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How to animate class changes with framer-motion

I have a function that changes the isOpen state when the user scrolls the mouse wheel, I need to make content that is initially behind the right side of the screen and looks out a little from there, ...
bnvmnvbm's user avatar
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using framer motion progress bar to track the y scroll on a react page that has internal overflow y scroll components

I am trying to figure out how to build a framer motion progress bar that will manage the scroll-down progress of a page comprising components. some components have viewport height settings, with y ...
Mel's user avatar
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NextJS not rendering Hero component on full screen

I am creating a static site with NextJS (seems too much just for a static site I know but I might have to expand this in the future). Anyways, right now I am keeping it simple with a few animations. ...
shru's user avatar
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Framer motion Stagger Children animate whole list in once not separately

JSX <motion.div variants={boxVariant} animate="visible" initial="hidden" className="flex flex-col gap-4 overflow-auto h-[25rem] no-...
SWAMI NATHAN's user avatar
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Framer Motion animate nested

How to start animation for div p after every div animation const [ref, animate] = useAnimate() <div ref={ref}> <div className="opacity-0 bg-yellow-500"> <h1>...
ksqke's user avatar
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How can I trigger an animation with scroll up/down and do the full animation in framer motion?

I will go in deeper explanation, I have a classic button to activate a menu that expands and covers the entire screen and that is composed of a clipPath that is what expands and covers the entire ...
Germán Arias Rodríguez's user avatar
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Issue with Navigation Bar after Cloning and Moving Files in React(Next) Project

I cloned the repository and moved the files with the following commands: 1. clone 2. cd portfolio 3. mv * .. After running npm run dev, everything ...
Artur Zuiev's user avatar
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How to add smooth frame by frame rotation of the motion.button? (using nextjs and tailwind)

"use client"; import { useState } from "react"; import { motion } from "framer-motion"; import Image from "next/image"; const Homepage = () => { const [...
lander's user avatar
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navbar with blur doesn't show the effect when an element with some type of animation is behind it?

I've exhausted my brain power as it is 2am, so i'm here to ask if anyone has any solution to this problem that has came to my attention. Im using typescript, framer motion, and tailwind to build a ...
Rylan's user avatar
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Framer Motion - Split Text Animation Tailwind Gradient Color

I'm working a bit with Framer Motion and I have the following problem: <div className="space-y-3"> <div> <H1 className="text-nowrap text-center md:text-start"&...
Kiezgold's user avatar
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Only two keyframes currently supported with spring and inertia animations

I'm encountering an issue with keyframes while using NextUI and Framer Motion. When I trigger a fast action, such as hovering over a tooltip for less than 200ms, the rendered page breaks, and I ...
Kareem Adel's user avatar
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Clicking nav link teleports to section and does not auto scroll

I am trying to implement auto scroll but it does not scroll – it simply teleports to the section. I have already added the ID of the section to each section and have used the Tailwind class of scroll-...
RakibulB's user avatar
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Trying to implement scroll animation in Nextjs14 with tailwindCss and framer motion

I found this nice scroll effect text and I am trying to replicate the same scroll effect on words in Nextjs, TailwindCSS and Framer motion. This is what my current solution looks like- "use ...
Vibhore Sagar's user avatar
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Framer motion delay on onMouseLeave

I am try to create a hover effect by using onMouseEnter and onMouseLeave, I have a parent div when a onMouseEnter triggered on the div the two child div will translateX from -100 to 0, on child div ...
Prajil K's user avatar
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Experiencing weird behavior with animation using Framer motion and Nextjs 14 for a portfolio website

I am developing a simple portfolio website for myself using Typescript, Nextjs 14 and tailwind and for animations, I went with framer motion. To display, all my projects I wanted in a mobile view, I ...
Vibhore Sagar's user avatar

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