» Reviews » Tilda Publishing Review

Tilda Publishing Review

Tilda is the online website builder launched in 2014 by a team headed by Nikita Obukhov. Since the service founder was a professional web developer, the website builder is initially tailored to the needs of designers.

On one hand, the product is more complex than its main niche competitors. On the other hand, it is quite functional, which allowed it to quickly find the target audience.

Apart from the block-based website builder for assembling custom pages, clients also receive a comprehensive business management infrastructure. This includes a reliable geographically distributed hosting with a CDN system, an integrated CRM system (which is both simple and convenient), an online calculator builder (makes it possible to create multi-step forms and quizzes), a worthy eCommerce module (with payment gateway and delivery service integrations, product export/import capabilities etc.), an advanced editor for creating custom block (Zero Block) variations and an email builder.

Additionally, Tilda has recently introduced a special solution for creating and selling various online courses (with a course/student management panel).

What’s interesting, it is possible to export website pages in the HTML format and host on any external service, if required. Thus, Tilda is not the easiest platform you can find out there.

Finally, Tilda can be used as a long-read or landing page builder integrated into an existing corporate website (like media projects etc.). This is possible due to the availability of APIs and ready-made modules for popular CMS systems.

Below, we will review all the main features of the platform in detail, including its advantages and disadvantages.

  • Website builder with customizable sections;
  • A complete set of interconnected tools;
  • Suitable for businesses and professional designers.

Pros and Cons

Despite the fact that, like many other online website builder platforms, Tilda targets small businesses, it has its own nuances and technical features that significantly expand the sphere of its application. Here are the pros and cons of the software in detail.

Customizable section for professional designers (Zero Block) with complex animations and triggers.
A sufficient selection of ready-made web page layouts – over 250 templates with responsive design.
550+ blocks for quick web page assembly.
A wide range of fonts and the ability to upload custom font sets.
Integration of free icon libraries.
Built-in image editor.
A quality eCommerce module that offers a wide range of integrations, upload/export functionality, and support for popular payment gateways.
Email builder for email campaigns.
A blog module (for creating information streams and article sections).
A form builder for creating quizzes, online calculators, surveys etc.
Integrated CRM system with the option to connect external systems.
Slack notifications.
Fast page loading speed and automatic image optimization.
Ready-to-use user dashboard.
Comprehensive SEO tools.
Online course builder with a student dashboard.
Shared website management access.
HTML code export and API with numerous integrations.
Detailed documentation and an online academy (including detailed video tutorials).
Free plan with no time limitations + 14-day trial for premium features.
Limited disk space even in the most expensive plans – no more than 1 GB (this is insufficient for modern projects).
All plans have limitations on the number of pages to be hosted (no more than 500, excluding web store and blog pages).
Lack of proper customer support – everything is done independently (you’ll have to study the manual database and watch tutorials) or you have to rely on external specialists (their freelance marketplace is promoted for this very purpose).
The template catalog lacks complex multi-page options. All templates are single-page – it takes time to create a website with a typical structure.
The free plan has limited functionality (many important blocks are unavailable, it is impossible to connect a custom domain, there are severe limitations on the number of web pages etc.).
Split testing is implemented through an external Google service, which can affect page loading speed.
The main editor mainly works at the level of complex blocks. You cannot just add a missing small element – to do that, you have to convert a block into a custom section.
Zero Block (custom section) is mainly designed for professionals. It will be extremely difficult for beginners to explore and master the advanced editor.
The blog module does not have a built-in commenting system (integration of external services is a must).
Code export and API access are only available in the highest-tier plan.
There are no discounts for legal entities if payments are made via bank transfers.
The eCommerce module does not allow for creating complex catalog structures – only flat categories are available (limited to a single level of nesting).
You can use the trial period only once (it cannot be restarted for a new website as it is tied to the account).

Professional web designers who do not require tech support may not notice any drawbacks when using Tilda. However, the demerits are significant for small businesses – there is the need to allocate a budget to hire freelancers who can build business websites (and other custom projects) and hand them over to you for further maintenance. It is impossible to set up large projects here because of hosting restrictions.

What Is Tilda Used for?

Tilda developers initially target professional designers, small web agencies and freelancers serving small businesses.

