Consumer World

Week of September 16, 2024
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Consumer News Quickies

Deflation: Prices for These Things Just Went Down

List of 292 Big Lots Stores Closing in Their Bankruptcy


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Top Stories

Consumer World Original

Mouse Print*-- Robitussin Puts Non-Drowsy Lawsuit to Bed

mouse print For years, Robitussin has claimed that certain of its cough syrups were "non-drowsy" despite containing a key ingredient known to cause...drowsiness! Now the company has agreed to a settlement. That story is in Mouse Print* this week.

And the Healthiest Vegetable Is...

Veggies The CDC evaluated dozens of fresh vegetables and fruit to find the ones that are the most nutrient-dense. And the winner, with a score of 100, is watercress! Here is the full list of produce and their ratings.


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Happiest and Unhappiest States

happiness WalletHub just published the results of its 2024 happiness study to determine where Americans experience the best combination of good economic, emotional, physical and social health. They examined 30 key metrics, ranging from the depression rate and the share of adults feeling productive to income growth and the unemployment rate. Hawaii topped the list this year as the happiest, followed by Maryland and New Jersey. At the bottom of the list were West Virginia, Arkansas, and Louisiana was in last place.

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Consumer Investigation

Fast Food Portion Sizes Compared

WCPO's consumer team decided to buy cheeseburgers and fries from four popular fast food restaurants: McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's, and Five Guys. They weighed the portions of each and compared the price. One order of fries wasn't even two ounces! See how these meals compared.

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Bargain of the Week

Celebrate National Cheeseburger Day - September 18

Burger joints around the country will be offering special deals on Wednesday. For instance, McDonald's is offering a double cheeseburger for only 50 cents in their app and no additional purchase is necessary.

See also: Hot Deals

Consumer Reports

Cinnamon Alert: High Levels of Lead Found in 12 Brands

Consumer Reports found high levels of lead in one-third of the cinnamon brands they tested. This story names names of the brands with high, acceptable, and low levels of lead.

More from Consumer Reports
Updated daily; Most stories free; Ratings not free

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