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News guides 21 February 2024, 02:06

author: Damian Gacek

How to Use Controller in Le Mans Ultimate

Many players have problems with controllers in Le Mans Ultimate. Let’s find out how to use them.

Source: Le Mans Ultimate, developer Studio 397

Le Mans Ultimate is a new racing game which was launched in Early Access. It is an official title of FIA World Endurance Championship and 24 Hours of Le Mans with some interesting cars and circuits. Of course, fans of racing adventures are looking closely at this game. Some of them have their doubts, though, as it seems that there is a problem with controllers. The truth is that you can use them, but there are some restrictions right now.

Can you use a controller in Le Mans Ultimate?

Yes, it is possible to use a controller in Le Mans Ultimate, but right now this option is quite limited. Controllers are unlocked during the race. Once you enter the competition, you will be able to use gamepad.

However, you will need K&M to play, at least for now. Menus can be navigated only by a mouse and keyboard combination. We can read in FAQ on the official site that:

For now, menus are accessible only using a keyboard and mouse but we plan to revisit this in future.

It means that we can hope that Le Mans Ultimate will be fully operational with controller at some point. Nevertheless, it is difficult to predict when. Remember that the game is in Early Access and prone to various problems and unpolished mechanics. It is unknown when it is planned to be fully released. We have to be patient at this point.

Damian Gacek

Damian Gacek

Graduate of English Philology and English in Public Communication. His portfolio includes a scientific article on video game translation. Working with since 2019, writing for various departments. Currently, deals with guides and occasionally supports the newsroom. Interested in electronic entertainment since childhood. Loves RPGs and strategies, often also immersing himself in the depths of indie games. In his free time, works on a book and learns film editing.