Tilda Main

A business won’t be able to work with the platform without intermediaries – the website builder is quite complex even despite the availability of detailed documentation and video tutorials. On the other hand, though, business owners still lack time and desire to deal with website management, no matter how user-friendly the editor is and what platform the project is created with.

Thus, the implication is quite correct – webmasters who find the website builder convenient to work with and who are satisfied with its speed and functionality, will eagerly recommend the platform to businesses. After all, it is up to webmasters, designers, SEO specialists and other professionals to bear responsibility for final website management. So why not leave the choice up to their discretion?

Actually, almost anyone can master Tilda, but the learning curve is still notably steeper compared to many other platforms.

Tilda makes it possible to launch the following project types:

  • Quality and functional landing pages;
  • Small eCommerce websites;
  • Beautiful corporate websites and corporate blogs;
  • Websites for selling and managing online courses (other digital products);
  • Portfolios and business cards;
  • Longreads (large editorial materials).

How to Use Tilda

Unlike some complex no-code platforms, Tilda does not have separate interfaces for programmers (web designers) and editors (those who are responsible for content management). These control elements are consolidated into one interface. Only general project and account management options are separated.

For example, the general administrative section includes the following elements: the built-in CRM, newsletter builder, plan (payment) and profile management settings. Additionally, there are links to other important sections: website settings (SEO, analytics, domains, forms etc.), freelance marketplace (Tilda Experts), a reference section, online tutorials (Tilda webinars, online courses etc.).

Web page content management is done directly within the online editor interface.

Getting Started

It all starts with account creation. You will need to provide a valid email address, your name and a secure password. There is no opportunity to register via popular social networks here.

Here is the algorithm to create your first website with Tilda:

  1. Create a new project (the project name is used for internal tasks only);
  2. Create website pages (using ready-made templates or from scratch) – fill them with content and configure individual parameters such as SEO attributes, animation management, tags etc.;
  3. Publish the pages (drafts remain visible only in the admin panel);
  4. If necessary, configure general website settings such as fonts, color schemes, domain name connection, form setup, analytics and payment systems etc.

Tilda Getting Started

All new users are automatically subscribed to the unlimited free plan by default. Websites are published on free Tilda subdomains that look like “your-project.tilda.ws”. SSL certificates are issued and configured automatically. That is why, all websites powered by the system work on the HTTPS protocol.

A published page immediately becomes available for public viewing.

The main work involves selecting the necessary blocks and editing their content.

Website Editing

Tilda online editor can be divided into two main components:

  • The classic block builder, which allows adding new blocks (sections) to the page and modifying their content (text, images, videos, etc.);
  • The advanced editor for professionals – Zero Block. This is where you can assemble your own custom sections.

The main builder provides the following functionality:

  • Deleting, copying and moving page blocks, adding new blocks from the catalog;
  • All blocks are designed to occupy 100% of web page width (you cannot add a section divided into multiple columns to further fill it with your own widgets here, although there are standard blocks with column layouts in the catalog);
  • Each section has a list of analogs or alternative implementation options (for example, with different element arrangements);
  • You can control style and display parameters in the settings of each section (margins, width, height, colors, typography, animation etc.);
  • You can manage text and upload images in the “Content” section (insert video links etc.).

Tilda Page Setting

Advanced block management features include:

  • Video management options (looping, sound control etc.);
  • Scroll animation display effects;
  • Application of color filters and transparency management;
  • Associating headings with HTML tags (like assigning H1-H3, DIV, for example);
  • Visibility range on various devices (set using the “from … to …” sliders);
  • Conversion to Zero Block (not available for all block types);
  • Adding custom CSS classes;
  • Copying the current ID block (to use in your own CSS styles and scripts).

The capabilities of the Zero Block editor will be reviewed further.

To sum it all up, here is what you need to set up a Tilda-powered website:

  • Create a new page;
  • Add blocks from the catalog to the page (if the required sections were not included in the template or if you started from scratch);
  • Modify the display and style parameters of sections (if required);
  • Edit the content – upload images, add/edit text etc.
  • Configure web page settings (meta tags, social media badges, URL etc.);
  • Publish the page.

Tilda New Page

Crucial issues include:

  • Not all blocks can be fixed; this is mainly available in menu blocks;
  • There are no through blocks (content has to be copied from one page to another);
  • Block content is reset when switching to the default display option (unless a special option is activated);
  • Through blocks can only be implemented at the general footer and/or header level;
  • If certain elements are unavailable in the section, they can only be added in the Zero Block mode.


