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Extracting Z (Elevation in meters) value any any point of a 3D Building file in 3D Tiles format using RayCasting on iTowns based on Three.js

I have loaded a 3D building mesh file in 3D Tiles (Cesium 3D Tiles) format on iTowns ( When I click on any point of the building, I am getting the longitude and ...
Sreeraj's user avatar
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Find which object3D's the camera can see in Three.js - Raycast from each camera to object

I have a grid of points (object3D's using THREE.Points) in my Three.js scene, with a model sat on top of the grid, as seen below. In code the model is called default mesh and uses a merged geometry ...
Joe Morgan's user avatar
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How to tween a camera to an object in three.js?

I've created some objects in my scene, and set up raycasting/tweening code so that whenever I click on an object, the object animates directly to the position and rotation of the camera. This is my ...
qbuffer's user avatar
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Get orientation of an Object3d child

Ok, here is the problem: I am using a PerspectiveCamera as a child of an Object3d to chase it. ... player.add(backCamera); backCamera.position.set(0, 10, -80); backCamera.lookAt(player.position); ... ...
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