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About this mod

A minutemen faction pack for Sim Settlements 2, featuring We Are the Minutemen (WATM) and Far West Minutemen, bringing a variety of new loadouts, uniforms, and special units to the Minutemen faction.

Permissions and credits
Day 8 on the Advent Calendar of Merry Modding Days (

Requires all DLCs and version 3.1.0 or greater of Sim Settlements 2

Uniforms: 9
Loadouts: 13
Special Units: 9

Note: These numbers are based on use of the Deluxe edition, requiring both Far West Minutemen (AWKCR-free version) and We Are the Minutemen. If using either the WATM and Far West Minutemen stand-alone versions, available uniforms and loadouts are noted below. 

Minuteman Fatigues
Minuteman Light Outfit
Minuteman Reinforced Outfit
Minuteman Heavy Jacket
Minuteman Jumpsuit
Minuteman Flannel Shirt and Jeans
Minuteman Winter Jacket and Jeans
Minuteman Drifter Outfit
Minuteman Farmhand Clothes
*All uniforms are from We Are the Minutemen so are only available in Deluxe Edition and We Are the Minutemen Edition

Special Units/Loadouts:
Minuteman Mechanized Infantry (Deluxe and WATM-Only Edition) - Particularly persistent Minutemen have taught themselves how to use and maintain old T-45 Power Armor suits through a combination of persistence, scouring old Commonwealth ruins, and reading dusty old technical documents. They're ready to step into the fray as walking tanks to help their fellow minutemen. 
Special Unit - Recruit Only - Recruit Starts at Rank 3

Minuteman Veteran (Deluxe and WATM-Only Edition)
- Seasoned Minutemen officers with distinct uniforms, weapons expertise, and top-level firearms. They go where needed and can easily lead other Minutemen into battle and victory. They don't go down easy in a fight and can inflict serious damage on the enemy. 
Special Unit - Recruit Only - Recruit Starts at Rank 4

Minuteman Marine (Deluxe and WATM-Only Edition) -
Minutemen warriors who have become experts at land and amphibious combat, prepared for anything by fixing up and salvaging old suits of Marine Assault Combat Armor. Heavily armored and with automatic weapons, they are ready for assaults and crowd control. (NOTE - This is largely equivalent to the Minuteman Conqueror, but with a different outfit that utilizes Marine Assault Armor from Far Harbor DLC and Minuteman Fatigues from WATM)
Special Unit and Loadout - Recruit Starts at Rank 4, can be applied to soldiers at Rank 4

Minuteman Scout (Deluxe and WATM-Only Edition)
- Skilled outdoorsmen and marksmen, these soldiers keep tabs on the enemy from a distance and run recon. They prefer sniper weapons and know how to hit the enemy where it hurts, but they only wear light armor to stay on the move and keep a low profile. (NOTE - This is largely equivalent to the Minuteman Hunter, but with a different outfit that utilizes the Minuteman Winter Jacket and Jeans from WATM)
Special Unit and Loadout - Recruit Starts at Rank 3, can be applied to soldiers at Rank 3. 

Minuteman Watch (Deluxe and WATM-Only Edition) - Settlers who help and serve as auxilliaries to the Minutemen, ready to defend their own settlements and help out, the minuteman watch are essentially the Minutemen's reserves. They are dependable folks who can serve as support and guards at outposts, but who also have enough basic Minuteman training to participate in assaults if needed, though they wear only light armor and use whatever weapons from the Minutemen arsenal are available.  (NOTE - This is largely equivalent to the Minuteman Pioneer, but with a different outfit that utilizes the Minuteman Farmhand Clothes from WATM)
Loadout - Can be applied to soldiers starting at Rank 1

Minuteman Tech (Deluxe and WATM-Only Edition) - Minutemen mechanics and technicians, these individuals can keep outposts up and running and conduct any needed repairs. They prefer energy weapons, including laser muskets and restored pre-war energy weapons. They are helpful outpost support, but can also participate in assaults. (NOTE - This is largely equivalent to the Minuteman Tinkerer, but with a different outfit that utilizes the Minuteman Jumpsuit from WATM).
Loadout - Can be applied to soldiers starting at Rank 1

Minuteman Conqueror (Deluxe and Far West Minutemen-Only Edition) - The vanguard of the Minutemen, Conquerors are ready to charge in to hostile territory and eliminate threats, either to protect existing settlements or build new ones. They are combat ready with serious armor and automatic weapons from the minutemen arsenal. 
Special Unit and Loadout - Recruit Starts at Rank 4, can be applied to soldiers at Rank 4