To make the pages accessible for public viewing, they have to be published. If needed, you can set password-protected access when publishing the project.

Each page should be managed individually for proper display, but group operations are also available in the control panel. For example, you can select multiple pages at a time and publish/unpublish them.

You can set a custom favicon and access parameters (like via IP address, for example) in general website settings. Likewise, you can enable/disable search indexing, if required.

If you are not satisfied with working on a free subdomain, you need to configure the connection to your own domain.

Access to exporting websites/individual pages is granted on business plans. This lets you upload them to any external hosting.

Domain Connection

Tilda Domain

When getting the domain name through Tilda, it will be automatically delegated to the software servers (subsequent management of resource records will be done through the special Tilda panel).

Alternatively, you can buy a domain from any other registrar and manually point it to Tilda servers. To do this, you need to specify “ns1.tildadns.com” and “ns2.tildadns.com” as primary and secondary DNS servers.

Features and Flexibility

Tilda can hardly be called a simple website builder. It offers a wide range of features and technical capabilities out of the box. Some of the platform’s most notable features include:

  • Block-based content editing mechanism based on pre-designed sections;
  • Extended free section called Zero Block (with step-by-step animations, HTML and custom JavaScript support);
  • Ability to integrate third-party HTML code at the block, page or general website level;
  • Extensive font selection, integration with online font repositories as well as the ability to upload custom fonts;
  • Tilda’s own library of icons and an original free font;
  • Ready-made user dashboards for various tasks (like sales, education etc.);
  • Built-in image editor with filters and effects;
  • All uploaded photos are automatically optimized for the user’s screen size;
  • CDN network integration is available in all plans to ensure fast content loading worldwide;
  • Popup window and form builder;
  • eCommerce module with product import/export capabilities, categorization and numerous integrations;
  • Module for managing news feeds (corporate blogs and news sections for company websites);
  • Email builder (requires integration with email marketing services for complete functionality);
  • Built-in CRM system and easy integration with external systems. Alternatively, data can be stored in Google Sheets or transferred to other external services;
  • Privacy policy builder;
  • Automatic adaptation for mobile devices;
  • Collaborative work with role-based access control;
  • Customizable URLs (permalinks) and a full set of SEO attributes (robot.txt file management, meta tags, microdata etc.);
  • HTTPS website version;
  • UTM tag builder;
  • Clear features for landing pages (dynamic text, geolocation, automatic language selection etc.);
  • HTML code export;
  • Online course builder;
  • API and ready-made plugins for integration with CMS systems;
  • Site access restriction via IP and password.

These are some of the major features provided by Tilda. We will further review them in detail.

Working with User Accounts

In addition to a personal user account for website owners, where they can manage projects and track the important events, including notifications from forms/CRM systems, Tilda also offers a user dashboard module. Here is what you can do with it:

  • Organize account registration for students or web store customers;
  • Assign access rights to specific content (like educational courses, blog materials or product pages);
  • Control the learning process by conducting tests, assigning grades etc.;
  • Collect personal data;
  • Implement a partner section;
  • Manage sign ups for various events;
  • Etc.

Website owners can manage the rights of individual users and assign them to different groups. The same client can belong to multiple user groups at a time.

How to Create a Web Store with Tilda

Tilda Catalog

The product catalog and shopping cart in Tilda are implemented via extra module integration. The module itself is free, but access to it is available only with a paid subscription. To enable the extension, you need to go to the site settings, find the “More” section, and activate the “Product Catalog” module from the list.

The main features of Tilda’s online stores include:

  • Uploading and exporting a product list in popular formats such as CSV, YML (+ CommerceML data exchange format);
  • Discounts and promo codes system. Discounts can be linear or differential, and they can be combined with promo codes if needed;
  • Product categorization (up to one level), with the ability to connect categories with specific pages and Google categories (for Facebook feeds);
  • Customizable filters with sorting possibility and convenient search functionality;
  • Product variants and options (each variant may have its own set of images and pricing adjustments);
  • Multiple attributes for products, including SKU, regular/old price, specifications, measurement units, weight for shipping calculations etc.;
  • Inventory management;
  • Ecwid module integration;
  • SEO optimization (meta tags, separate product pages etc.);
  • Integration with the built-in CRM system as well as the ability to connect external CRMs such as AmoCRM etc.;
  • Easy integration with payment systems;
  • Ability to add products to the favorites list;
  • A wide range of ready-made blocks to build category pages and individual product pages (including pop-ups, columns, product cards etc.);
  • Direct selling option without adding to the cart;
  • Customizable shipping options etc.

