Community Digest

Top new questions this week:

Numerical integration of ODEs: Why does higher accuracy and precision not lead to convergence?

I'm trying to integrate numerically a non-linear ODE that, on paper, is simple (just the damped, forced pendulum), but that, as well known, its dynamics displays a chaotic behavior and is very ...

computational-physics differential-equations  
user avatar asked by Mark Score of 2
user avatar answered by Oscar Smith Score of 8

How one uses computer to prove an inequality?

Source: I have heard that there is a proof that $ \frac{x}{\sqrt{y^2 + 15 xz}} + \frac{y}{\sqrt{z^2 + 15 xy}} + \frac{z}{\sqrt{x^2 + ...

algorithms symbolic-computation  
user avatar asked by guest Score of 1
user avatar answered by Maxim Umansky Score of 4

Greatest hits from previous weeks:

How do compression algorithms compress data so fast?

I've come across compression algorithms, I tried creating a simple run-length encoding algorithm but I notice that when I searched other algorithms I was shocked to know that some algorithms can ...

user avatar asked by gushkash Score of 12
user avatar answered by Wolfgang Bangerth Score of 28

How to get started with OpenFOAM for CFD

I'm looking at using OpenFOAM for solving basic internal flows in CFD. What is the best way to get started, and could anyone please point me to a good online reference to go to with any questions I ...

fluid-dynamics openfoam  
user avatar asked by prrao Score of 19
user avatar answered by tmaric Score of 16

When should log1p and expm1 be used?

I have a simple question that is really hard to Google (besides the canonical What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic paper). When should functions such as ...

user avatar asked by Tim Score of 38
user avatar answered by Stefano M Score of 32

Functional Programming and Scientific Computing

I apologize if this is a vague question, but here goes: Over the past few years, functional programming has received a lot of attention in the Software Engineering community. Many have started using ...

user avatar asked by Inquest Score of 54

What is this regularization technique?

I'm currently working on understanding some very old code. They are trying to solve an underdetermined system and the comments say that they want the minimum norm solution. The system they solve is: $...

user avatar asked by Thijs Steel Score of 10
user avatar answered by spektr Score of 15

What are some good strategies for improving the serial performance of my code?

I work in computational science, and as a result, I spend a non-trivial amount of my time trying to increase the scientific throughput of many codes, as well as understanding the efficiency of these ...

user avatar asked by Aron Ahmadia Score of 68
user avatar answered by Pedro Score of 68

Understanding the Wolfe Conditions for an Inexact line search

According to Nocedal & Wright's Book Numerical Optimization (2006), the Wolfe's conditions for an inexact line search are, for a descent direction $p$, Sufficient Decrease: $f(x+\alpha p)\le f(x)+...

user avatar asked by Paul Score of 14
user avatar answered by Wolfgang Bangerth Score of 14
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