, and now i have to get them into my nation? Kinda problematic if you ask me. This thing would also improve a lot the roleplaying as a unifier thing for a bunch of people, myself included. Mechanics idea Assimilating enough of one's province may change their nationality. In the editor, we may paint the borders of major nationality In the editor, we may add nations to the same nationality by dragging each nation to the new group, like you do in AoH2 alliances. Same nationality gives huge boost in assimilating population Before researching nationalism the boost wouldn't be that great, as people didn't care that much about their nationality. Possible Problems I see a problem though, that it may cause lag, if implemented badly *Cough cough* Vic3, Vic3, so yeah. Major mechanic might be long to implement Over huge period of time, people have migrated, implementing that would cause lag I would like to hear some feedback about it. it is a major mechanic, and since it is just one month till launch i don't know if there is enough time for it. In the attachment i have an alternate scenario where after WW2 Germany got split. although different nations, they are the same people, so re-integrating territories shouldn't be that big of a problem. [Map is not exactly accurate on "German Nationality" as it is just an example, a concept rather than full-blown map.] [Map made by Me ^-^]
  2. Mean if people want to create maps on Mobile or just in game, you could just add another editor in the game with buttons to allow user to convert image to provinces or allow them to make, merger and delete Providences easily it really shouldn't be limited to PC
  3. I'm fairly new to the game and definitely new to the map editor and I've just been playing around with the editor. I'm curious if there's a way to make an event where 1 larger country e.g. USA would split into multiple countries e.g. Union and Confederacy. Thanks!
  4. Hey guys! I made this simple Planet of The Apes scenario. PS: I intend to continue until I fill the entire world, but that will take thousands of years, haha. Human Civilizations: 1. North American Resistance (USA) 2. Canadian Resistance 3. Mexican Resistance 4. Cuban Resistance 5. Brazilian Resistance 6. Argentine Resistance 7. Latin South American Resistance 8. Alaskan Resistance 9. South Africa Resistance 10. Sudan Resistance 11. Egypt Resistance 12. Madagascar Resistance 13. Somalia Resistance If you want to give any suggestions or criticism after checking the scenario, I would be very grateful. 2° Update: It contains 269 civilizations, in América, Africa and Middle East. Only 13 of them are human (while the rest are primates). The download link (was updated) is here, via Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10GR02ve78tTGiV_rdX6rb12PLOqw06dP?usp=drive_link
  5. The reason of why I suggest this is so your saved scenarios,gameplays and more can be accessed on different devices if you sign in! I would also like on mobile to import custom flags as this would be a good addition to the game! I would also like to add mods into iOS
  6. This is mys maps for Age of History II; Medieval Style: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Kq__82bptz-7T9MT4woqWe5xVXLVpgWG?usp=sharing Universalis Style: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ammPIRXh-n33c4AZZgDwYd_L1_8EgNHm?usp=sharing Enjoy!
  7. Hello, Age of History II community! This is Magolor (Talirian). After months of silence, finally I'm coming back with the brand-new Age of Modding v0.9.8.0 UPDATE! - You are a new modder, you want to make a mod with custom events, maps, musics, icons and everything else, but don't know how to do? - You are a skilled modder, you have so many ideas but it takes too much time and effort to realize? - You are a gamer, you want to quickly improve the game experience with prettified event pictures, custom music and modified game rules? Now, Age of Modding can save your day! Age of Modding (AoM for short) is a Windows software, designed to help AoH2 modders, providing a super convenient and intuitive GUI-based modding pipeline. >>>Age of Modding v0.9.8.0 UPDATE Download Link<<< ----- Current Version features Include: - Brand-New UI: Taken from PyDracula, a UI way better than previous one! Enjoy the tool's efficiency as well as beauty. - Better Map Generator Algorithm: No more gaps between provinces; more options and more flexibility; allowing separated provinces including enclaved provinces. Creating huge maps with thousands of provinces within 10 minutes! - Pictures Manager: As in v0.9.0.0. Convert UI files to different scales, resizing event pictures and leaders portraits. Together with the Game Base