Contributing to the Community

Contributing to the Community

Here is a quick guide on how you can start interacting and engaging on Tech Community! Enjoy :smile:


How to Ask a Question

1. Click on the 'Community Hubs' dropdown menu on the navigation bar

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2. Click on the Product Hub that best fits your question or idea (if your topic is not listed on the most Active Hubs, be sure to check out the Special Topics or Browse All Community Hubs)

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3. Select the appropriate space within the Community to post your question or idea

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4. Click the 'Start a New Conversation' button

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5. Fill out the Subject and Message (Title and Body) sections of your conversation. Add a label (or a few) that best fits your message topic. Then click “Post” to publish your conversation.

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Engaging with Posts

1. Like posts by clicking on the thumbs-up icon at the bottom of the post

2. Reply to posts by clicking the reply button, either in the main feed or on the post directly

3. Share posts by selecting the other platform icons on the right

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Note: Selecting ‘Reply’ will open the simple text response box. Clicking the ‘Open Full Text Editor’ button will open the rich text editor. In this editor you can include graphics, hyperlinks, media, and styling in your reply, in addition to being able to control your subscription to the thread, add tags, and upload relevant files. When you are finished, click “Post” to publish your response.


Sending a Private Message

1. Click on the profile picture or name of the member you want to private message

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2. Click the 'Message' button in the top right. This will open up a text editor just like the one used for posting above. Follow the same instructions!

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Subscribe to a Community Board

1. On the Community of your choice, select the 'three dots' dropdown menu and select 'Subscribe to RSS Feed' to receive notifications for posts in community/space you selected.

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