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Customize Kubeflow on GKE

Tailoring a GKE deployment of Kubeflow

This guide describes how to customize your deployment of Kubeflow on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) on Google Cloud.

Before you start

The variables defined in this page can be found in gcp-blueprint/kubeflow/ They are the same value as you set based on your Kubeflow deployment.

Customizing Kubeflow before deployment

The Kubeflow deployment process is divided into two steps, hydrate and apply, so that you can modify your configuration before deploying your Kubeflow cluster.

Follow the guide to deploying Kubeflow on Google Cloud. You can add your patches in corresponding component folder, and include those patches in kustomization.yaml file. Learn more about the usage of kustomize. You can also find the existing kustomization in kubeflow/gcp-blueprints as example. After adding the patches, you can run make hydrate to validate the resulting resources. Finally, you can run make apply to deploy the customized Kubeflow.

Customizing an existing deployment

You can also customize an existing Kubeflow deployment. In that case, this guide assumes that you have already followed the guide to deploying Kubeflow on Google Cloud and have deployed Kubeflow to a GKE cluster.

Before you start

This guide assumes the following settings:

  • The ${KF_DIR} environment variable contains the path to your Kubeflow application directory, which holds your Kubeflow configuration files. For example, /opt/gcp-blueprints/kubeflow/.

    export KF_DIR=<path to your Kubeflow application directory>
    cd "${KF_DIR}"
  • Make sure your environment variables are set up for the Kubeflow cluster you want to customize. For further background about the settings, see the guide to deploying Kubeflow with the CLI.

Customizing Google Cloud resources

To customize Google Cloud resources, such as your Kubernetes Engine cluster, you can modify the Deployment settings starting in ${KF_DIR}/common/cnrm.

This folder contains multiple dependencies on sibling directories for Google Cloud resources. So you can start from here by reviewing kustomization.yaml. Depends on the type of Google Cloud resources you want to customize, you can add patches in corresponding directory.

  1. Make sure you checkin the existing resources in /build folder to source control.

  2. Add the patches in corresponding directory, and update kustomization.yaml to include patches.

  3. Run make hydrate to build new resources in /build folder.

  4. Carefully examine the result resources in /build folder. If the customization is addition only, you can run make apply to directly patch the resources.

  5. It is possible that you are modifying immutable resources. In this case, you will need to delete existing resource and applying new resources. Note that this might mean lost of your service and data, please execute carefully. General approach to delete and deploy Google Cloud resources:

    1. Revert to old resources in /build using source control.

    2. Carefully delete the resource you need to delete by using kubectl delete.

    3. Rebuild and apply new Google Cloud resources

    cd common/cnrm

Customizing Kubeflow resources

You can use kustomize to customize Kubeflow. Make sure that you have the minimum required version of kustomize: 2.0.3 or later. For more information about kustomize in Kubeflow, see how Kubeflow uses kustomize.

To customize the Kubernetes resources running within the cluster, you can modify the kustomize manifests in corresponding component under ${KF_DIR}.

For example, to modify settings for the Jupyter web app:

  1. Open ${KF_DIR}/apps/jupyter/jupyter-web-app/kustomization.yaml in a text editor.

  2. Review the file’s inclusion of deployment-patch.yaml, and add your modification to deployment-patch.yaml based on the original content in ${KF_DIR}/apps/jupyter/jupyter-web-app/upstream/base/deployment.yaml. For example: change volumeMounts’s mountPath if you need to customize it.

  3. Verify the output resources in /build folder using Makefile"

    cd "${KF_DIR}"
    make hydrate
  4. Redeploy Kubeflow using Makefile:

    cd "${KF_DIR}"
    make apply

Common customizations

Add users to Kubeflow

You must grant each user the minimal permission scope that allows them to connect to the Kubernetes cluster.

For Google Cloud, you should grant the following Cloud Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles.