Manager. You can finally enjoy large event pictures in your game experience! - Texts Manager: As in v0.9.0.0. Convenient event localization, and text-based event making pipeline under the help of a new format. Improved in v0.9.8.0 with more intuitive edition. Automatic registration of charset: never going to have missing characters again! (still improving) - Mods Manager: As in v0.9.0.0. Manage game with different mods and versions: add, clean, rename, move and export to .zip file to be ready to publish with just one click. - Music Manager: Replace your own music and sound effects! It is easy! - Game Base Manager (Dev): Change game base and change the rules! More technologies, different combating computations, different event picture sizes, different diplomacy, etc. Different game bases are collected from different mods. Also, I personally modified the original game base for simple things like war declaration turn. This is still under development and more documentations and explanations are definitely required. - Civilization Manager (Coming Soon): Civilization BATCH editor! Add hundreds of civilizaitions using one click only. Made available by the custom Game Base developed throughout months: serializable AoH2. This is still under development (I once finished it but the source code was lost in a catastrophic breakdown of my computer, together with all the source codes of the old v0.9.0.0 AoM 😞). ----- Introductions and Tutorials of the old AoM are already uploaded on YouTube in English, please subscribe my Youtube channel Taliran: Talirian. Or if you want Chinese Tutorials, or have a bilibili account and willing to support me by subscribing my bilibili account Talirian: Talirian. (Please do subscribe if you are interested. Thank you very much for your attention!) Currently only English and Chinese (since I'm Chinese) are supported as interface language, if you would like to help me translate and add new languages, please contact me. ----- Old Topic: AoM v0.9.0.0 Link ----- Disclaimer: Please do checkout Tutorial, and please do backup your files. The software is currently under beta so BUGs may occur. Please contact me if you find any. The software is completely free of charge (and it will always be), and you could freely use it for any purpose in any way. But please notice: 1. Though this is not compulsory and I have no means of checking, please add acknowledgement if you used this software during the production of your mod or map or whatever it is. 2. It is allowed to profit, if you like, from mods created under the help of this software. But it is not allowed to profit by redistributing, selling or providing services from this software. 3. Though this is not compulsory and I have no means of checking, using this software that I'm willing to share, you should also be willing to contribute to the community and share your findings whenever you discovered some new techniques in AoH2 modding.
  8. AOH2 Province Exporter I made this program because i had to make it lol and i made it in JavaScript. This program exports provinces you have made with the Map Editor, so instead of using the Map Editor to export provinces and having to rename the provinces (which isn't the case for Map Editor 2.0) or deleting and remaking the province files with the Map Editor, which is very time consuming. You could use this to export the provinces that are displayed in the Map Editor The way it works is by using the Map Editor data / mapAoC2_v2.txt file and exporting it to generate provinces. The Instructions of how to use it is in the program. GitHub Download/Releases : https://github.com/honsda/AOH2-ProvinceExporter/releases Report bugs here : https://github.com/honsda/AOH2-ProvinceExporter/issues Exporting with the Website Version 1. Upload the Map Editor data. ( or mapAoC2_v2.txt file, which is located in editor_data folder in your Map Editor folder.) Website Version of the Exporter: https://honsda.github.io/AOH2-ProvinceExporter/web Running the program in Windows 1. Download the Zip file from releases in GitHub. or download from here (v1.0.3) AOH2-ProvinceUpdater-v1.0.3.rar 2. Extract the Zip file. 3. Run it and do what it says. Also i only made an executable version of the program for Windows, you'll have to download the repository and run it by yourself. Running the program for Non-Windows users 1. Download NodeJS for your OS. 2. Download the repository in GitHub. (Press "Code" and click "Download ZIP") 3. Extract the Zip file. 4. Open cmd prompt and redirect to the extracted folder using `cd <your-path-here>`. 5. Type `npm install` and wait for it to finish. 6. Run the program by typing `node update.js` on the cmd prompt.
