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Three.Js Raycasting not working when changing camera transformations whiich is a child of an Object3D

So I have created a "camera controller" that create an Object3D and make it as parent for the camera . The translations and the rotation of the Y axis are applyed to the Object3D, and the rotation of ...
sanjileo's user avatar
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Click to place camera near an object in Three js

My I am trying to do a click to zoom feature with Three.js, I have a canvas and an object loaded in the canvas.On click I am trying to place the camera near the point of intersection(Actually like ...
Arun Xavier's user avatar
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ThreeJS raycaster off with camera and object having a coordinate greater than 1000000

I have set up a raycaster in order to perform object selection from my canvas. It works well for small values of camera.position.x and object.position.x, but my problem is that it doesn't work well ...
Dusan Mancic's user avatar
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updating an object's geometry when camera is moving causes glitches - three.js

I have a problem updating a vertex of a line in three.js So, I want to have a line in my scene, that its start is always at the (0,0,0) and its end is always in a specific position of the users ...
ThanosSar's user avatar
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THREE.js Raycasting from a child camera to the scene

I am trying to raycast the mouse from my camera to do some hover and click events on meshes in my scene. My problem is, that my camera is currently the child object of another mesh (for easier camera ...
Ben's user avatar
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