X-Morph: Defense Announced
After years of silent development we are proud to announce our latest game - X-Morph: Defense. A picture is worth a thousand words, so the best way to learn what the game is about is to check out the announcement trailer:

The first concept for X-Morph: Defense was created sometime in 2010, however full production started in 2013, just after we finished the PlayStation 3 version of Zombie Driver HD.
Zombie Driver announced!
It has been a long time since we posted news on D.I.P.R.I.P. Many have already thought (and written on our forums) that there will be no more updates... Today we are proud to announce what we have been doing since March. The new game is called Zombie Driver. It is a driving, shooting, 3D action game - similarity to D.I.P.R.I.P. is purely incidental :). This time it is singleplayer and you will be more in the zombie obliteration business rather than the metal bending business.

The game is based on open source/free solutions like Ogre3D for rendering and PhysX by Nvidia for physics simulation. The team behind Zombie Driver is exactly the same as it is for D.I.P.R.I.P. Developing Zombie Driver does NOT mean that we are abandoning D.I.P.R.I.P., on the contrary, Zombie Driver is meant to support D.I.P.R.I.P. To finish a huge project like D.I.P.R.I.P. and to make it a great game, which has always been our dream, we decided that we need to publish a game like Zombie Driver. Otherweise we were not able to focus enough on making D.I.P.R.I.P. and the progress was too slow.

Zombie Driver is also tied to the D.I.P.R.I.P. universe in some ways. Especially for D.I.P.R.I.P. fans we included one of the D.I.P.R.I.P. cars inside the game. It's a hidden vehicle that you will have to unlock as a reward for completing a side quest. Check out some exclusive screenshots with the Ratmobile vs Zombies confrontation below.

Old fans can spot even more than that, but you will have to look for the details by yourselves :)

To learn more about Zombie Driver please head on to the Zombie Driver website which includes screenshots and a debut trailer.

Update for D.I.P.R.I.P. Warm Up has been released
A non mandatory server update addressing missile balancing issues has been released. The changes will be applied as soon as a server is updated.

The full change log for this update is:
- changed missile homing time from 1.5s back to 2.0s
- changed blue rocket fire rate from 0.85s to 1s

There has been a lot of controversy about blue rocket spamming and we hope to eliminate the problem with this update. Let us know what you think.

Required update for D.I.P.R.I.P. Warm Up has been released
A required update fixing the yesterday's startup crash problems has been released. It also adds the map list map icons and two rocket balancing changes.

The full change log for this update is:
- server browser map icons

- client crash on startup caused by a Source Engine update

- changed missile homing time from 2s to 1.5s
- changed blue rocket fire rate from 0.7s to 0.85s
D.I.P.R.I.P. is Mod of the Year at Steamfriends.com
2008 has passed as a year full of success for D.I.P.R.I.P. Our first demo release in March has put us on the modding scene and gathered a lot of positive feedback followed by numerous press reviews and interviews. The innovation and quality delivered by D.I.P.R.I.P. has been recognized by Valve and we were able to Warm Up the modding scene once again in October by delivering D.I.P.R.I.P. Warm Up directly through Steam.

Now we are proud and excited to announce that we have been chosen as the Mod of The Year by Steamfriends.com

"What at first looked to be a simple take on the classic 'Twisted Metal' quickly gathered speed and became a lot more than a simple re-make. DIPRIP sees players driving huge metal beats around beautifully created landscapes, fending off fellow drivers with bombs, rockets and miniguns while carrying nuclear bombs into the enemy base to create just that little bit more destruction. Featuring its own achievements and packing completely destructable scenery and explosive action, DIPRIP is a hell of a lot of fun and more than deserves our Mod of the Year award..."

As 2008 has come to an end the Moddb.com's Mod of the year Awards nominations voting has now begun.

"From January 2nd to January 16th every indie game and mod on the site has a voting booth activated in their profile. It is now up to you, to find your favorites, play them and vote for them - so we can narrow thousands of contenders down to the players choice top 100..."

Remember to vote for D.I.P.R.I.P. and wish us good luck in the voting.
Update for D.I.P.R.I.P. Warm Up has been released
A client update has been released today fixing a crash caused by statistics gathering on some machines.