  9. Give me: Name / Flag and the territory color that you want (optionnal). If no flag, I'll create one.
  10. Some recommended tool add brushes for the buildings also for putting units because you'll just end up clicking one by one in the Scenario Editor
  11. Colonization. It needs to be changed. In the last part of the game, when you created a new city (for example, in empty America), a small population spawned. The population in such settlements is 5-10 times less than in already generated settlements. It is extremely difficult to raise such cities to the same European level. Therefore, in the new part of the game you can make colonization more realistic. For example, in Europe there is a city with a population of 100 thousand people, and there is a new colony with 10 thousand people. This can be done using the already created military conscription system, where, for example, 20 thousand out of 100 thousand in a European city would be mobilized. And then you move them. This can also be done through a colonization system to move populations from major cities to colonies. Only this will have its own button with its own name, and not conscription into the army. And already there (in the colony) they were disbanded, so that all 20 thousand inhabitants of this settlement began to live with these 10 thousand. Thus, we increased the population of the colony from 10 to 30. Lukash, what do you think?
  12. Simple idea. Ability to change country via event. Historical example: Austro-Hungarian empire collapses. Hungary declares independence. Now the player playing scenario about that should get event, whether he wants to stick with the Austria (deafult successor of the country), or change country to Hungary. If he chose Hungary, everything he did would stay in Austria. Leaders, provinces, ethnicities, armies, technologies etc, he would literally start playing another country. All events and missions connected to Austria would stay in Austria as well, not go with player to Hungary.
  13. country formation systemEven in the second part, I really liked the ability to customize scenarios and fill them out. I was especially interested in the event chains. With the expansion of the capabilities and mechanics of the third part of the game, there was hope to see a “dream editor” (all the best to the most wonderful developer in the world and greetings to everyone from Eastern Europe). Namely, I am interested in the following points: 1) Creating your own states with full customization 2) separate creation of events and missions, taking into account various conditions and consequences. It is desirable that they be clearly divided into global/inherent under some independent condition (region of the world, presence of a certain province, etc.)/for a particular country 3) the ability to customize the formation of an organization, modifiers for participants, their relationships, restrictions or conditions for joining the organization. This is important, because in addition to the UN, NATO, CIS, etc. I'm interested in the possibility of having the Japanese Shogunate/Empire of Japan (in fragmented form), the Mandate of Heaven, the Holy Roman Empire, Colonial Empires (like the Commonwealth, if the mechanics with colonies as subjects cannot be implemented through the mechanics of vassals), etc. 4) Adjust country formation system from one country to another. Some options will be available only to certain countries (Example: Moscow/Novgorod/Smolensk/Kiev was able to form Rus/Russia, but if you need to form Ukraine/Free Field/Ruthenium, then Kiev/Volyn/Chernigov will be able to do this, but other East Slavic countries will not be able to ). In this case, you can enter conditions for the required provinces, or form of government, or level of technology. 5) If possible, give the opportunity (+ for example when importing images) to create your own rulers, advisers, generals (will be issued to a certain country subject to condition); customize terrain types, vassal types, etc., etc. I believe that these introductions are a compromise for fans of customization and modification Suggestions, thoughts, comments are welcome What do you think about this, @Łukasz Jakowski?
  14. December 22, 2050, a cold winter day, the very peak of human civilization for centuries to come. But then at 15:30 UTC, tensions over the recent Russian invasion of the Baltics the day before caused NATO to declare war on Russia when Narva fell, Russian predident Alexander Vykov earlier that day warned of 'nuclear interventon' if NATO went to war, but at about 15:51, Russia deployed the nukes, causing America to do the same a few minutes later. by about 17:30, the last nukes hit and the governments hid in bunkers. 300 million died that day. And the nuclear winter and fallout caused 5 billion more to die and for the entire planet to collapse. It wasn't until the mid 2060s that people started getting out of their bunkers and creating new civilizations. the former nations left their bunkers but all but a few were quickly overwhelmed by local powers. by 2120, society was starting to normalize. As usual, many countries went to war. humanity was set back to the industrial age. some former US state governments managed to survive and declare independence. Who will you pick to lead out of the dark age? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Europe Middle east and North africa South asia China Eastern North America ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Link to deeper lore coming soon... Note that you will need WinRAR because I can't convert it into .zip Extract postapocalypse2120 into map/Earth/scenarios Extract civilizations_editor into game/civilizations_editor Extract leaders into game/leaders Might update soon! :) 2120.zip civilizations_editor.rar leaders.rar
