From the course: Creating a Leadership Development Program

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Create a custom survey

Create a custom survey

- When creating a strategic leadership development program, the research phase, or the needs analysis, must be thorough and exact. You're the organization's doctor, and you want to examine your patient, the company, so your prescription will deliver the results that you want. A great place to start your needs analysis is with a custom survey that's designed to do two things. First, it'll help you ensure that you thoroughly understand the needs of the leaders, and second, it'll help you make sure that every person who will participate in the program has a chance to have input. This is also important, so participants feel like they had a say in the program that they'll ultimately participate in. They'll be more personally connected to the program, and its long-term success. The easiest way to administer a survey is typically using an online survey tool, or your company's internal survey tool. Some organizations may want to…