You can create up to 5000 products and 200 sections (categories) in the catalog.

Tilda Add product

Due to its flat hierarchy, Tilda works best for small online stores only.

Overall, this is a good platform to organize online sales.

How to Create Blogs and News Feeds with Tilda

The “Streams” module is responsible for managing corporate blogs in Tilda (Site Settings -> More -> Add Modules -> Streams -> Connect). Each stream represents a kind of a news feed. Each stream can include up to 5000 notes, while a website may have multiple news and article feeds at a time.

Tilda Feeds

Just like the eCommerce module, the Streams module becomes available only with any paid subscription.

Its major features include:

  • Built-in RSS feed;
  • Ready-made author block and separate author page;
  • AMP markup and Turbo pages support;
  • Separate header and footer (instead of being shared with other website pages);
  • Automatic Sitemap generation;
  • View count tracking;
  • Group management elements;
  • Material categorization (limited to one level);
  • Custom templates for category pages (by assigning pages from the general list);
  • Publication date and time selection (scheduled auto posting);
  • SEO attributes and social media markup;
  • Simplified version of the block editor;
  • Ability to embed third-party HTML code.

Instead of an integrated commenting system, there is an opportunity to connect external systems like Disqus, for example.

How to Create Landing Pages with Tilda

Tilda Landing

Tilda was initially launched with landing page creation in mind. for creating landing pages. Over time, the platform’s functionality has significantly expanded to meet the changing market and audience demands. However, Tilda is best suited for landing pages.

Tilda provides everything required to launch selling websites:

  • A vast selection of standard blocks with various design variations, including call-to-action elements, covers, testimonials, pop-ups, contact forms, quizzes, online calculators, countdown timers etc.;
  • A wide range of ready-made layouts for different purposes, with over 250 designs available;
  • Integration with popular external services like online chats and callback order forms;
  • Built-in CRM system with data import and export options;
  • Online payment acceptance;
  • Fast page loading;
  • Dynamic text substitution based on URL parameters, including geolocation-based text substitution (known as geolocation targeting);
  • Ability to insert custom HTML code;
  • Etc.

One notable feature of the platform is the absence of an integrated split-testing system. A/B testing can only be organized using an external service such as Google Experiments. In this case, the page load time increases and potential problems with redirection become apparent.

Professionals can leverage the flexibility of Tilda’s Zero Block to create unique designs with complex logic and animations.

How to Create Online Courses

All the necessary blocks for creating basic website pages are available in the editor. There are also elements specifically designed for info business websites (online schools). Additional functionality related to student and lesson management is accessible in the “User Dashboard” module. This module is automatically activated for all premium users (even in the lowest-tier plan). There is no need to activate it separately.

The user account provides access to the following features:

  • User registration and authentication (settings let users change their email address, a separate link is provided to access specific courses in case of multiple courses, access duration may be time-limited);
  • Creation of user groups with different access rights;
  • Integration with cloud storage to access extra files and learning materials;
  • Ability to assign tutors;
  • Working with various types of materials, including articles, videos, pages, webinars, home assignments and tests;
  • Access to lectures and tasks may be immediate or scheduled;
  • Testing may refer to a certain passing score;
  • Home assignments may be graded automatically based on a scoring system, in the pass/fail format or via a combination of multiple factors. There is also support for free-form answers with manual grading;
  • Customization options for the design of online forms and login pages, including logo upload, description, adjustment of element positions, labels, typography etc.;
  • Built-in notification emails. The default service can be replaced with an external SMTP server here, while the email content can be customized with custom templates.

These features are sufficient to launch and manage virtually any kind of informational product.

Integrated CRM System

Tilda CRM

If the integration of forms with external services is not set up, the data will be collected in Tilda’s built-in CRM system by default. The software works well, taking into consideration that it is absolutely free.