  15. Another slight question about the new editor mode would be: Can we edit or set an initial economy or population amount for each civilization? Basically, if we could do that, we could create real modern scenarios, for example, China with 1b population, USA with 21b economy, among others, although not so exaggerated. Thanks for reading, and don't forget to drink water 👍
  16. Не знаю правда куда link post, пусть будет здесь. Пара предложений по нововведениям в AOH3: Колонизация. Его необходимо изменить. В последней части игры, когда вы создаете новый город (например, в пустой Америке), появляется небольшая нация. Население в таких поселениях в 5-10 раз меньше, чем в уже сформированных поселениях. Такие города требуют сложного подъема на том же европейском уровне. Поэтому в новой части игры вы сможете сделать колонизацию более реалистичной. Например, в Европе есть город с населением в 100 тысяч человек, и есть новая колония с населением в 10 тысяч человек. Это можно сделать с помощью системы звонков, где люди будут стимулироваться, например, 10 тысяч из 100 тысяч. А потом вы их перемещаете. Это также можно сделать с помощью системы колонизации, чтобы переместить население из крупных городов в шахты (в колонии). И уже там их расформировали, так что все 10 тысяч жителей этого города. Отдельный мир. Я считаю, что можно сделать, чтобы страна могла подписать мир с врагом, не завися от мнений стран-союзников. В последней части игры были очень бесполезные моменты, когда ты был на пике, и у тебя были лучшие условия для подписания мира. Но когда вы подпишете соглашение о мире, союзное государство отказывается от его подписки. И тогда начинается переход к противнику, где он в конечном итоге отбивает часть территории до тех пор, пока силы стороны не уравняются и фронт не замерзнет. Несмотря на это, союзники по-прежнему отстают подписать мирный договор. Пока мои солдаты гибнут, союзник вообще не может нести никаких потерь. И это может продолжаться очень долго. Я думаю, что подписание сепаратного мира должно быть возможным, но для баланса сделать это трудным и с явными последствиями. Например, обсудить отношения с союзниками. Что касается сложности подписания такого отдельного договора..... тут я пока ничего не придумал. Торговля. Проблемы с текущей торговлей очевидны, ведь по сути вы можете торговать с другими изменениями в странах: золотом и бонусами. То есть вы можете либо отдать золото в другую страну (денег вам точно не дадут), либо обменять деньги, например, на право прохода для армии. Слишком мало того, что можно использовать в торговле. Было бы здорово добавить в игру еще что-нибудь. Например, добавьте полезные природные ресурсы. Вы также можете создать систему кредитов и давать другим странам. Каждый может погасить кредит любым способом. Если у страны очень большие долги, то расплатиться за них можно, например, территориями. Природные ресурсы. О них стоит поговорить подробнее. Очевидно, это будет очень большое нововведение. Посмотрите, это как минимум предметы торговли. Но зачем они нам? Начнем с того, что в зависимости от эпохи будут условно иметь свои ресурсы. Ведь очевидно, что, например, говорить о нефти в 1400 году – не лучшая идея. Здесь, вероятно, подойдет какое-нибудь древесина. Но также необходимо позволить системе перейти от добычи леса к нефти. Как добывать? Вы можете добавить специальное здание для добычи ресурсов. Для той же древесины необходимо построить лесопилку, а для добычи нефти – нефтяную скважину. Теперь необходимо построить здания не только с точки зрения зрения золота (денег), но и ресурсов. Например, строительство нефтяной скважины: 10 тысяч золота и 10 тонн железа. Это также следует учитывать и к другим постройкам, включая любые крепости. Там камень или что-то еще, или сразу несколько материалов. Но необходима редкость ресурсов. У нас в игре разные карты: политические, географические и другие. Добавляем условно новую карту, где показаны ресурсы. Хотя не обязательно делать эту карту видимой для игрока. Вы можете сделать так, чтобы природные ресурсы появлялись на карте случайным образом. Поскольку игрок не видит, где находятся ресурсы, ему необходимо за деньги изучить предмет их применения. Здесь представлена собственная личная карта игрока, где уже отмечены и отмечены найденные игроком ресурсы. Либо можно сделать так, чтобы карта не была персональной для каждой страны (общая), а сделать так, чтобы, если другие страны мирового уровня, они тоже будут отмечены на карте. Хотя резервные ресурсы будут в виде рудных жил, то есть так, что большая часть карт была бы, например, без содержания железа, но были бы какие-то пятна разного размера с их наличием. Реальный вопрос: следует ли отделять полезные ресурсы друг от друга или в одном городе может быть сразу несколько полезных ресурсов? В случае последнего соединения стоит сделать карту ресурсов ресурсов по подразделениям, где каждый ресурс будет показан отдельно. Теперь стоит обсудить, что богатая страна станет силой силы. Очевидно, что некоторые территории очень богаты тем или иным ресурсом, тогда как другие территории богаты лишь незначительно. Стоит правительства степени богатства городов (территорий). От 0 до 3. 3 — ресурсов много, 2 — средне, 1 — мало, 0 — нет. Также от этой цифры зависит то, как добыть ресурс. Можно так: 3 - добыча просто, как говорится: тыкни палкой в песок и найдешь нефть; 2 - необходимо построить более совершенные здания для добычи полезных ископаемых; 1. Так как ресурсов здесь мало, необходимы значительные улучшения зданий. Если в стране мало каких-либо ресурсов, эти ресурсы можно купить в других странах. Я поделился другими своими идеями. Пожалуйста, поддержите мой пост, чтобы Лукаш Яковски его увидел и прокомментировал. Если у вас есть еще идеи, как дополнить мои мысли, то напишите. Заранее спасибо.
