SharePoint Stack Exchange Community Digest

Top new questions this week:

If one column is not empty, require value in another column

I am seeking SharePoint List Formula that requires an entry in one column, if another column is not empty. For example, I have a column titled "Approval Date". If an approval date is entered ...

sharepoint-online list validation formula list-validation  
user avatar asked by Frandy Osias Score of 1
user avatar answered by Ganesh Sanap - MVP Score of 0

"Edit columns in the form" does not work with imported lists

I am working in SharePoint Online. I have imported several lists from another site collection using the following process: Open Site Contents and click New | List. From the Create a list dialog, ...

sharepoint-online list lookup-column  
user avatar asked by CigarDoug Score of 1
user avatar answered by grisha Score of 1

Sharepoint 2010 workflows cannot be run, updated or saved - Unexpected error

Since yesterday, our SharePoint 2010 workflows have stopped running, and I can no longer save or update them. I receive the following message: Errors were found when compiling the workflow. The ...

sharepoint-server sharepoint-designer-workflow  
user avatar asked by steedwmax Score of 1
user avatar answered by steedwmax Score of 1

Remove "Site.FullControl.All" from my Azure App registration, still allow us to access all sites

I have an Azure App registration, which has 2 permission for SharePoint, as follow:- Sites.Selected Sites.FullControl.All Now I removed the "Sites.FullControl.All" >> but still using ...

development azure azure-devops sharepoint-app-registration  
user avatar asked by microsoftdeveloperdesigner Score of 1

Greatest hits from previous weeks:

Is there a way to host static html using Office 365 sharepoint?

I'm trying to host a static site on SharePoint (my clients requirement). I have Office 365 and I've setup a site in that, but I am unable to view the uploaded html in the browser. Every time I access ...

sharepoint-online office-365 html  
user avatar asked by mozillalives Score of 13
user avatar answered by Ron Meske Score of 8

What is the file size upload limit for SharePoint online?

Is 50 MB the max file size upload limit for SharePoint Online site collection? We have a business premium account in Office 365. We are Getting error trying to upload 48 MB files. Is there any way to ...

sharepoint-online file-upload file  
user avatar asked by Pradeep Kumar Score of 6
user avatar answered by Mohamed El-Qassas MVP Score of 7

Access is denied. Verify that either the Default Content Access Account has access

we have the error in Windows Eventlog in Workspace server: The start address cannot be crawled. Context: Application 'Search_Service_Application', Catalog 'Portal_Content' Details:...

user avatar asked by SkyDive Score of 7
user avatar answered by Nikhil J Score of 18

how to send a link to the edit view of a list item from a workflow

Is it possible to go to the edit view of an sharepoint 2010 list item directly from email? I have a workflow that sends an email to a user to edit a list item. The link -at this time- takes them to ...

workflow email  
user avatar asked by ironman Score of 22
user avatar answered by Eric Alexander Score of 20

how to hide the views from document library or list

how to hide the views from document library or list. I don't want this views should be seen to any staff members except my team. Is there possible way to do this?

user avatar asked by Rishabh Shukla Score of 3
user avatar answered by David Score of 0

How to remove Title column in SharePoint 2013 List?

I want to remove "Title" column created by default in SharePoint 2013 List. I googled many times.But I got only solutions for SharePoint 2010 version only.Those Solution is not working for this latest ...

sharepoint-designer list  
user avatar asked by Vanjith Score of 39
user avatar answered by Arsalan Adam Khatri Score of 44

How to get a file using SharePoint Client Object Model with only an absolute url at hand?

We have a database with absolute (full) links to SharePoint files. If a user wants to download or get checkoutstatus information about the file, our program needs lookup that information in SharePoint....

client-object-model url file  
user avatar asked by Robin Score of 28
user avatar answered by Robin Score of 16

Can you answer this question?

SharePoint list/library buttons disappear when zooming browser

I'm encountering a strange issue in SharePoint lists/document libraries. When I zoom in or out in the browser, certain toolbar buttons, like the "New" button, completely disappear. This ...

sharepoint-enterprise sharepoint-server  
user avatar asked by steedwmax Score of 1
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