From the course: Careers in the Game Industry

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From the course: Careers in the Game Industry

Next steps for designers

- [Voiceover] As you've seen, the game designer position is one that encompasses all facets of game development. No other position has as much influence on the game as the game designer. This has made the position of game designer one of the most popular positions in the game industry. There aren't many careers where one can create fun, engaging, interactive experiences for an audience of thousands, if not millions. We've spent time already covering the responsibility and skills common to a game design position. I wanted to take this last video on the subject to direct you to some resources that you can take advantage of immediately to move you towards a career in game design. First, check out our library of courses that focus on game design. A few of the courses I'd recommend to start with are Game Design Careers with Brenda Romero, an interview that takes a closer look at the game designer career. Start Your Own Game Company with John Romero, a documentary focused on advice from one…
