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News video games 13 December 2022, 15:09

author: Adam Adamczyk

Stalcraft - Beginners Guide: Backpacks and More; Best Tips and Tricks

Just starting your adventure with Stalcraft? Here are a handful of tips on backpacks, survival, mechanics, NPCs, etc.

Stalcraft is a free game, which in many ways resembles the iconic Stalker. In the game we find ourselves in a dangerous open world, collecting equipment, fighting enemies and trying to survive. We have gathered for you a handful of useful tips on backpacks, strategy, or equipment.

Stalcraft - tips for getting started


After defeating an opponent, you can take their backpack, but there is no way to get equipment from it. While many players do not like this solution, it is intended to ensure that experienced players who have acquired a powerful arsenal of weapons cannot be deliberately defeated by beginners, thus giving them their armaments. However, the backpacks can be sold to their owners, which is a good way to raise money.


In the game we will find locations that can be contaminated. There are four types of contamination:

  1. Biological
  2. Radiation
  3. Psi-impact
  4. Thermal

Each of these is divided into three levels of intensity. If you end up in such a contaminated zone, it is worth making sure your outfit has adequate protection.

Playing solo vs. playing in a group

Stalcraft can be successfully played solo, but then you should be on guard, because in this virtual world many dangers lurk for a player. It is definitely safer to play in a group. To add someone to your friends, go into your PDA and select Friends. There you will find an icon "+", after clicking which you can enter the nickname of the player and add them to friends. Then the friend can be added to your squad.

Sending and receiving emails

You can send emails to other players, but to do so you need to find a courier. Couriers are stationed at bases and enable you to both send and receive emails. To send a message, all you have to do is enter the name of the player you want to send it to, and then type what you want to convey to them.

Collecting items

During the game you will find many items on your way, from junk of little value to real treasures. At the beginning of your adventure it is worth collecting almost everything, because you never know what might come in handy, and besides, equipment can be sold, and cash always comes in handy.


In the game we will encounter a variety of NPCs who perform important functions. These include:

  1. Equipment Merchant - Sells and buys armaments.
  2. Buyer - Purchases artifacts and unneeded items.
  3. Supply Merchant - Sells ammunition, health kits, etc.
  4. Mechanic - Repairs and upgrades equipment.
  5. Auctioneer - Enables you to take part in auctions.
  6. Courier - Enables you to send and receive letters.
  7. Researcher - Improves artifacts.
  8. Contract Provider - Orders daily tasks.

Additional tips

  1. If you hold down the spacebar, you'll be able to jump a little higher, which will enable you to get to the hills more easily.
  2. Your stamina bar is divided into three sections: red, yellow and green. With the red section, you can sprint, but you can't jump. If the bar is yellow, you can jump to the standard height. Higher jumping is only possible when the bar is green.
  3. When you hold down the C key, you gain quick access to 9 items. For example, you can put weapons there and change them without going into the inventory.
  4. You don't have to play solo. Even if none of your friends owns Stalcraft, you can find new friends directly in the game.
  5. There is no such thing as fast travel in the game, but if you don't have valuable items with you, you can type the /suicide command in chat to kill your character and be reborn in the last visited base. This command is also useful when you get stuck in some place.
  6. If you have valuable equipment that you don't want to carry with you, you can put it in the storage box you will find in the base.

Adam Adamczyk

Adam Adamczyk

Has been writing professionally since 2013. In 2021, he joined, where in addition to gaming topics, he deals with strictly technological information. Worked with the largest music stores in Poland, creating articles related to instruments and generally understood sound design. Interested in computer games since childhood. On top of that, his interests include playing the guitar, composing music, and strength sports.