The full change log for this update is:
- client crash caused by game play stats not functioning correctly under some network conditions
Steamworks game play stats, a new map and a radio interview

The long waited D.I.P.R.I.P. update is coming today. This time we are adding Steam game play statistics which you can view during map loading or from the main menu. As promised we have also released a deathmatch version of the Dam map with some new textures and other graphical improvements. Additionaly to the new map, de_dam, ur_refinery and dm_refinery maps have recieved small game play improvements. On top of all that there is a new achievement "Destroyer of Worlds" which is unlocked after destroying 2000 objects.

The Gaming Radio Network has interviewed Pawel Lekki from our development team. If you want to hear first hand about the future plans for D.I.P.R.I.P. the interview will be broadcasted on air twice:

Tuesday 25th 19:00GMT till 22:00GMT - Presenter: Shnooter
Sunday 30th 13:00GMT till 16:00GMT - Presenter: DJ Ion

The full change log for this update is:

- game play statistics
- Destroyer of Worlds achievement
- dm_dam map

- vehicle physics scripts
    * slightly increased handbrake power
- updated de_dam map
    * added new textures
    * added ammo pickups
    * minor graphical improvements
- updated dm_refinery map
    * minor driving improvements
- updated ur_refinery map
    * increased starting ammo amount
    * minor driving improvements
- updated diprip.fgd
    * team ammo pickup can now be set to team neutral (works in deathmatch)
Steam statistics tracking is coming to D.I.P.R.I.P.
Today we can finaly confirm that the next Steam update will add gameplay statistics to DIPRIP. Below you can find two early screenshots of the in-game statistics panel.

Statistics will also be displayed during map loading and in the Steam Community profile similarly to Day of Defeat:Source and Team Fortress 2. We hope to have this update ready for the end of this week, it will also feature a new deathmatch version of the Dam map and a few additional improvements.
A new deathmatch map for DIPRIP and an update coming today
A new update including a deathmatch version of the City map is coming to Steam later today. The update also includes a number of bug fixes and improvements to the game.

The full change log for this update is:

- rare server crash caused by the SourceMod server plugin
- possible server crash that could be caused by a player abusing the ai_test_los command ( thanks to the Zombie Panic team for sharing the info )
- D.I.P.R.I.P. starting before it was fully downloaded
- in game mute players menu
- big repairkit is now properly dispalyed as a blue cross icon
- motd.txt, server.cfg and other configuration files being overwritten after every update

- autobalance no longer allows to join a team with more players
- diprip.fgd available in the main diprip folder
- updated de_dam map:
    * fixed console warnings
    * improved shadow quality
    * increased the amount of starting ammo for both teams
    * added more weapon pickups
    * changed rock collision models

- default key mappings for the xbox360 controller
- default key config for logitech rumblepad gamepads (must be manualy enabled by renaming the logitech_rumblepad.cfg to joystick.cfg in the cfg folder)
- dm_city map
- linux server support (unstable beta binaries currently available only on our forums)
- basic key support for server plugins (0-9 keys bound to slots)
Update for D.I.P.R.I.P. Warm Up has been released
Update for D.I.P.R.I.P. Warm Up has been released. The full change log for this update is:

- frequent server crash caused by a bug in the missile targeting system
- server crash caused by users trying to spawn a non existing vehicle type
- client crash caused by a bug in debris fade calculations
- nuke exploding in its spawn point after delivering the bomb
- announcer voice playing too loud when dropping or saving the uranium barrel

- latency keeper as a server side option (enabled by default)
* diprip_latency_keeper 1 (enable/disable the latency keeper)
* diprip_latency_keeper_safe_time 30 (how much time a player has to be exceeding the diprip_max_ping value to be kicked from the server)
* diprip_max_ping 200 (maximum client allowed ping value)

We are planning to release a bigger update late next week containing a DM version of the City map, a few fixes to some of the other maps and additional gameplay fixes and improvements. Along with that update we will also be releasing a linux version of the dedicated server.

On a separate note we are very proud to have been awarded with a Gold Award by SteamFriends.com!
"We only award the Steamfriends Gold Award to games we believe to be of the highest calibre and DIPRIP is definitely one of those games. Not only does it feel well-polished, enjoyment-driven and full of oozing potential, but just talking to the creators for a few minutes about their mod, you can just tell that it has months of months of pure love for gaming hammered into it"

We really appreciate the feedback that we are recieving after the release, both positive and negative. Remember to let us know what you would like to see next in D.I.P.R.I.P. and leave your opinion on our forums.

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