The key features of the native CRM system include:

  • Tabular view and kanban board format (with draggable cards);
  • A wide range of additional field types (30+);
  • Customizable deal completion stages;
  • Easy integration with your own websites;
  • Collaborative editing (teamwork), with no obligatory requirement for team members to have premium subscriptions to use the website builder;
  • Data export in the CSV format;
  • Easy integration with email marketing services (via the SMTP interface);
  • File exchange option (when connected to Google Drive only);
  • Built-in statistics and analytics;
  • Separate interface to view contacts;
  • Search and filtering system (similar to Excel spreadsheets);
  • Manual addition of contacts and inquiries;
  • Opportunity to work with UTM tags;
  • Managers can add their comments and notes to inquiries.

The only drawback of this solution is that the CRM system cannot be used with websites running within other platforms. It is compatible with Tilda-powered websites only.

Online Form Builder (online calculators, polls and quizzes)

Tilda offers several customizable forms and widgets that make it possible to create the following full-featured services:

  • Online surveys;
  • Online calculators;
  • Step-by-step forms;
  • Quizzes.

The same forms can also be embedded in pop-ups and triggered by specific user actions like clicking a designated button.

Instead of custom no-code solutions, you can use Tilda’s advanced Zero Block editor to create forms of almost any complexity by leveraging JS scripts and custom HTML code.

If you are not satisfied with writing your own code logic and the basic capabilities of Tilda’s forms do not meet your requirements (e.g., there is lack of support for logical operations), it makes sense to look for similar alternative services. In this case, external forms can be embedded in Tilda using HTML code within separate page blocks or as pop-ups.

Everything is quite flexible here.

Email Newsletter Builder

The number of email newsletter flows cannot exceed the number of websites in your account. However, you need to remember that Tilda does not handle email delivery. It only collects emails from blocks (using a special limited version of the block editor). You will need an external ESP (Email Service Provider) to launch full-scale email newsletters.

Tilda offers ready-made integrations with MailChimp, SendGrid etc. Alternatively, you can export the HTML code instead of using integrations.

In terms of functionality, the email builder is similar to the website builder. Each new email is like a new page. You can connect your own domain to newsletters for the emails to open as a custom website with a post feed.

Header and footer may remain consistent across emails. External analytics and other features can also be integrated into the emails.

Customers are provided with a small selection of standard templates to make it easier to get started.

Please note that there is no access to the Zero Block or custom HTML code insertion within Tilda’s email builder.

Marketing and SEO

Web page and website settings come with all the required features to specify custom meta tags (title, description), replace the automatic URL with your own version, add social media markup elements (badges) etc.

Additionally, the platform can automatically generate a sitemap.xml file and a robots.txt file. There is access to redirect settings and the ability to customize the 404 error page. It is possible to associate the heading with the appropriate HTML element (H1-H3, DIV) in many blocks of the website builder. You can also assign ALT attributes to images.

Tilda offers special tools to detect broken links and SEO recommendations to beginners (they automatically check the availability of the most important meta tags and H1 headings).

It’s easy to add the website to the Google webmaster panel with just a few clicks here.

The system automatically optimizes all images and enables lazy-load. Along with CDN, this ensures fast page loading for users and good performance indicators in Google PageSpeed Insights test. This is crucial for SEO.

Thus, Tilda provides comprehensive SEO capabilities.

Speaking about marketing issues, we have already reviewed them in the sections telling about the CRM system and email builder. The only thing to be added here is that Tilda can send real-time notifications about important events via email as well as via Slack bots.

Tilda does not have its own mobile application. Thus, native notifications on smartphones are unavailable.

Shared Access

In addition to personal client accounts, Tilda has everything needed for team collaboration. However, additional team members are added to the system at extra cost. The price depends on the number of seats and prepayment period.

There is a separate free trial period for this functionality, which lasts for 30 days.

Team members may have full (at the level of selected websites) or restricted access. For example, the following specific functions may be assigned to team members:

  • Web page editing;
  • Publishing;
  • Deleting;
  • Creating;
  • Management of website settings;
  • Statistics access;
  • Viewing inquiries/leads;
  • Working with the product catalog;
  • Working with the blog/news module.

Mind that website team members and users of online courses (e.g., tutors) do not overlap here.

Up to 25 additional members can be involved in working on a website.

