Community Digest

Top new questions this week:

Explicit Examples for Unrestricted Hartree Fock Calculations

I am currently working on writing a Hartree Fock program in C++, currently using the STO-3G basis set. My program works well for the restricted case, but I am running into some issues with the ...

computational-chemistry quantum-chemistry hartree-fock programming computational-frameworks  
user avatar asked by frobenius Score of 6
user avatar answered by quantumcat Score of 5

How can I estimate Total Energy using Hartree-Fock Energy?

I am using pyscf Hartree-Fock method to calculate total energy for a conventional unit cell of carbon diamond using one of the example scripts that the developers made. The script outputs the ...

density-functional-theory condensed-matter hartree-fock energy  
user avatar asked by Mik Mus Score of 4

Regarding total energy calculation of elements

I have to calculate the formation energy of a material, where I need the total energy of O, F, Cl, Br, S, Se, Te. I checked on the material project for their gaseous form but there are a lot of phase ...

vasp formation-energy  
user avatar asked by Khushi Score of 4

Spin contamination in solid state

When dealing with quantum chemistry, many times a problem that one has to deal with it spin contamination. In many cases, ROKS is used instead of UDFT to avoid this problem. Theoretically, when ...

quantum-chemistry spin spin-polarization  
user avatar asked by Laura Score of 3
user avatar answered by quantumcat Score of 1

Quantum ESPRESSO 7.0: Why ph.x does not produce .dyn files?

I am trying to calculate the electron-phonon coupling for a given structure (BaO2). I have downloaded the cif file and produced the file, as shown below, I have used pw.x to run this and ...

density-functional-theory quantum-espresso phonons phonon-dispersion phonon-density-of-state  
user avatar asked by F.N. Score of 3
user avatar answered by gulomov2612 Score of 3

Molecular quantum dynamics: wavepacket oscillating more than I would expect

I am venturing into the exciting world of molecular quantum dynamics. MCTDH is my tool for the task. I've done some of the tutorials in the manual and, with the knowledge I have acquired, have begun ...

quantum-dynamics mctdh  
user avatar asked by Juan E. Arias Martinez Score of 2

FHI-aims basis sets only up tp Z=102?

I would need fhi-aims supporting elements up to Z=120. Looking into the directory fhi-aims.240507/species_defaults I see support only up to Z=102. There is, however, the fhi-aims.240507/...

basis-sets fhi-aims  
user avatar asked by Miro Iliaš Score of 2

Greatest hits from previous weeks:

How can I visualize the trajectory of a VASP simulation?

Which software package(s) can be used to visualize the trajectory of VASP MD simulation? VMD claims that there is a plugin to read the VASP output, while in the last version for Linux, I did not find ...

vasp one-topic-per-answer visualization-software  
user avatar asked by Y. Zhai Score of 17
user avatar answered by WaterMolecule Score of 9

How to input 3D coordinates from xyz file and connectivity from SMILES in rdkit?

I am working on a QSAR project where the 3D structural descriptors are an input to a machine learning model. I am generating the descriptors using the python Mordred API (which uses rdkit). ...

python machine-learning rdkit smiles qsar  
user avatar asked by S R Maiti Score of 11
user avatar answered by Geoff Hutchison Score of 7

How to understand the time-reversal symmetry in graphene?

A lot of references say that the Dirac cone in graphene is protected by inversion and time-reversal symmetries. How can one understand this statement? How can one show explicitly that the gapless ...

condensed-matter band-structure tight-binding symmetry graphene  
user avatar asked by JensenPang Score of 17
user avatar answered by ProfM Score of 22

What major advances in theoretical and computational chemistry have been made in recent decades?

Computational modeling has become a mainstay in chemistry, materials science and physics. However, the methods that are typically employed are already decades old: for instance, the B3LYP and PBE ...

computational-chemistry one-topic-per-answer history  
user avatar asked by Susi Lehtola Score of 20
user avatar answered by Nike Dattani - No Free Time Score of 11

What's the difference between charge density and the electron localization function (ELF)?

The following figure is the electron localization function (ELF) for monolayer LaBr$_2$. The ELF is calculated to reflect the bonding character in SL LaBr$_2$. As shown in the figure, ELF shows two ...

user avatar asked by Jack Score of 10
user avatar answered by Matt Horton Score of 8

What is band inversion and how to recognize it in band structure?

Band inversion is a key ingredient of a topologically nontrivial material$^1$. What is band inversion? How to recognize it in a band structure? What conclusions can I infer if I observe band inversion ...

band-structure materials-design topological-insulators berry-phase  
user avatar asked by Thomas Score of 33
user avatar answered by ProfM Score of 30

Emission and absorption UV-Visible spectrum using GAUSSIAN-09

I am currently studying the UV-visible spectrum of ethylene using GAUSSIAN-09. I optimized the ground state(# opt b3lyp/6-31g geom=connectivity) then used the ...

gaussian spectroscopy software-assistance  
user avatar asked by sarah bnm Score of 8

Can you answer these questions?

How to calculate 2nd order perturbation theory of a Helium atom and beyond?

I have been interested in learning more about perturbation theory and came across this resource Where it goes through the first ...

quantum-chemistry many-body-perturbation-theory variational-principle  
user avatar asked by lzzard Score of 1

Using descriptors to compare oxide-phase bulk phase (crystal)

I have the xyz coordinates for multiple oxidized Pt nanoparticles (~ 2.5 nm diameter) at different oxygen content. I would like to find the closest oxide phase match (PtO, PtO2, Pt3O6...). I think a ...

user avatar asked by Okano Score of 1

CIF file of Activated Carbon

i hope you all are good any one who share me CIF file of activated carbon*emphasized text

density-functional-theory matter-modeling-specific-technology crystallographic-information-file  
user avatar asked by sana maroof Score of 1
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