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  1. Now I working for my AoC2 Europe map, that have more provinces than Bloody Europe! I believe that I will be able to make this map by the February of 2023 (I mean connecting provinces and scenarios too) [---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] [---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] To show how big the map is, I'll make a comparison Crimea in Bloody Europe(20 provinces): Crimea in my map(28 provinces): Ukraine in Bloody Europe(146 provinces): Part of Ukraine in my map(186 provinces): [-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] [-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] Future scenarios: Modern World(DPR, LPR, Kosovo, Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Transnistrian Moldavian Republic included) Modern World+ (Russo-Ukrainian war and also Kosovo, Abkhazia, South Ossetia, TMR included) Regions of Ukraine 26 December 1991(Ichkeria included) World War ll 1919 World War l The scenarios will be supplemented [-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] [-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] If you think that I, like others, will leave the creation of the map at the final stage, its a mistake. I'm not them, I haven't so many things that I can't finish something. Map author is from Ukraine! You can follow the mod here: YouTube or Telegram Channel
  2. in 1990 Trannistria went "Moldova bad, Russia good" and Moldova went "no" so they went to war and blah blah blah. If you want the juicy details on the war, go read the wikipedia page here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transnistria_War in this scenario you play as either Moldova or Transnistria (you can also play as Romania and Russia if you want) and goal here is to beat the oppisite team (you can also play as Ukraine, but I wouldn't reccomend that) if you don't know how to download this scenario, please read the "readme.txt" file kick Russia's (or Moldova's) ass!.zip
  3. Min321

    The Age of Romania

    New mod Rise of Romania Good diverse map Future Scenario: =Future World =Confedered States of Romania and Moldova =United Medieval States of Romania =Județean/Raional Independence !!Transnistria Map!! Big scaled provinces - With next Counties: =Moghilău =Jugastru =Tulcin =Râbnița =Balta =Dubăsari =Aneniev =Golta =Tiraspol =Ovidiopol =Oceacov =Odesa =Berezovca ...New Update...
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