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  1. I've asked this question before, but now it's more interesting to me than ever. Since any of my questions on the forum have six ideas inside it and no one answers to the point, I will ask it in TOPIC. Will there be anything that will threaten the player in the game itself, other than coalitions? Maybe there will be a unique state. There, for example, in 1789 there will be a superevent for the revolution and France will be given mega bonuses and the king will be overthrown, and a new political regime with a bunch of military bonuses and a handsome Napoleon in power will come in his place. I would like to see crises in the game, all sorts of gameplay-complicating things , gameplay for both the player and for other civilizations . crisis, I mean like the apocalypse or catastrophes, countries of supermassive or other threats , and so the crisis can only be because of atomic bombs and even that small (
  2. Question for Lukasz. How would holy wars work in the game?
  3. Question for Lukasz! Are combat system would change somehow at special time, like "hours" feature? Because it's not accurate that armies can walk past a province without capturing it. In medieval times, towns are made like fortresses so you can just walk past them. But in modern times, countries fighting for each piece of land so you need to capture them.
  4. Miste @Łukasz Jakowski, will we be able to create custom GUIs such as for example the ones in HOI4?
  5. One of the biggest issues about AoH2 is that there were only 1~3 updates, which made people feel the game was quite abandoned. Will AoH3 get updated?
  6. La cantidad de ciudades que se ocupan cuando los soldados ganan una batalla, ¿se podría configurar para que solo ocupen la ciudad donde ganaron la batalla ? Porque en el juego subido por lukasz , se muestra que ocupan las ciudades circundantes también.
  7. Will it be possible to make an event that: Or something like this?
  8. Like changing some bonuses from government type or something else
  9. Will the STEAM workshop be at launch or will you add it later? as long as you add it at all...
  10. Hi lukasz I am writing this post to ask if it will be possible to implement a technology tree for each country. The purpose of this idea is to be able to put in different technological development for the countries of each continent including unique troops and units. This would make the game more realistic.
  11. Question for Lukasz! If some modern leader dies in the modern scenario, who will replace him in the country? Maybe you'll add some fictional leaders that have portraits of non-real people and random names?
  12. Hi, I would like to see in your game built-in screenshots and an editor for them, and as I understand, like in the second part there will be a console, I would like it to be possible to turn it off and in the screenshots it would be visible that it is turned off
  13. that in the Middle Ages and in modern times the costs of the army are the same
  14. ESPAÑOL: - ¡Feliz 28 de Julio! ¡Peru Megamod Ha Renacido!... Les debo una explicacion grande... ¿No?... (No tengo excusa) ¿Que paso con el server de Discord? - Me desmotive horriblemente, los estudios en la Secundaria y en busca de nuevos... Objectivos... hicieron que tome esa decision, de Borrar el server de Discord... ¡Lo lamento mucho por su espera por nada!... por ahora... ¿Que paso con el Mod en general y su Progreso? - Lamentablemente perdi el progreso de las provincias antes de que elimine el otro post, por ahora estoy avanzando en Cusco, cuando lo termine actualizare esto pero, el mod se quedo en un punto estancado, sin apoyo, sin un server simplemente lo deje de lado para concentrarme en otras cosas... ¿Habra Nuevo Discord? - ¡Claro que si...! por ahora lo estoy configurando y moderando para que sea decente!... sera como el antiguo pero... con algunas mejoras... ¡Lo anunciare cuando lo termine!... ENGLISH: - ¡Happy July 28th! Peru Megamod Has Been Reborn!... I owe you a big explanation... Right?... (I have no excuse) What happened to the Discord server? - I became horribly demotivated, studying in High School and looking for new... Objectives... made me make that decision, to Delete the Discord server... I am very sorry for your wait for nothing!... for now... What happened to the Mod in general and its Progress? - Unfortunately I lost the progress of the provinces before I deleted the other post, for now I am advancing in Cusco, when I finish it I will update this but, the mod remained at a stagnant point, without support, without a server I simply left it aside to focus on other things... Will there be a new Discord? - ¡Of course...! For now I am configuring and moderating it so that it is decent!... it will be like the old one but... with some improvements... ¡I will announce it when I finish it!...
