Community Digest

Top new questions this week:

I need to index a GTF (gene transfer format) annotation file

This question was also asked on Biostars I created a GTF file for HLA alleles to be used as a resource for GATK Funcotator. Running Funcotator without indexing the GTF gives this error: ...

sequence-annotation gatk gtf indexing  
user avatar asked by doodle Score of 3
user avatar answered by terdon Score of 1

PLINK to VCF seems to to not convert correctly, what am I missing

I have Illumina Infinium Global SNP array data that I want to compare to same sample WES data in VCF format. To do that, I am trying to convert the plink files (.bed, .bim and .fam) into vcf. I am ...

vcf snp variant-calling wes array  
user avatar asked by Dandelion Score of 3

Samtools index fails within nextflow workflow but not outside of it

I am a beginner to Nextflow and using it to setup Chipseq workflow and in the workflow below the samtools_index process throws the following error: ...

user avatar asked by siddhartha das Score of 1
user avatar answered by Steve Score of 2

Greatest hits from previous weeks:

What are the advantages and disadvantages between using KEGG or Reactome?

As enrichment analysis a usual step is to infer the pathways enriched in a list of genes. However I can't find a discussion about which database is better. Two of the most popular (in my particular ...

user avatar asked by llrs Score of 16
user avatar answered by Kamil S Jaron Score of 4

How to scale the size of heat map and row names font size?

I have an expression data matrix (120X15; 15 samples and 120 genes), my heatmap looks blurred and raw names (gene names) looks very small and can not read. How can I improve my scripts? Here is the ...

r rna-seq proteins clustering  
user avatar asked by Kynda Score of 5
user avatar answered by sjcockell Score of 5

How to show bootstrap values on a phylogenetic tree constructed with RAxML

I apologize for this very basic question. With @Michael G.'s help, I have been learning how to use RAxML to build a phylogenetic tree (How to define an outgroup to build a robust amino acid tree) and ...

phylogenetics phylogeny software-usage  
user avatar asked by Leah Score of 2
user avatar answered by M__ Score of 3

Read length distribution from FASTA file

I have a single ~10GB FASTA file generated from an Oxford Nanopore Technologies' MinION run, with >1M reads of mean length ~8Kb. How can I quickly and efficiently calculate the distribution of read ...

fasta nanopore  
user avatar asked by Scott Gigante Score of 28
user avatar answered by Sam Nicholls Score of 21

What do the read colors in IGV mean?

I was looking at a bam file in the IGV viewer and saw: What do the different read colors mean? Why is one read a light blue color, another green, another aquamarine (?), another purple and another ...

sequence-alignment visualization igv  
user avatar asked by terdon Score of 5
user avatar answered by Ram RS Score of 5

Changing active.ident in Seurat

Im trying to change the active.ident to another column in metadata but this error keeps popping up! I recently upgraded to R version 4.0.2 from 3.6.1 The older version was working but the new one isn'...

r scrnaseq seurat sequence-annotation clustering  
user avatar asked by Najeha Mohamed Score of 2
user avatar answered by haci Score of 2

changing color key range to specified range in heatmap.2 function

I have a tab separated text file as shown below ...

r bioconductor  
user avatar asked by user3138373 Score of 4
user avatar answered by Devon Ryan Score of 4

Can you answer this question?

Approaches to add tracks / layers / grids to circlize::chordDiagram with specifications

I need to visualise additional information on my chord diagram made via circlize. I cannot figure out how to. I tried to highlight.section, but that did not seem to work as straightforward Let's use ...

r circos complexheatmap  
user avatar asked by Joydeep Shaw Score of 2
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