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News guides 22 September 2023, 15:08

author: Damian Gacek

Fae Farm Guide - Tips for Beginners and Advanced Players

In this Fae Farm Guide we will provide you with tips for beginners and more advanced players. You will find here useful information on various topics and mechanics.

Source: Fae Farm, developer: Phoenix Labs

Fae Farm is a new farming game which have captivated hearts of many fans. Every day thousands of players explore the magical world and discover its secrets. In this guide we want to present you with some important tips on how to play this title. We also provide links to our many articles thanks to which you can deepen your knowledge about Fae Farm.

Fae Farm Tips and Tricks


  1. Follow main missions – at the beginning don’t be distracted by farming or meeting locals. Try to follow main missions as they will unlock many useful features and will let you improve your life.
  2. Be patient – if you have not unlocked something, wait. The game will reveal everything to you in due time. It is connected to the previous point.
  3. Do side quests – completing them not only will be rewarded with money and items, it will also boost opinion about you.
  4. Upgrade tools – it is quite obvious for fans of farming games, but better tools mean faster work and more interesting loot.
  5. Clear Whirlpool – at some point you will be able to get rid of the Whirlpool which blocks the island. More people will move to the village, among them some love interests.

Quality of life

  1. Craft seals – they are necessary to teleport and unlock fast travel.
  2. Have an empty backpack – the worst feeling for the explorer is to leave a nice loot behind because the bag is full. Before any expedition, empty it.
  3. Upgrade Inventory – to do that talk to Skye in the Plaza.
  4. Unlock Produce Stand – do it as soon as possible, you will have to do some main missions though. If you want to learn more, read our article linked in the Guide section.
  5. Use Almanac – this book is in your menu and gives hints where to find various resources.
  6. Decorate home – it will give you various bonusses. It’s a great way to boos your stats.


  1. Use Magic Crop Swap Fertilizer – this item can change your vegetables into something else,
  2. Breed Flowers – you can mix flower colors and create completely new ones. We describe the process in our article about Pink Flower. The link to that is below in Guide section.
  3. Take some food with you – have a meal or two always in your backpack. It will allow you to regenerate energy.
  4. Keep items – there are many quests which will require you to use some resources. To progress smoothly, it is a good idea not to sell everything.
  5. Store items on your farm – the space in your Shed is endless, what is more, items there are used for crafting and they don’t have to be in your backpack.

Fae Farm Guide


  1. Romance candidates: bachelors and bachelorettes – are you looking for a deeper relationship than friendship? Learn about available romance options in the game.
  2. How to change name – do you want to change name in Fae Farm? We are here to help you.
  3. World Names – choosing it is a very important decision, as you can’t change it later, we decided to help you.
  4. How to save – while important part of gameplay, some players have problems with that.
  5. How to use iron pickaxe magical ability – learning it as soon as possible is very useful. As it will shorten time of your mining.
  6. How to unlock the Barn and get Fodder – taking care of animals is an important part of the game.
  7. How to upgrade Net – it is one of the basic tools, which is very valuable.


  1. Frost Beet – it is a vegetable necessary for completing The Frozen Friend quest. You can’t buy its seeds.
  2. How to Complete Petal Bloom Festival Quest 2/2 – many players have problem with this mission. It is quite simple, if you know what to do.
  3. Sardine – at some point Neppy will ask you for various things, among them is a Sardine. We will tell you how to get it.
  4. Pink Flower – in Fae Land you can “breed” flowers. We will tell you how to do it and get a pink flower.
  5. How to Unlock Produce Stand – while it is a mission, unlocking it is very profitable. We recommend to do it as soon as possible.
  6. How to Upgrade Staff – everyone wants to be more powerful, right?
  7. Mysterious Portal – thanks to it you will be able to visit magical lands.
  8. How to Get Flame Heart - this resource is necessary to finish Spicy Encounter Quest.


  1. Steel Cut Clover – if you want to explore Floating Ruins, you will need this ingredient.
  2. Copper Ore – the basic resource which will start your journey to the better gear.
  3. Iron Ore – the beginning of the new era on your farm is marked by getting this material.
  4. How to Build Flower Bed – it is one of the basic constructions. We will tell you where to find Mulch, Slit and Oak Log.
  5. Shell Bits – they are necessary if you wish to visit cold regions on the map.
  6. Fresh Greens – it is an ingredient of many meals.
  7. How to Get Frost Thistle – this item is necessary if you want to make a Fireproof potion to survive in Scorched Caverns.
  8. How to Get Spriggan Leaf – an important ingredient to create Fae Soil Bed.

Damian Gacek

Damian Gacek

Graduate of English Philology and English in Public Communication. His portfolio includes a scientific article on video game translation. Working with since 2019, writing for various departments. Currently, deals with guides and occasionally supports the newsroom. Interested in electronic entertainment since childhood. Loves RPGs and strategies, often also immersing himself in the depths of indie games. In his free time, works on a book and learns film editing.
