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Need hover CSS to cover the full bar of the drop down menu option

When I hover over the drop down menu items, only the parts around the text are highlighted, leaving unhighlighted space to the left of the menu item. What do I need to change to get this effect to ...
Hanna Bergman's user avatar
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making animated nav bar with hover effect for the web page

I want to make a animated navigation bar using hover effect for my web page and I saw multiple tutorials on how to make one , yet I am unable to get a nice smooth transition.So I wanted to know where ...
akashi's user avatar
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How to make drop down box stay during hover?

So I got myself a navigation bar. And when I hover on the certain menus, they show the drop down box like its supposed to. But when I try to hover my mouse over the drop down box, it disappears. It ...
BrentLeon03's user avatar
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Why isn't my drop down box showing when navigation bar is hovered?

I created a navigation bar where its supposed to display a drop down box whenever "drug advocacy" is hovered. Yet even though I hover over it, it only changes its color like the other menus ...
BrentLeon03's user avatar
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WordPress Block Theme Navigation remove submenu on hover

I am working on a WordPress Block Theme (FCE) and want a vertical navigation on the left side. When I add the Navigation Block vertical it is still opening the submenu while the mouse hover. The ...
Oliver Schmid's user avatar
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Navigation Hover CSS

I am trying to create a nav bar. I added a logo in the top left of the nav bar and links "Home", "Contacts", and "Products" in the top right. I am trying to put :hover on ...
Paulius's user avatar
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Display the menu on hover in tailwind CSS

I am working on Tailwind UI component navigation, it is functionality require the user to click the button to display the menu, I am trying to get content while simply hovering the menu, instead of ...
jimzhou's user avatar
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WP Menu Rollover Nav Item and Effect DIV Elsewhere

I have a WP Navigation with three navigation items. I want to rollover a navigation item (the first of the three) with the ID #mega-menu-item-5128 and change the display of a div ID #...
Kirk's user avatar
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Looking to switch image when I hover over a link

I have been struggling with this one for a while now, I have been looking for other similar questions but haven't been able to find an answer to my problem yet. I am looking to change the image in my ...
Greger's user avatar
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Multi-level Hover Navigation Bar with HTML and CSS

So I'm looking at the code on and there are a few good examples and I'm trying to make heads or tails of it all. But they don't offer instructions on customizing the code for a third ...
Chad Kennow's user avatar
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Remove a hover effect from the navigation

Trying to remove the black "lines" (that appear when hovering over the items in my navigation bar). I think it's a feature built into the theme but i'm not sure how to get rid of them. I don'...
Janice Fultz's user avatar
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IE11 CSS hover rule for list item not triggered

Horizontal navigation, written in CSS. Expected behaviour: show sub menu when hovering main list items Problem: IE11 ignores the hover rules for the list items .desktop-header ul li > ul { ...
despecial's user avatar
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CSS :hover Twitching

I have an issue regarding the :hover in CSS. This is my HTML Code for a navigation menu: <div class="nav"> <a href="2d.html" class="nav1">2D</a> <br> <a href="...
scrill's user avatar
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How do I change default bootstrap navigation on hover?

I want to style this bootstrap navbar so that an underline shows on hover. I also want to change the colour of the text. So far I have only managed to change the background colour. Any help would be ...
Julien Littler's user avatar
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Hover On a Menu Item Go Back to the Previous Item

I created a mega menu that has 4 items, it is working well. The problem is when hovering over an item it goes to the previous last one I hover over it. here is a snap of my code, <nav class="...
Fatimah Mohmmed's user avatar

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