Dei Agminum (Armies of God) is an ambitious mod project aimed at becoming the premiere Medieval II Total War Crusades mod. Its origins can be traced back to the Broken Crescent Submod "Jersualem Rising". It will use the Crusades campaign from Kingdoms as a base but will in time morph into its own distinct entity. For now I will concentrate on revamping the Crusades campaign through this mod. This will include renaming existing units, settlements and factions with their historical names, introducing historically accurate buildings and new units and completely remaking unit art/UI (models, textures, banners, screens and etc.) and introducing other assets. For now these are the mod's main priorities.

Post news Report RSS Dei Agminum Version 3.0 Released

Version 3.0 release news and notes. You can download Version 3.0 today in the files section!

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Welcome to the release of Dei Agminum Version 3.0, today you may download the Version 3.0 build right here on Moddb. I have created two files, one contains an installer that will install the mod into the Steam mods directory and the other just contains the Dei Agminum folder for those of you who prefer to manually install.

Steam Link:
Dei Agminum Version 3.0 Steam Installer file - ModDB

Non-Steam Link:
Dei Agminum Version 3.0 non-Steam file - ModDB

Let me now move on to some housekeeping items:

-This release does not mark the completion of the mod, there are still many more things to do, it is simply the latest iteration.
-The Turk faction has not been worked on yet and still utilizes vanilla units, and is unaffected by most of the core mechanics of the mod.
-If you are experiencing a technical issue with the mod, the best place to get it resolved is at our discord: Dei Agminum Discord
-If you have some feedback, also consider coming to the discord first. The more you get involved, the better it is for the community and for future development efforts.
-I highly recommend you patch your Medieval2 and Kingdoms .exe with the 4gb patch or Large AddressAware, this will mitigate any ctds caused by the game being unable to access more system resources (4GB Patch, Large Address Aware)
-A big Thank you to all of my Version 3.0 Discord play testers, especially Wise Guy and Diealot!

What's in Version 3.0 you ask? Please refer to this article so you understand what you are getting today:

Dei Agminum Version 3.0 News - ModDB

Regarding the Roman Empire, which replaces the vanilla "Byzantine Empire" in Version 3.0, here is a more detailed breakdown of this faction.

symbol48 byzantium
Faction Symbol

leader pic byzantium
Faction Hero/Leader, Emperor Manuel (will have his own unique battle model)

Faction Unique Unit: Siphonatores

Strengths: The Romans are essentially the "jack of all-trades" faction, they have an excellent mix of units from strong infantry, to deadly archers and of course their famous heavy cavalry. They also have many territories and a highly developed capital.

Weaknesses: Their holdings are vast, and some territories lie in isolated areas, which may be difficult to resupply and reinforce.

Capital Bonus and Other Bonuses: Constantinople, the capital of the Roman Empire is the greatest city in the known world. It is home to three stunning wonders (Hagia Sophia, the Hippodrome, and Magnaura Palace) which give the Romans a slew of economic and military bonuses such as experience bonuses for cavalry and ships and added income and trade bonuses. Furthermore, the Emperor's elite and powerful bodyguard units, the Varangian Guard and the Hetaireia can be trained here and only here. In addition to the guard units, the "Siphonatores" Greek Fire specialists are also only available in the capital. Lastly, Constantinople has highly developed commercial infrastructure which is a huge boon to any Roman player's starting economy.

How to Play: The Romans are destined for greatness, all they need is competent leadership. Their armies are already very powerful. They have everything at their disposal to counter any of their existing adversaries, including excellent archers and horse archers. Their cataphracts are currently the most powerful non-general cavalry unit in the game and their Greek Fire troops can devastate columns of enemy troops. Their economy can easily boom because Constantinople essentially prints money due to its ports/markets and the economic bonuses that come from the three wonders within the capital. With that said, a Roman player must look to quickly reconquer their lost territories in Anatolia before marching on Syria and the Levant. Lost Roman territories in Anatolia are currently under the Seljuk yoke, but there are significant majorities of Orthodox Greeks that live in these areas, so these areas are ripe for reconquest. Imperial troops will be welcomed as liberators and can quickly pacify them without incurring much unrest.

That's it for now, I hope you enjoy your Dei Agminum playthroughs in Version 3.0!

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mujo70 - - 408 comments


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0TheLastTemplar0 - - 398 comments

Come to the discord and share with us your after action reports ;)

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mujo70 - - 408 comments

will do

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