The Path To Running A Better Law Firm Starts Here

We help law firms transform:

  • Their business through tailored strategic consulting and implementation services
  • Their work with new or improved technology, systems, and processes
  • Their team by training on essential business tools and skills

Running A Law Firm Doesn’t Have To Be So Hard

Law firm leaders often feel behind the curve. They’re frustrated because it feels like the team is stuck in the “old way” of doing things.

Decisions among firm leaders and partners are slow and it’s hard to find alignment. Leaders discuss and debate the issues ad nauseam without any decisions or solutions.

Work feels hard—information and files are too hard to find, tasks take too many steps to complete, and mistakes come too easily. Deadlines are hard to track, messages get lost in the shuffle, tasks are done last minute, and clients aren’t getting your team’s best.

Your past attempts to solve these problems fell short. That’s why we threw out the “old way” and introduced our transformation services.

We’ve Heard It All Before.

"Consultants seem great on site, but they leave us with a lengthy document full of problems–and no real help solving them."

"New software is expensive to buy, hard to configure, and difficult for our team to use. Training everyone takes months."

"Trainings and courses are boring and cover superficial content without providing us the support our team needs."

There Is A Better Way.

Turn Your Practice Into A Healthy Law Firm

Affinity Consulting dives deep into your current systems and identifies what needs to change. We support you every step of the way, from choosing new software to creating new processes and training your team. With our help, you can spend more time on high-impact, meaningful work and less time compensating for outdated ideas.

Transform How Your Law Firm Does Business And Leverages Technology With Affinity

Affinity Consulting helps your legal team eliminate communication breakdowns and enhance efficiency in your business systems. When you work with us, you get a full year of business transformation services – complete with a dedicated guide to advise and support you ensuring you get the most out of your investment.

Here’s How It Works

Traditionally, law firms and legal teams have worked with us to solve a single problem. These “one-and-done” solutions worked (and we still offer them to select clients), but we felt like we could do better. That’s why we reimagined the way we work and introduced our transformation services: so we could stop fighting fires, and start preventing them.

Begin a journey that takes your practice from a muddled mess into a dream team with a better way to do business.


Your dedicated guide works with you to craft a custom strategic plan to move your business forward.


Our team begins fixing your highest priority issues while keeping close communication with you.


We provide ongoing support and training, as well as refinements to ensure your team embraces the changes and the solution continues to work as expected.


The Affinity team is responsive and focused, providing swift and relevant feedback when we reach out to them. They address queries posed to them with clear demos. Added to this, they respond in a down-to-earth, we’ve got your back way, that reassures us that we’re working with the right team!

Catherine Lorandos

Glinton Sweeting O'Brien

Don’t overestimate your ability to implement document management on your own. We looked to Affinity, who has done it before, and were thinking about not just the software but the complete picture.

Andrew Nolan

Foulston Siefkin

It’s been a win across the board. Our disaster recovery and business continuity infrastructure have been stabilized.

Wally Saunders

Swift Currie

Affinity provides honest advice and assessments of prospective software programs. The “sales” effort is secondary to helping you find the right fit that works for your team.

Laureen Naidu

A&W Food Services of Canada Inc.

Since 2001 when I first started my own solo law practice, I’ve relied on the excellent people at Affinity to help select the best practice management software, to install it, and then to train me on how to use it. I’m grateful to have made this connection a long time ago!

Philip J. Gauer

Attorney at Law, LLC

Solve Your Firm’s Biggest Problems Once And For All

Access an expert team with deep industry experience that understands both the how and why behind your business systems.

Get cutting-edge management solutions and software to meet your legal team’s specific needs.

Receive unmatched support, service, and guidance every step of the way. From discovery to implementation, and beyond.

Get your team up and running fast with training programs designed to save time and boost productivity.

Schedule A Free Discovery Call