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Mathematical Realism and 0=1

Mathematical Realism is the notion that mathematical truth exists, and is not subjective or merely a mental construction. Inspired by Noah Schweber’s recent post on Math Stack Exchange: https://math....
PW_246's user avatar
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How is scientific realism not an example of the fallacy of the converse?

Firstly, to be clear, I'm not trying to say that science is all nonsense or not useful or anything of the sort, since that's obviously not the case. If nothing else, it's incredibly useful for making ...
Mikayla Eckel Cifrese's user avatar
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10 answers

Same vs identical vs equal objects

1st case Consider two objects made from the same factory without any difference (an ideal scenario). Can we say that the two objects are the same? I would say no because one may be produced earlier ...
ado sar's user avatar
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References for the Realism/Anti-Realism debate in Logic

The concept of anti-realism in logic seems to be an interesting and growing idea. I'm looking for references (papers, books, authors...) regarding the debate between realism and anti-realism but ...
Boris's user avatar
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Can nominalist logicians reject universals but accept universal statements?

I am aware that Nominalism comes in at least two flavors, one in particular is the denial of universals. Under this paradigm of Nominalsim, is it possible for a mathematician or even a logician to be ...
J. Dunivin's user avatar
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Anti-Realism about Higher-Order Vagueness

Who are the main anti-realists about higher-order vagueness? Would Crispin Wright be one? And, if so, is he a universal or partial anti-realist?
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