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Connect Swift's SwiftStomp and Spring Boot

I'm facing issues establishing a STOMP connection between my Swift client and Spring Boot. In Swift, I'm using the SwiftStomp library to handle STOMP communication. The problem arises when I try to ...
Alexander's user avatar
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How to Reset Retry Backoff After Successful WebSocket Connection in Spring Flux

I'm using a WebSocket client with Spring Flux and implementing a retry mechanism with exponential backoff. However, I've encountered an issue where the backoff delay continues to increase even after a ...
MickeyMouse's user avatar
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How to return the handshake response headers from the websocket destination route on Spring Cloud Gateway

I'm using Spring Cloud Gateway to connect to a backend server using websockets. The route works, but the custom headers added by the destination server are not being returned to the client. How can I ...
Daniel Naves's user avatar
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Websocket stomp https issue using Spring MVC

`function connect() { console.log('Here is the nick name: ', nickname); console.log('Here is the full name: ', fullname); document.getElementById('messengerinitiateGroupCreation').addEventListener('...
Lambda Theta's user avatar
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Can we use Principal object in web socket protocol in Spring

I have an experience using Principal object in http request and process the request further using info about authenticates user from Principal. I wonder if I can do the same thing using Web socket. I ...
Назарко Проць's user avatar
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How to stop Java Spring WebSocket connection from immediately closing with EOFException?

I'm working on a web application with an Angular 17 frontend and a Spring Boot backend. I'm trying to set up WebSocket communication on one page in order to receive real time updates from the backend. ...
khh's user avatar
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Authenticating websockets - adding credentials to Stomp.js client

According to spring doc authentication for websocket falls back to authentication of HTTP request ( handshake ) and when spring-security is set up, no more configuration is needed. I have set up the ...
Darlyn's user avatar
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In Spring(not boot), Websocket endpoint error

@Configuration @EnableWebSocketMessageBroker public class WebSocketConfig implements WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer { ... @Override public void registerStompEndpoints(StompEndpointRegistry ...
swz's user avatar
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WebSocket is not receiving messages

I have simple STOMP websockets: @Configuration @EnableWebSocketMessageBroker public class WebSocketConfig implements WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer { @Override public void ...
Darlyn's user avatar
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Spring WebSocket Issue: principal.getName()vs Target.getName() in convertAndSendToUser

I am a beginner in Spring, and I am working on a project with a frontend in React and a backend in Spring, using WebSocket for communication. Currently, I want to implement a feature to communicate ...
Yun CHEN's user avatar
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I got the below Exception for working with spring boot chat application

I try to change the below code for the changes @Override public void configureMessageBroker(MessageBrokerRegistry registry) { registry.enableSimpleBroker("/topic","/queue"); ...
Satya Prasad's user avatar
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how to authenticate websocket in spring boot

I have this spring boot app that I secured with jwt, the project contains some implementation of websocket but whenever I hit the localhost:8080 that supposed to open the html page for my websocket, I ...
Ukeme Elijah's user avatar
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spring boot realtime notification with WebSocket

I have this ecommerce project that I am working on using spring boot. I want to implement a notification to it. What I am trying to achieve is that when a buyer place an order, I want to send a ...
Ukeme Elijah's user avatar
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I am using websocket in Spring Boot, but the address is not correct

I was building a simple chat program using WebSockets in Spring. I set up websocketconfig and sent the address to Google's simple websocket client, but the address is undefined. package fitnessapp....
wip's user avatar
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WebSocket connection fails when deploying Spring web application to a server on my domain

I'm encountering an issue with WebSocket connectivity in my Spring web application. Locally, when I run the application, WebSocket connections are established successfully. However, upon deploying the ...
DEXA's user avatar
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