  17. INTRODUCTION I may not have been a highly active writer on this forum before, however I spent hundreds of hours in AOH2 editor and I would like to share my experience and Conclusions on how AOH3 editor should look. My opinions are based on AOH2 so with upcoming new possible mechanics some things may get clickly outdated, obviously. First and Foremost, I want to point out that the editor is in my opinion the most important thing in AOH2, and most likely will become in AOH3 as well. And the most interesting thing in Editor is the Event creator and I will focus on it. AOH3 may become, apart from being good game, de facto launcher for different unique games if change will be implemented properly. VARIABLES AND OUTCOME "IF" Variables plays crucial role in programming. I find creating complicated events in AOH3 something similar to programming, so the scenario editor should include this as well. There should be an option to add Variables (maybe in the editor panel, or just in scenario's settings?). a Variable would be essentially a named value determined by the events (in the events' outcomes), influencing other events (in the events' Triggers). They would perfectly fit with another significant novelty, which would be result "if". In AOH2 if I wanted to make different outcomes in different conditions, I used to make just many events. This is often frustrating though, because you have to either limit possible outcomes, or make very large amount of events, all of which would concern the very same thing. "If" would work as command "execute" in minecraft (Does anyone know what I am talking about?). It means that "if" would be a one of the outcomes, but upon selecting "if" you would just see another trigger and outcome window. This is showcase of using both Variables and "if": > Variables are made to show popularity of Russian political parties (e.g. 3 - very high, 2 - high, 1 - Low, 0 - Very low) > Gets event about Political scandal in centrist party but only if it has very high popularity (variable is 3) > As an outcome they lose 1 (from 3 to 2) > If Communist party has outcome higher than 1, they get 1 additional point (e.g. from 2 to 3), only if I hope this clarifies concept. ADABTABLE DESCRIPTIONS AND TITLES Another issue I encounter when creating events is that the description and title give you always the same message no matter what. It hurts me when I have to write the same event about the same things again, just with changing one word when the situations differ. I propose adding "commands" in the text, that upon showing event would look differently. In this showcase I will use "[...-TAG]" as universal command framework. For example command [Capital-POL] would show in its place the name of the current capital of the country in the scenario that has tag "POL". It also fits greatly with variables, allowing player to put mathematical equations in commands which would include these variables Showcase of using adabtable descriptions and Titles and how it would look like in a game: Title: Riots in [Capital-POL]! Desc: Today, after passing a new law concerning increasing tax rate, a huge riots began in [Capital-POL]. Police denied to fight with protesters, and it seems like the our doctrine of [Ideology-POL] is losing popularity. Pope [Leader-VAT] Has spoke to Polish population ensuring them that the Individual freedom is very important and must not be given up. Translated in game into: Title: Riots in Warsaw! Desc: Today, after passing a new law concerning increasing tax rate, a huge riots began in Warsaw. Police denied to fight with protesters, and it seems like the our doctrine of Communism is losing popularity. Pope John Paul II Has spoke to Polish population ensuring them that the Individual freedom is very important and must not be given up. I hope you get it. SCENARIO-SIDE LEADERS The last topic I want to focus on are the leaders. Leaders are currently in the game good addition, but with being impossible to change, It would be great to see other solutions. I think that the best solution would be just scenario-side leaders, with player making scenario able to freely set leaders on different countries. Obviously what is also needed is leaders changable via events. All of this applies to generals which was leaked to be in the AOH3 by Łukasz. SUMMARY I believe that changes proposed above would make events so powerful, that players would be able to implement their own mechanics in the game, changing the way we see AOH3 for better. This + New system would make AOH3 game very easy and fun to mod and create complex things in.