  15. During the Hisrtory of the world, there have been many states that were occupired from the same nation. Some of these states have co-existed in the same timeline. This is also the case, in the present day, e.g. Cyprus and Greece, North Korea and South Korea etc. Instead of having populations that correspond to a specific state we should have populations that correspond to a nation. For example, instead of there being a Cypriot and a Greek nation, there should be a "Hellenic Culture" or "Korean Culture" you call it. You can do this by specifying a Culture to a State, like the Ottoman Empire is part of the Turkic "Culture" or "Turkish Nation". That's because as a Greek myself i find it a bit weird to assimilate Cypriots into Greeks. It is like assimilating a guy from Krakow into being a guy from Warsaw. Point is, that Nationality and Culture is diffrent from State
  16. Dzień Dobry. Chciałbym aby do gry Age of History 3 wprowadzono kategorię ,,Język'' podobną do narodowości i religii które znajdują się już w grze, Bo przecież nie każda osoba identyfikująca się jako Polak mówi w języku polskim, natomiast Austriacy nie są Niemcami bo mówią w języku niemieckim. Chciałbym również żeby asymilacja funkcjonowała wolniej, co przełożyłoby się na większy realizm w grze. Zwiększyć prędkość asymilacji można bybyło poprzez budowanie szkół, uniwersytetów, akademii, kościołów, w tych ostatnich mogłaby powstać opcja wybudowania katolickiego, protestanckiego kościołu lub prawosławnej cerkwi. Po zniszczeniu miejsca modlitwy, w prowincji w której zburzono świątynie, nasiliłyby się nastroje separatystyczne, które powodowałyby, że asymilacja na tej prowincji i sąsiednich trwałaby jeszcze dłużej. Utworzonoby opcję ,,głównej'' religii którą dałoby się zmienić. Stworzonoby procentowy pasek analfabetyzmu który dałoby się zwalczyć za pomocą budowania właśnie napisanych przeze mnie budynków. Powstałaby opcja praw mniejszości w której ustawieniach mogłoby się pojawić: nauczanie języka mniejszości w szkołach, dwujęzyczne tablice miejscowości, język pomocniczy w prowincjach. Każdą z tych trzech wymienionych opcji mogłoby się zmienić klikając osobno na prowincję. Dziękuje za przeczytanie całego postu, byłbym bardzo wdzięczny, gdyby moje pomysły zostały wprowadzone do gry 😄 Pozdrawiam!
  17. audrikney


    How would colonialism work in this game? When you set up a colony, will the colony be directly run by you, or will it be a separate civ like in the WW2 scenario video?
  18. Hallo Lukasz I have a question about how population will effect economy and rankings of the countries In the second game there was a population score so a country who had millions of population but a very small economy could still be a major power, and with India and China having such a big population would this inflate the rankings of the countries? Also in the second game a higher economy would also increase the income of a country so will the populations also effect that? Massive respect towards you and your hard work 😃
  19. Like chexier, and his Victorian scenario. Will you be putting them in the original game if they're good enough for you? @Vukash Yakovski
  20. zdislav


    To the Esteemed and Valued Sirs, In the spirit of our noble cause, we extend a call to gather for a momentous occasion in Prague. We beseech thee to lend thy presence to this assembly, wherein only Protestants of honor shall be welcomed. Pray, exclude all French, German, and Austrian delegates, for our intent is to unite solely with those of our faith and cause. May thy response be swift and favorable, as the hour of our endeavor draws near. In faith and solidarity, [prince of silesia zdislav ]
  21. Will there be a decision making tabs just like HOI4 to be implemented to the game? It add more flavours to the game and has really good potential for modding
  22. There are land units, there will be air force and navy?
  23. You see, your games don’t have this randomness. Almost all games will be practically the same and there is no alternative end to them. This idea that the game ends only when you capture the whole world was also in the previous parts. those. The game has only one ending. But I would like something else. For example, an alternative ending with the Earth destroyed by nuclear bombs. Or not, on the contrary, the ending is that the whole world is in peace and harmony. Or I end with the invasion of synthetics from outer space. Or the ending that all people have gone crazy and no longer obey the states (anarchic) Or that one scientist invented ---- that make it possible to turn a person into a subordinate animal (yes, I was describing myself, but no, this is just a zombie apocalypse scenario), which can follow its leader and the end of this horde will be when the leader is killed. Yes, the last two can be modded, but I would like the game not to be boring. So that the game would at least have the opportunity for the population who are against the current regime to rebel against the ruler. But this is probably the next idea. @murai @AmericanLiberia@YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan @ALDI @mattxjpg @china peple @Das Moss Man@Dipto479, @Lim10, @aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, @SerenDippTheGreat, @bun_dha4, @Wooodex, @Iceman, @Comrade_Parrot, @桂圆甜不甜, @PiePants, @sanitar4ick,@Gustav Heinrich @Nisnac@Avinetta @Evis7 @AleksGame @Nay_13 @IRn@bulbanoof @RMaRe@IKayzerI @thecarvalhogamer@ecl @Kiwi@aa30388,@wbladew5,@qxz,@Wayne23lololh, @Anyone,@Nowarhia, @Outlawexperience, @GalacticCakes, @Matvey, @bizacjum @paul2kdj @BALONA30, @Barbaris, @Rodak Polak, @wafflestein8, @Yahya @wbladew5, @Mihael1, @Warnnexx, @Free City of Łódź What answer would you give to my question ? @Łukasz Jakowski
  24. This effect will slow down the progress of colonization, you can also add quinine technology (a cure for malaria), after which the effect will lose its power. Or do it through a chain of systemic events, following which you can get a vaccine against malaria
  25. I've been trying but I don't know if it's even possible could someone tell me how and if it's possible in the first place ?
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