Check Total Dismissed Active Translated
BBCode markup 13,929 36 13,893 126
Starting newline 1,554 0 1,554 133
Starting spaces 5,431 13 5,418 3,386
C format 31,585 250 31,335 815
Does not follow glossary 145 40 105 53
C# format 12 0 12 3
Double space 17,379 138 17,241 9,933
Consecutive duplicated words 8,722 2,170 6,552 4,343
Ellipsis 9,667 108 9,559 9,557
Mismatched colon 91,793 1,186 90,607 9,714
Mismatched ellipsis 13,901 510 13,391 3,176
Mismatched exclamation mark 23,964 1,315 22,649 5,290
Mismatched interrobang 107 8 99 90
Trailing newline 10,467 21 10,446 1,340
Mismatched question mark 15,303 801 14,502 3,818
Mismatched semicolon 1,773 423 1,350 1,010
Trailing space 30,188 70 30,118 17,351
Mismatched full stop 241,936 9,869 232,067 71,442
Mismatched \n 639 82 557 148
Fluent references 12 0 12 2
Fluent source inner HTML 8 0 8 8
Fluent translation inner HTML 12 1 11 8
i18next interpolation 1,107 78 1,029 687
ICU MessageFormat 683 65 618 220
ICU MessageFormat syntax 14 0 14 14
Inconsistent 25,999 1,732 24,267 15,062
Java MessageFormat 251 17 234 208
Java format 1,798 177 1,621 1,278
JavaScript format 302 13 289 39
Kashida letter used 328 15 313 285
Long untranslated 44,043 92 43,951 43,659
Lua format 8 0 8 0
Maximum length of translation 2,008 764 1,244 1,140
Maximum size of translation 5 0 5 5
Markdown links 457 49 408 77
Markdown references 8 1 7 0
Markdown syntax 1,790 102 1,688 160
Multiple failing checks 165,687 2,276 163,411 163,367
Mismatching line breaks 60,964 2,918 58,046 15,506
Unpluralised 2,285 103 2,182 2,174
Perl brace format 90 2 88 7
Perl format 156 0 156 1
PHP format 10,839 3 10,836 50
Placeholders 19,541 483 19,058 5,908
Missing plurals 2,718 96 2,622 1,526
Punctuation spacing 11,160 2,118 9,042 5,647
Python brace format 14,700 62 14,638 3,756
Python format 13,851 50 13,801 395
Qt format 1,045 61 984 95
Qt plural format 1 0 1 1
Regular expression 567 17 550 258
Reused translation 24,478 5,056 19,422 19,386
Unsafe HTML 1,413 89 1,324 935
Unchanged translation 600,131 99,088 501,043 291,940
Same plurals 9,752 2,673 7,079 3,630
Scheme format 352 0 352 1
Has been translated 134,247 382 133,865 1
Multiple unnamed variables 6,443 27 6,416 6,416
Vue I18n formatting 14 0 14 12
XML syntax 6,494 136 6,358 1,075
XML markup 32,483 927 31,556 6,024
Zero-width space 450 0 450 370