  18. everything will be obvious here, we need asking you to add a religion editor to aoh3 pls
  19. As we all aware, The Modding of Aoh2 is hard for an newbie, this issue was simply an common knowledge and it was worth pointing out that Aoh3 SHALL NOT and MUST NOT takes the bad features of the Aoh2 modding. The first thing is the Data Files of the Game. In Aoh2, and specifically Android, this problem has hampered the significant amount of features-addition and Manual Civ-Installation. There is an solution for Android: -Moves the Data Files toward External, Internal(Android, Data), Or Both: This is to made an better access toward the files and basically use the solution made by PC-Port of Moddable game to android. (Improved Editor) The Elephant in the room was the Editor here, there is an good features of the Aoh2 Editor but to say... It was an potential. The Flag Editor: The Flag Editor have to be the most wasted potential amongst the editor, Why? Because it could be a lot better, why not🙃 -Pr0blems: -You can't paste Flag Files from your External Files. Just really the most frustrating when you only can add your downloaded Files Manually? I propose an feature for both PC and Android to basically open the File Manager or In-game file explorer to just add an Flag without any hassle. I do recommend we can add symbols of the flag too. -Color Palette, not quite an big issue out there but simply that you can add color palattes file from your storage to add more colours? (Less of an big issue). -Ability for the Editor-Flag to be extracted from the Apps to External, if someone really wants our creation or simply we want to place our hardworked Flag somewhere safe. That's it for the Flag Editor.... Leader Editor: I mean it's an common knowledge that this feature is an letdown in Aoh2😔 -Ability to Add Leader Image From External or Internal, same as the flag editor. -Leaders Description. -Birth and Death mechanics reworked, i recommend that Death Mechanics to be reworked or removed since it broke event. Scenario Editor: -Improved Events Editor, add very much of the Conditions of event so we can add event easily. Or simply just made the Event easily edited from the Data Files. -Superevents, Important Events, and others. Quite an big amount of people(especially someone who familiar with Hoi4 knows this), it's basically event in an much more important tiers. Ideology Editors and Political Factions(Parties and stuffs): -We can add our own ideology with ease, and add icons from the directory. -Political Factions such as Parties, Officer Faction or Intellegentsia can be influential toward nation. There is an big potential for we to edit parties with different leaders and Agenda. And more issues to adress... (I will keep continue adding things if there's any suggestion).....
  20. Im a mobile users, i have made a lot of leaders and nations on mobile but mods on mobile can't generate files after create so i can't transfer or share them to other mods or other players. I really need help from PC users to generate those files
  21. hey hey, do you know how to write a city in different alphabet or ? for exemple, a russian city name written in latin and cyrillic alphabet ? same for arab cities etc etc
  22. I made new scenarios and experimented a bit, but i wanted to delete some of them for various reasons (glitches,bad ideas,etc.) but I am unable to delete them. Is the feature not implemented yet or am i missing something?
  23. Hello! I'm new to mapping here and I've stumbled upon a problem. What I tried to do was edit a province to make space for also adding a new one, which all turned out successful, but I've been experiencing problems with the province borders. The border of the province I edited is the same as it was and the border of the province I added is absent. I also cannot move my army to the new province. Does anyone know what to do?
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