In the following commands, replace [PROJECT] with your Google Cloud project and replace [EMAIL] with the user’s email address:

  • To access the Kubernetes cluster, the user needs the Kubernetes Engine Cluster Viewer role:

    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding [PROJECT] --member=user:[EMAIL] --role=roles/container.clusterViewer
  • To access the Kubeflow UI through IAP, the user needs the IAP-secured Web App User role:

    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding [PROJECT] --member=user:[EMAIL] --role=roles/iap.httpsResourceAccessor

    Note, you need to grant the user IAP-secured Web App User role even if the user is already an owner or editor of the project. IAP-secured Web App User role is not implied by the Project Owner or Project Editor roles.

  • To be able to run gcloud container clusters get-credentials and see logs in Cloud Logging (formerly Stackdriver), the user needs viewer access on the project:

    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding [PROJECT] --member=user:[EMAIL] --role=roles/viewer

Alternatively, you can also grant these roles on the IAM page in the Cloud Console. Make sure you are in the same project as your Kubeflow deployment.

Add GPU nodes to your cluster

To add GPU accelerators to your Kubeflow cluster, you have the following options:

  • Pick a Google Cloud zone that provides NVIDIA Tesla K80 Accelerators (nvidia-tesla-k80).
  • Or disable node-autoprovisioning in your Kubeflow cluster.
  • Or change your node-autoprovisioning configuration.

To see which accelerators are available in each zone, run the following command:

gcloud compute accelerator-types list

Create the ContainerNodePool resource adopting GPU, for exmaple, create a new file containernodepool-gpu.yaml file and fulfill the value KUBEFLOW-NAME, KF-PROJECT, LOCATION based on your Kubeflow deployment:

kind: ContainerNodePool
    kf-name: KF_NAME # kpt-set: ${name}
  name: containernodepool-gpu
  namespace: KF_PROJECT # kpt-set: ${gcloud.core.project}
  location: LOCATION # kpt-set: ${location}
  initialNodeCount: 1
    minNodeCount: 0
    maxNodeCount: 5
    machineType: n1-standard-4
    diskSizeGb: 100
    diskType: pd-standard
    preemptible: true
    - ""
    - ""
    - ""
    - type: "nvidia-tesla-k80"
      count: 1
      disable-legacy-endpoints: "true"
    autoRepair: true
    autoUpgrade: true
    name: KF_NAME # kpt-set: ${name}
    namespace: KF_PROJECT # kpt-set: ${gcloud.core.project}

Note that the metadata:name must be unique in your Kubeflow project. Because the management cluster uses this as ID and your Google Cloud project as a namespace to identify a node pool.

Apply the node pool patch file above by running:

kubectl --context="${MGMTCTXT}" --namespace="${KF_PROJECT}" apply -f <path-to-gpu-nodepool-file>

After adding GPU nodes to your cluster, you need to install NVIDIA’s device drivers to the nodes. Google provides a DaemonSet that automatically installs the drivers for you. To deploy the installation DaemonSet, run the following command:

kubectl --context="${KF_NAME}" apply -f

To disable node-autoprovisioning, edit ${KF_DIR}/common/cluster/upstream/cluster.yaml to set enabled to false:

      enabled: false

Add Cloud TPUs to your cluster

Note: The following instruction should be used when creating GKE cluster, because the TPU enablement flag enableTpu is immutable once cluster is created. You need to create new cluster if existing cluster doesn’t have TPU enabled.

Set enableTpu:true in ${KF_DIR}/common/cluster/upstream/cluster.yaml and enable alias IP (VPC-native traffic routing):

kind: ContainerCluster
  enableTpu: true
  networkingMode: VPC_NATIVE
    name: containercluster-dep-vpcnative
    name: containercluster-dep-vpcnative
    servicesSecondaryRangeName: servicesrange
    clusterSecondaryRangeName: clusterrange
kind: ComputeNetwork
  name: containercluster-dep-vpcnative
  routingMode: REGIONAL
  autoCreateSubnetworks: false
kind: ComputeSubnetwork
  name: containercluster-dep-vpcnative
  region: us-west1
    name: containercluster-dep-vpcnative
  - rangeName: servicesrange
  - rangeName: clusterrange

You can learn more at Creating a new cluster with Cloud TPU support, and view an example Vpc Native Container Cluster config connector yaml file.

More customizations

Refer to the navigation panel on the left of these docs for more customizations, including using your own domain, setting up Cloud Filestore, and more.


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