Privacy Policy Builder

This is a simple yet functional solution for website owners that allows generating a customized privacy policy document in a few clicks. Here’s what you can do here:

  • Add website owner’s information (full name/company details, contact email, website address etc.);
  • Specify the purpose of personal data processing (user notification, providing access to services, entering into civil contracts or your own purpose);
  • Select the types of data collected from users;
  • Specify the legal basis for data collection;
  • Etc.

As a result, you get a privacy policy document tailored to your specific requirements instead of the one-size-fits-all text.

Code Export (Website Upload to Your Own Hosting)

The HTML code export feature is available as a part of Tilda’s business subscriptions.

Along with the code export, clients gain access to the API. Additionally, special plugins are provided to integrate Tilda-built pages into popular CMS (like WordPress,for example).

Mind that certain important elements are disabled during the process of HTML exporting. These include the CRM system, personal accounts, payment gateways, and more. When hosting the website on an external hosting provider, you’ll need to reconfigure the domain and get a new TLS/SSL certificate to enable HTTPS.

Integrations and API

Integrations of external services are organized into different categories:

  • Fonts (Google Fonts, Adobe Fonts, uploading custom fonts in WOFF/WOFF2 format);
  • Analytics (Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, social media pixels);
  • SEO (webmaster consoles);
  • Export (API and simple export as a ZIP archive);
  • Forms (subscriber collection forms, Trello, Google Sheets etc.);
  • CRM systems (built-in CRM, amoCRM etc.);
  • Email marketing services (MailChimp etc.);
  • Data exchange (webhooks, Zapier, Notion etc.);
  • Payment systems;
  • Online maps (Google Maps).

Tilda provides a comprehensive range of integrations to meet various needs and requirements.

Templates and Design Customization

Tilda Templates

You can start creating a new page from scratch or use a pre-designed template that suits your theme. The official catalog offers over 250 ready-made page layouts for various tasks and niches, including landing pages, online stores, portfolios, blogs, events and polls (quizzes).

Pages are built using pre-designed blocks, with over 500 available section variations. These blocks can be customized with regard to your preferences.

All templates and sections are responsive and require no additional adjustments to be displayed on mobile devices.

Tilda Editor

Many blocks can be converted into Zero Blocks to be further customized to details. You can add complex animations, transitions and effects.

The following aspects can be modified centrally:

  • Font parameters (size, density, family etc.);
  • Color styling parameters (for headings, links, background and main text);
  • Overall footer and header structure;
  • CSS styles (via CSS code insertion, applicable to all website pages).

The most important aspect is that Tilda does not allow adding individual elements like buttons, images, input fields etc., or changing element positions within blocks when working with the classic block editor. All blocks come with predefined rigid grids. However, you can modify the content (text/images) and adjust margin/padding settings inside the blocks.

To change the layout, you can explore alternative implementations of the same block (usually displayed in a menu on the left) or convert the section into a Zero Block.

Tilda provides the opportunity to copy the ID pointer or add custom CSS classes for specific block styling needs.

You can save your favorite blocks to a special library for further use on other web pages (similar to bookmarks).

The visibility range of individual sections can be adjusted using sliders (“from… to…”). Tilda offers five breakpoints for responsive design.

Zero Block (Free Section)

Zero Block Editor

The advanced editor is designed for professionals. Zero Block capabilities are similar to the web IDE (Integrated Development Environment) and include:

  • Adding various composite elements (text, images, shapes, buttons, videos, tooltips, forms, galleries, vector elements and custom HTML code);
  • Layering elements with defined priorities;
  • Alignment to column-based or custom grids;
  • Custom breakpoints;
  • Applying simple and advanced effects (blur, sepia, contrast etc.);
  • Using step-by-step, trigger-based and basic animations;
  • Hotkey support;
  • Importing layouts from Figma.

Naturally, Zero Blocks can be managed like any other blocks. They may be copied, moved within the page, deleted, added to favorites and more. Custom fonts can be connected to them, while individual elements may have their own tag referrals (H1-H3, div).

Custom Font Connection

Typography is an important part of any website. Fonts make it possible to highlight your corporate style and dramatically change your website design.

Tilda allows you to:

  • Connect any fonts from the Google Fonts service;
  • Connect fonts from the Adobe Fonts service;
  • Upload your own font files (in WOFF/WOFF2 formats);
  • Connect any external fonts using CSS (the fonts should be hosted on a CDN or a separate hosting).

