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Created by

Vanarunwen aka WhiteRaven

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About this mod

This is a 4 level Outpost build for Warwick Homestead.

Permissions and credits
Howdy folks, 
This here lil' ole mod is an Outpost plan for Warwick Homestead.  

It is a 4 level upgrading plan.  It also has a player home in the mechanical building in the far corner.

The particulars are as follows:
Level 0/Pop-16/Martial-8 plots/Municipal-2 plots/Residential-4 plots/Recreational-3 plots
Level 1/Pop-20/Martial-10 plots/Municipal-2 plots/Residential-5 plots/Recreational-3 plots
Level 2/Pop-30/Martial-12 plots/Municipal-3 plots/Residential-8 plots/Recreational-5 plots
Level 3/Pop-40/Martial-17 plots/Municipal-4 plots/Residential-12 plots/Recreational-7 plots

Please be sure to have "Designer's Choice" on in the Sim Settlements 2 menu.
This will ensure all the plots assign correctly.  You can, of course, change anything that does not appeal to you, but I have arranged most in a very particular manner.  Some of the buildings have been themed for a particular plot.
You will also need to increase your building limit by 100%.  This will ensure you will have enough space for upgrades, etc.
You can do this thru the workshop menu. Simply go to increase build limit and choose 100%.  
The settlement must be flagged as an outpost for plan to show up in the city planners desk.

The Addon Packs I used are :

Shazbot's Cots by shazbot9ee3
Junk Town 2 by Uituit
Rags and Riches by Foxel
Apocalyptic Additions by SirLach
Enclave is here by Choochoo1
Ruined Homes and Gardens by Ruinedworld
So I made plans by Mikimikinyan
Wasteland Venturers by Tinuvia
Caravan Snatex by Snatex
Tiny Living by Fredderick

You don't have to use these, just know the plan will not build as I designed without 
them installed.  

Thank you guys!

Vanarunwen, aka WhiteRaven