Minuteman Extremist (Deluxe and Far West Minutemen-Only Edition) - Some Minutemen have been pushed to the brink, hardened by years of trauma and loss in the Commonwealth. These battle scars, both mental and physical, let them push themselves to the limit and do whatever it takes to protect settlements and their fellow Minutemen. Heavy weapon specialists with heavy armor as well, they can give and receive a lot of punishment on the battlefield. 
Special Unit and Loadout - Recruit Starts at Rank 5, can be applied to soldiers at Rank 5

Minuteman Hunter (Deluxe and Far West Minutemen-Only Edition) - Skilled at subduing the Commonwealth's many mutated monstrosities in order to protect settlements, the Minuteman Hunters are master marksman and snipers and have the skill and knowledge to make every bullet count. Able to pierce tough hides and target limbs to bring down the likes of behemoths and deathclaws, these hunters are ready to use that expertise in battle. 
Special Unit and Loadout - Recruit Starts at Rank 3, can be applied to soldiers at Rank 3

Minuteman Marshal (Deluxe and Far West Minutemen-Only Edition) - Spread out over vast territory, the minutemen do have to maintain a code of conduct and discipline. Minutemen Marshals, senior minutemen who have climbed the ranks, stand ready to do that. Dealing with rogue minutemen and the outside forces that often corrupt its membership, Marshals have to be ready for anything. Wearing impressive armor to signify their unique roles and preferring semi-automatic weapons, Marshals are skilled enough to be able to disarm threats from within and outside the minutemen. 
Special Unit and Loadout - Recruit Starts at Rank 4, can be applied to soldiers at Rank 4

Minuteman Reeve (Deluxe and Far West Minutemen-Only Edition) - Ready to protect settlements from outlaws and raiders, and resolve disputes in settlements through persuasion or force, the Reeve is an important role for the minutemen. They may not start a fight, but Reeves will finish it. Making use of an array of different minutemen weaponry, they are versatile battlefield combatants with solid armor. 
Special Unit and Loadout - Recruit Starts at Rank 3, can be applied to soldiers at Rank 3. 

Minuteman Pioneer (Deluxe and Far West Minutemen-Only Edition) - Able to endure rugged conditions and quickly determine what environmental conditions can be leveraged to the advantage of a settlement or an outpost, Pioneers are suited to patrol or support outposts in whatever role they are needed. They can certainly fight, too - and the more experienced the Pioneer the more hardy they become in combat. When it comes to weapons, they are not picky as they are experienced scavengers. 
Loadout - can be applied to soldiers at Rank 1. 

Minuteman Strategist (Deluxe and Far West Minutemen-Only Edition) - The planners and brains behind minutemen operations, strategists are ready to help at outposts in support roles by reviewing intelligence, manning defenses, working out details of assaults and patrols, or participating directly themselves. With able marksmanship, they prefer semi-automatic weapons and are frequently looking for weak points and tactical advantages in a combat situation. 
Loadout - Can be applied to soldiers at Rank 1. 

Minuteman Tinkerer (Deluxe and Far West Minutemen-Only Edition) - Experts at all things mechanical, the tinkerers can help outposts and settlements by supporting everything from water pumps to generators to defenses. Make no mistake, though, they are combat ready and like to use semi-automatic energy weapons, either improvised or at higher levels - restored and modified pre-war rifles. 
Loadout - Can be applied to soldiers at Rank 1. 

Minuteman Traditionalist (Deluxe and Far West Minutemen-Only Edition) - Nostalgiac scavengers and preservers of Old World traditions, the minutemen traditionalists are jacks of all trades. Prepared for whatever they may encounter searching through old dusty pre-war ruins, they are decently armed and have good fighting skills. Like Pioneers, as they rank up they can withstand even more in combat before giving up the fight and will use any weapon at hand from the minuteman arsenal. They are accustomed to working in patrols or can support a variety of different roles in an outpost.
Loadout - Can be applied to soldiers at Rank 1.  

For more backstory on the various Minuteman archetypes, see the original Far West Minutemen page by Morphion. 

General Tweaks:
  • Minuteman weapon selection for loadouts is improved from base game based on leveled lists inspired by the ones from We Are the Minutemen (All Editions)
  • Basic Minutemen soldiers will wear improve armor and all sorts of outfits from We Are the Minutemen (WATM and Deluxe Editions)
  • Minutemen receive perks as part of their loadouts to grant damage resistance and damage boosts, as well as give certain special units tactical advantages on the battlefield (All Editions)


OPTION 1 - Deluxe Edition Requirements and Load Order (Most Requirements)

NOTE - You do not need the original Far West Minutemen, the AWKCR free version created by 4estgimp packages all of the assets and fixes some issues with broken meshs and outfit body slots from the original Far West Minutemen

Deluxe Edition Notional Load Order

...Other Mods...
Crimsomrider's Accessories.esp
Far West Minutemen.esp

OPTION 2 - We Are the Minutemen Edition Requirements and Load Order (Least Requirements)

WATM Edition Notional Load Order
...Other Mods...

