From the course: Cert Prep: Unity Certified Associate Game Developer Fundamentals

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Transforming game objects

Transforming game objects

- [Instructor] In the preceding movie, we saw how we could navigate around any scene inside the scene tab, using the viewpoint controls. This gives us the ability to move the camera pretty much anywhere we choose. In this movie, I want to show you how we can actually maneuver objects themselves around the scene. You'll see that in the case of the first person shooter, the micro game sample project, we have quite a few different objects. I can left click to select this blue sign over here. I can select this object, this entrance way. I can select this enemy character. There are quite a few different things that I can select and manipulate. How can we change these objects? To demonstrate this, I'm going to add a completely new object. We saw previously how we can add objects either from the game object menu, or by bringing them in from the project panel itself. I'll create a new cube object by simply choosing game…