HTML Code Insertion in Tilda

You can achieve the greatest flexibility when working with Tilda by inserting HTML, CSS or JavaScript codes. This may include online chats, external online calculators or quizzes, other complex forms, custom calculation scripts, analytics (including cross-platform analytics), embedded videos etc.

The only limitation is that this functionality and corresponding blocks are available in paid plans only.

HTML code may be embedded in Tilda at the following levels:

  • Special website builder blocks in the editor (convenient for adding forms and widgets);
  • Pop-up windows (useful for creating quizzes, connecting subscriber forms etc.);
  • Individual pages (within the Head tag);
  • The entire site (also within the Head tag, but more convenient for integrating analytics across all pages).

Through Blocks

Unlike some other website builders, Tilda makes it possible to make through headers and footers only. It is impossible to make separate through blocks here.

Thus, if the blocks are found within the main body of the page, they will have to be copied and edited separately on each new page.

Tilda allows separating footer and header for the main website and for the blog (news feed).

Footer and header are full-featured pages here and this is an advantage. Thus, they can be assembled of any number of sections.

Image and Icon Library

Tilda developers have created their unique font and provided free access to it. The same approach has been applied for their original icon library.

However, there are some nuances here. Icons cannot be edited within Tilda. You can’t change their color or style. If you need to make any modifications, you can download the source files and use specialized software.

Instead of comprehensive integrations, Tilda essentially provides links to external photo stocks (both paid and free).

The search function is available only for their own icons (Tilda Icons) and for the Linea library. Additionally, you can connect your Instagram account and use illustrations available there.

The built-in image editor is not available in all blocks.

Setting Up the Mobile Website Version

Tilda blocks don’t have separate settings for the mobile display mode. The problem can be solved by the proper adjustment of visibility of certain sections.

For example, you can hide a larger cover block version on smartphones, showing a different block version specifically adapted for mobile devices. On the one hand, this approach makes sense, but on the other hand, it significantly increases the page size because both versions of the block’s code are loaded in the browser. It’s just that one of them is not displayed.

Separate settings for smartphones can only be found in menu blocks.

Tech Support

The best tech support in Tilda is provided via their official documentation and educational videos.

If you couldn’t find answers to your questions on your own, you can reach out to their support team via tickets (email or the feedback form). However, get ready that the support team might direct you to specific instructions. Ultimately, you may need to independently look for the solution.

If you have no desire to work on the problem independently, Tilda has a marketplace called Tilda Experts. The services of third-party experts are paid.

Tilda also offers its own educational platform, Tilda Education, and a blog. Many of their courses can be accessed for free.

How Much Does Tilda Cost?

The free plan is unlimited yet it has limited functionality. It allows creating up to 50 pages and includes only 50MB of disk storage space. It does not support custom domains, while many blocks and modules are unavailable.

Premium subscriptions include:

Tilda Pricing Plans

  • Personal Plan ($10/mo) – one website, up to 500 pages, 1000 MB of disk storage, access to all blocks and modules except for HTML export and API;
  • Business Plan ($20/mo) – allows up to five websites (500 pages per website), 1000 MB of disk storage, HTML export and API access.

When upgrading for an annual plan, a domain is provided as a bonus.

There is a 14-day trial available for the Personal plan.

There are packages available for 10, 15, 20 and 30 websites for business plans.

Discounts do not apply to non-cash payments for legal entities. Additional expenses may include employee fees.

Conclusion: Is Tilda Worth Using?

Tilda is a high-quality and full-featured website builder. However, it has multiple nuances. For example, if you don’t have specific knowledge, you will be able to create web pages using custom blocks only. Many settings will be complex and confusing. Integrations may not be straightforward for everyone. As a result, the degree of website customization will be poor and you may encounter surprises at various stages.

On the other hand, professional designers and web developers will be satisfied. Due to the advanced Zero Block editor, they will be able to implement almost any idea, while Figma layouts can be imported in just a few clicks.

There are also opportunities for team collaboration, letting you cooperate with up to 25 members.

Obviously, the platform initially targets professionals, which is partly justified as small and medium businesses frequently hire freelancers.

If needed, you can master the platform on your own as all the necessary educational materials are available here. However, the learning process won’t be quick.

If you want to quickly launch a small website with no effort at all, it makes sense to consider simpler and more accessible platforms.