OPTION 3 - Far West Minutemen Edition Requirements and Load Order (Many Requirements)
Far West Minutemen Edition Notional Load Order
...Other Mods...
Crimsomrider's Accessories.esp
Far West Minutemen.esp

Acknowledgements and Thanks


1. Why couldn't you just package this all up in one neat mod for us without any requirements?

I don't have the permissions to do that from the mod authors who did all this stellar work, that is why they are hard requirements/dependencies. 

2. Still, that's a lot of files. Why do I have to download so many files?!

The point here was to take a couple of the popular minutemen mods and integrate them together for use in Sim Settlements 2, especially for Sim Settlements 2, Chapter 3 - though they can be used outside of Chapter 3. For that reason, it does require these mods and their various dependencies. If you want the version that will require you to download the least amount of files, you can just choose the We Are the Minutemen (WATM) Only edition. I made the multiple editions so that folks who didn't want to download everything could just download the parts that appealed to them. That still gives you access to lots of new uniforms to use in your faction/army and buffs the minutemen units from base SS2 a bit. However, I think the outfits from Far West Minutemen are very striking and provide a lot of extra flavor and ground for making more loadouts for the Minutemen faction. 

3. What's all this Far West Minutemen business about Pioneers, Marhsals, Extremists, and Tinkerers and so forth?

If you go to the original Far West Minutemen page you can see more about what all these kind of loadouts are about. However, and this is emphasized above, you do not need the original version of Far West Minutemen. The AWKCR free version by 4est is what you need, and that version also incorporates a lot of fixes to the original. 

4. Okay, I read that, but you didn't incorporate all the different types of Minutemen on the Far West Minutemen page. Also, it feels like a lot of these Far West MInutemen loadouts have the same/similar weapons, all that's different is the outfit. What's that about? 

I do intend to include all of the different types of minutemen mentioned on the Far West Minutemen page (i.e. Pastor, Provisioner, Settler, Emissary) as loadouts in future updates once I can figure out ways to make them distinct. While all current Loadouts and special units can be used in combat and do have perks to give them appropriate damage boosts to their loadouts and "backstory," many right now are more for flavor - so that you can have Minutemen tinkerers, strategists, and pioneers operating the plots in your outposts as support roles or going on patrols. But you can definitely take them into combat and they should be plenty useful! I also hope to add more special abilities to the different loadouts in the future to make them even more useful. 

5. How do I unlock them? 

I set most of the features of this pack to become active upon completing Old Guns. I did this instead of linking them to the Chapter 3 envoy/alliance feature for a few reasons. First and foremost, it does make the units usable if you want to start capturing territories and the like before Chapter 3 begins. Second, and this is just my personal opinion, by the time you complete Old Guns you've more or less proven yourself as the general of the minutemen and you should be able to call upon them for help by hiring special units and adopting their uniforms. The standard minuteman recruit from Chapter 3 will still only be available after completing the envoy/alliance component of Chapter, though. 

6. What's the deal with the extra weapons?

The loadouts receive a weapon appropriate to their loadout and ranks at higher levels, but I also added a secondary weapon from the minutemen leveled item list. I did this largely for compatibility reasons - if there are mods that inject weapons into the Minutemen leveled lists, it will find its way into their inventory if you have an armory at your outpost. This means you might want to check the inventories of your higher-ranked minutemen and see if they may have a secondary weapon you would rather have them equip. 

7. What about Militarized Minutemen? 

Cool mod, but not my cup of tea. If somebody else wants to make a faction pack for SS2 based on that, be my guest! I have no intentions of doing so as part of this particular mod. To me the minutemen have always seemed more like a loose militia than the full-on military force that militarized minutemen turns them into. 

8. This is un-immersive. I like my FO4 experience to be brutal and hardcore. 

Huh? You do not have to use the quite effective special units from this pack if you do not want to, you can slowly level your basic settler soldiers up all the way through the ranks by taking them on lots of assaults or using the military training plots and then equip them with those powerful loadouts once they reach Rank 3, 4, or 5 instead. That is one reason I included almost all special units as a loadout type, so that they could be utilized either on the standard Chapter 3 minutemen or on basic civilian settlers to give them more character and flavor. You can go with the Strategist, Traditionalist, Tinkerer, and Pioneer loadouts at lower ranks, and then choose one of the more specialized types at higher ranks (or stick with the one you've chosen - up to you!) They will still have quite basic weapons (mostly laser muskets) until you rank them up.