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News guides 03 October 2023, 12:27

author: Ewa Ichniowska

How to Get Forest Wood in Paleo Pines

Forest wood is a rare resource in Paleo Pines. Check our guide to find out how to obtain this tricky material.

Source: Paleo Pines, developer: Italic Pig

In the sandbox simulation game Paleo Pines, dinosaurs you befriend can help you with various tasks related to farming and crafting, which include gathering resources. One of such materials is Forest Wood, which is required to make Forest Dreamstones. It can be difficult to find, but with our guide you will soon gatherall the Forest Wood you need.

How to Get Forest Wood in Paleo Pines

There is a certain chance to obtain Forest Wood when you destroy logs. It is not guaranteed, but darker logs should have a higher chance to yield this resource.

Forest Wood can be found mainly in the Dapplewood Forest. It’s harvested from logs found in forest areas, though some players report obtaining this special wood from cleaning up their farm, as well.

A recommended location to harvest logs for Forest Wood is an area with roaming Therizinosaurus to the west. The Therizinosaurus is a dinosaur species with a long neck and wings, which can be encountered in shades of pink and lilac at Common rarities. Their habitat is blocked by a log that can be stomped on for a chance to obtain Forest Wood, and it has two other logs that respawn periodically inside.

Logs located deeper into the forest, as well as larger logs that take more stomps to break might give more Forest Wood than regular ones. Obtaining this rare material comes down to luck, so don’t stop trying.

Check out our other guides for Paleo Pines:

  1. Paleo Pines - Multiplayer and Coop Explained
  2. Can You Romance in Paleo Pines? Answered