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Greetings dear Comrades of the Soviet Republic and all the fans of our game! As summer comes to a close, we're busy harvesting rewards in both our game and in real life. Our previous updates have focused on campaign development, but today we're excited to unveil some new machinery you'll soon find in your virtual republics.

Firstly, let's talk about tower cranes. We're adding five new models to enhance your gaming experience. And there's more good news: two of these models feature western designs, aligning with our goal to offer you a wider array of options as you build your virtual republics.

Next up, we’ve handpicked some impressive mods to include in the basic game. A special thanks to dlseis, the brilliant creator of these new western cars, which you'll soon find in your game environments.

We're also rolling out a sturdy western bulldozer and a high-performance western excavator, courtesy of our talented in-house graphic designer who excels in designing vehicles.

On the campaign side of things, we're making steady progress. The beginner levels are ready to go, and we’re shifting our focus to medium-difficulty challenges. So, for the moment, updates on game mechanics will take a backseat to the new vehicles we've introduced today.

Even the best-laid plans can go awry, and we experienced just that with our recent update. A glitch disrupted the electricity system in the game. Fortunately, our teammate Peter fixed the issue remotely within hours of the update release by rolling it back. Crisis resolved! We're now back on track with version

While every update might not be headline news, we're committed to keeping you informed and involved. Your trust matters to us, and these updates allow you to see how we're making the game better, one step at a time. That wraps up today's update. Until next time, stay safe, enjoy yourselves, and remember to have some fun along the way.

Thank you for your continued support,

3Division Team

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Greetings dear comrades of the Soviet Republic, and all the fans of our game. In our last report, we discussed some ideas for potential scenarios for our game. We are still working on the basics, developing the structure for the basic campaign. But we also mentioned that there will be higher difficulty levels.

For the medium-level campaign, we plan to introduce a new prebuilt and prepopulated map. But this map will not be as simple as the existing maps in the game.

With the currently existing maps, you get some towns and road infrastructure. But this new map will offer infrastructure on a different level. There will be not only ready-to-use roads but also ready-to-use railroads. Additionally, there will not just be existing towns but also some existing facilities. This will let players skip the building of basic infrastructure. They can buy vehicles early on and focus on the tasks the campaign sets for them.

Compared to the basic campaign's empty map, this new one offers a distinct experience. There will be towns with lots of details, showing the creativity of the people who built them. There is also a backstory to add flavour to the campaign. It is about a young country that was driven by greed and capitalism in the past. Most of the money back then went into infrastructure, not into caring for citizens. But in the recent elections, the Communist Party took over and now aims to fulfil its promises.

This map was created by two talented members of our community: Moasl and Jnx. They took their time to include a lot of details.

And that is all for today. We know many other great maps are out there, created by our community. We chose this one as inspiration for those who have the time and dedication to make similar masterpieces. Whether you are playing the game or creating content, remember to have fun. And do not forget to enjoy life, stay safe, and stay tuned for the next report.

Thank you for your support,

3Division Team

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Greetings, comrades of the Soviet Republic, and dedicated fans of our game! After a few intense weeks, we return to share our progress and chronicle our relentless pursuit of perfection in game development. We still have an ambitious task list ahead of us before the full game reaches your hands, but rest assured, we remain committed to our mission. With this message, we wish to explain some of our pioneering ideas for in-game campaigns.

As time has passed, our game has grown in both depth and complexity. Even seasoned players, who have devoted hundreds or thousands of hours, occasionally find themselves challenged by its intricacies. Recognizing this and understanding that this depth might be daunting for newcomers, we have envisioned the addition of campaigns or scenarios. These are designed not only to offer a structured introduction for the uninitiated but also to provide fresh challenges for our experienced comrades.

The intricacies of our game are undeniable. Navigating a new Republic without adequate knowledge can lead to swift downfall, especially on a realistic difficulty setting. However, we understand that many among you thrive on challenges, aiming to constantly push the boundaries of your gaming prowess. For those just starting their journey, we advise caution: diving into the full spectrum of features without a grasp of the fundamentals can be overwhelming. This is where our campaigns come in, designed to gently initiate newcomers while providing depth for the pros.

To bring these campaigns to life, we'll use scripts, dividing them into three distinct branches, each escalating in complexity. These will come hand-in-hand with a fresh, vanilla map, making sure it fits the campaign well. While it might be tempting to integrate these campaigns into your existing game saves, we've opted against this feature for now to maintain the integrity of the campaign settings. Each campaign builds upon its predecessor; only after mastering one can you unlock the challenges of the next, ensuring a progressive and rewarding experience for all.

Draft Campaign Overviews (titles and setting are subject to change as it will be developed):

  • A New Soviet Republic is Born: Begin your journey on a mostly flat map, crafting your Republic from the ground up. (Easy map, mostly flat, default settings)

  • Soviet Revolution: Communist party rises to power in a populated country and it needs to balance internal development with external demands. (Map with existing towns, more difficult terrain, medium or hard settings)

  • Soviet Far Horizons: Venture into uncharted territories with rich natural resources, fully supported by the Soviet Union, striving for self-reliance. (Hardest settings with realistic mode on)

At the outset of the initial campaign, our primary goal is to introduce newcomers to the game's foundations. This includes familiarizing them with controls, effective utilization of the minimap, and mastering fundamental mechanics.

Initially, players will be provided with simple, clear objectives designed to anchor them in the basics. As they progress, these objectives will evolve, pushing them to produce, export, or import specific volumes of resources. This layered approach not only ensures a gradual learning curve but also instils the importance of self-sufficiency within the game's universe. To aid this journey, we've incorporated specific GUI elements to help players navigate and understand their tasks.

We recognize the joy of exploration and the desire to carve one's own path. While we provide structured goals, we're not chaining players to a fixed storyline. This means players have the freedom to experiment, possibly achieving objectives even before they're explicitly assigned. Our scripts are designed to recognize such accomplishments. So, while players can use our roadmap, they're free to diverge, allowing each campaign experience to build a unique Republic based on their choices.

Another exciting dimension we're keen to explore is moddability. We envision a platform where modders can craft their own campaigns, missions, and objectives. Our current focus is still on basics, so you need to wait a while till we get the framework for custom scripts ready. These custom scripts would possibly be linked to a specific map or be compatible with any existing Republic or terrain. While we're still deliberating on the details, the potential for this feature is immense.

The potential of these campaigns and scripts is evident. Done right, they can serve as effective training grounds for newcomers and present challenging scenarios for seasoned players. Moreover, community modders can bring their unique visions to life, further enriching the gameplay experience. We eagerly anticipate the full realization of this feature.

That wraps up our update for now. We trust you share our enthusiasm for the upcoming challenges. Until our next dispatch, embrace the joys of life and stay tuned for more insights from our team.

Thank you for your support.

3Division Team

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