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News video games 11 April 2023, 15:24

author: Kamil Kleszyk

Here's Dead Space in 1990s Vibe

What would Dead Space look like if it had been released on the first PlayStation? Thanks to the work of one fan, we can not only see, but also experience it.

Nowadays, many game developers are engaged in a frantic race to provide players with the best possible visuals in their games. Fortunately, there are fans who have fondness of the old pixelated titles dating back to the first PlayStation. As a result of nostalgia, demakes, which have become increasingly popular in recent years, are born.

Such a project has been made available by Fraser Brumley. He has prepared a playable demo of Dead Space Demake. The creator estimates that the gameplay lasts for 10-15 minutes, but this is enough time to experience a kind of return to the past and see what the iconic horror game might have looked like if it had debuted in the 1990s.

  • Dead Space Demake is available for download here

However, before you decide to download Brumley's work, take a look at how it looks in action.

The official remake of the iconic Dead Space debuted on January 27, this year. Electronic Arts' refreshed game received very good reviews from both gamers and industry critics.

Kamil Kleszyk

Kamil Kleszyk

At deals with various jobs. So you can expect from him both news about the farming simulator and a text about the impact of Johnny Depp's trial on the future of Pirates of the Caribbean. Introvert by vocation. Since childhood, he felt a closer connection to humanities than to exact sciences. When after years of learning came a time of stagnation, he preferred to call it his "search for a life purpose." In the end, he decided to fight for a better future, which led him to the place where he is today.
