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Next.js: Framer Motion bundle size not reducing despite optimization steps

I've been optimising my Next.js project using the Framer Motion animation library. According to the Framer Motion documentation, I've implemented steps to improve performance and reduce the JavaScript ...
Arvin's user avatar
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Page transitions depend on route (Next.js 14 & Framer Motion)

In my app, I've implemented a tab-styled navigation bar to facilitate navigation between different categories of places, each with its own route. I've successfully applied page transitions between ...
Iftach's user avatar
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How to Integrate Page Routing and Transitions in Next.js latest using layout.tsx and _app.tsx

I'm having trouble figuring out how to set up page routing with the new layout.tsx feature in Next.js. I have an _app.tsx file that enables page transitions with Framer-Motion and AnimatePresence. I'm ...
Benjamin's user avatar
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Where to put AnimatePresence in NextJs 13.4

I am using NextJS 13.4 (App Router) and I want to use Framer Motion for my animations. In earlier versions of Next you could wrap the entire app with <AnimatePresence> in the App component like ...
Lucas's user avatar
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Text not staggering in Framer Motion text reveal animation

So I am new to Framer Motion and with the help of some articles I tried to Stagger Text and make a Text Reveal Animation for my portfolio but with every example i could possibly find, I am not able to ...
Sohel Shekh's user avatar
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I am trying to animate text in framer motion nextjs

I am trying to animate text in framer motion nextjs 'use client' import {motion} from 'framer-motion' export default function Home() { return ( <> <motion.h1 animate = {{fontSize:...
kartik kumar's user avatar
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Using Framer Motion in NextJS13 for page transitions

Im using NextJS 13 with App Dir. I have framer motion installed and am trying to implement fade out/fade in page transitions but after many many hours trying to get this to work I am officially stuck! ...
dan2017's user avatar
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Why is Typescript telling me " 'offset' does not exist in type 'UseScrollOptions' "?

I am building a React website with NextJS 13, Typescript, and Framer Motion. I have the following code, basically copied and pasted from the Framer docs: const { scrollYProgress } = useScroll({ target:...
alex_codes's user avatar
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Framer Animation, with AnimatePresence, motion.div, and unique key I can't get the exit to work

Hello and thanks for your time! :D Im trying to get Framer motion to work completely. My "code" works for every feature except for the exit. I have a unique key as well. I'm thinking theres ...
Inzen's user avatar
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Framer Motion Animate Presence is not working with new NextJS App Router's Intercepting Routes

I'm trying to create a modal using intercepting routes as shown in this example on NextJS docs. I'm using framer motion to implement modal animation but Animate Presence is not working in this case. ...
Kartik's user avatar
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Framer motion and Next JS Bug, animations always show on top

Im having a problem with Framer motion and NextJS, I have an animated Logo, and also have a menu as a modal, but when the modal is activated the Logo always show on top, this is happening for every ...
Adriel Gomez's user avatar
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Element following mouse lagging in next.js 13 app directory

I am trying to add an element that follows the mouse around when I move the pointer. I am using framer motion for the animation and have used an example from their docs as a base: Example from framer ...
Joel Udd's user avatar
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Next.js 13: Hydration error when conditionally applying initial framer-motion animation value based on screen size

I am writing an app in Next.js 13 and I use framer-motion for animations. It consists of a single page, split in several screens and navigation happens by scrolling to their section ids. I use the old ...
FlushBG's user avatar
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