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This game definitely creeped me the hell out because I hate spiders. It was pretty fun though. I think I broke the game too somehow because a door was already open when I got to it and I had just seen a locked door before that, but I don't think I had any keys yet. Unless that door was supposed to be open already. I was kinda glad to just be away from that spider though haha. Thanks for the fun, my friend!

Very good game. You are always afraid of getting attacked by the spider.   I needed some attempts to finish it.

Thanks for playing glad you got there in the end and glad you enjoyed the game!

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing!


I actually really enjoyed this game. Visually it was stunning and creepy 😭 

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Glad you enjoyed it and appreciate you checking out the game awesome playthrough and reactions, the main enemy is indeed relentless but if you go to the places he can't reach and hide in coffins there he will return to patrolling. Breaking line of sight is possible like you said but not easy and you actually move faster then him, but he can accelerate at times catching up with you. Cheers


languages available?


Hello. English only for now, just added it to game info as well. Cheers


Very cool game! So many spiders!

(1 edit) (-1)

Thank you so much for playing and glad you enjoyed the game! Great playthrough! A little hint ( If you go into a coffin behind one of the areas the big spider cannot access it will return to patrolling, else you must outrun it and enter a coffin without being seen )


I am in this spider's cave taking his booty and treasure ;). I had fun with this one, the noises were so creepy with the juicy crunches.


Glad you enjoyed the game and as always an awesome playthrough right out the gate! Appreciate the support man! Cheers 


Always man :), I will play all your games. They're fun


Had a lot of fun creating the end cutscene! Thanks much appreciated! Excited for Dead Faces release and i might be releasing some more titles onto Steam soon so stay tuned for that :) Have a nice day! 


yeah I haven't even played the demo of dead faces yet. I really wanna be fully surprised when the game releases :). I think there's a few I have saved I am looking forward too as well. 


I can appreciate that! :) The prologue demo v1.4 update is out now though both on Steam & Itch. Awesome, looking forward to bring more of my games to Steam!