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Report for the Community #83

Greetings dear Comrades of the Soviet Republic and all the fans of our game. As we continue on the winding path of game development, we sometimes face unexpected turns that challenge us, yet also fill us with excitement. Today, we have some groundbreaking updates that we think you're going to love.

The biggest news we have is that something happened which nobody thought would never happen—we've signed a contract with a publisher. This publisher, Hooded Horse, is friendly towards indie developers and specializes in deep strategic and tactical games. You might wonder why we made this decision. There are several reasons!

First and foremost, we hope this will bring our game to a larger audience. The game certainly deserves it. Honestly, we don't have the resources to conduct effective marketing campaigns, negotiate promotions on STEAM, or provide stronger support for eastern markets such as Japan and China. And we want in to focus primarily on development.

We believe we've found a strong partner in Hooded Horse that suits our needs. Importantly, nothing will change in our approach. We'll continue with our usual development, and our overall strategy for developing and selling the game will remain the same. We hope our player community will only notice improvements, without any negative differences.

Shifting gears back to what’s at the core of our endeavor: game development. We have a landmark update to share today. We understand the frustrations you’ve had with road construction, where pathways, crossroads, and waypoints break your roads into annoyingly small segments. That's about to change.

We implemented changes that will make the construction of a road one from junction to junction. Connected pathways and waypoints will not divide the construction site into smaller segments anymore. This will improve the construction process and allow you to construct roads faster. Also, the pathways crossing the road will remain functional. This means less disruption for walking citizens even though they will not be able to use the road under construction itself.

And this change will apply to road upgrades too. You will be able to upgrade roads now without them being fragmented into small segments. But not only that. We improved the tool for road placement. You can use it instead of batch upgrade to assign multiple roads divided by junctions while holding the button. Just remember junctions will still divide road construction into segments. This also mean that pathway upgrades will remain as they are, divided solely by junctions.

We trust these adjustments will make your in-game construction experience far more enjoyable. And we're optimistic that our new partnership with Hooded Horse will take the game's outreach to unprecedented heights. While we excel in coding and development, we acknowledge the value of expert marketing, and that's what our new alliance promises to deliver.

That's all we have for today's report. But life isn't all just pixels and code; remember to enjoy the other facets of life, and keep an eye out for our next update.

Thank you for your support.

3Division Team

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