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Can there be mathematical facts of the matter without mathematical realism?

Can statements involving mathematical expressions or comparisons be true without mathematical realism? For example, consider the following statements: "Peter is taller than John." "The ...
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1 answer

Did the physicist Erwin Schrödinger deny that reality existed?

I was having a conversation with a biographer of Schrödinger about the physicist's works and philosophy. I asked him if he eventually accepted that his "Cat (mental) experiment" could be actually real,...
vengaq's user avatar
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10 answers

Same vs identical vs equal objects

1st case Consider two objects made from the same factory without any difference (an ideal scenario). Can we say that the two objects are the same? I would say no because one may be produced earlier ...
ado sar's user avatar
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What are facts as considered independently of any thinking being?

What confuses me about the notion of a fact, is that it seems like it's something that's discovered. So, a fact could be said to be this 'thing' that has a perfect correspondence with reality, and ...
user2901512's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between everyday realism and metaphysical realism?

At an everyday level, we seem to subscribe to a from of strong realism which doesn't leave any room for skepticism. We are certain that individuals who hear voices in their heads or who have ...
Alexander S King's user avatar
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3 answers

Does Einstein's local realism in quantum mechanics imply superdeterminism?

Einstein insisted that nature is locally real, which is also know as counterfactual defeniteness and means that results of experiments are predetermined. But, if everything is predetermined in every ...
Valentin Tihomirov's user avatar
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7 answers

Have any thinkers applied empiricism to the dreaming and deep sleep states?

The Mandukya Upanishad is a philosophical text found in the Vedas, which are among the most important scriptures of Hinduism. Here is what V. Subrahmanya Iyer says in a foreword to a translation of ...
Keshav Srinivasan's user avatar