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Google OAuth2.0 Redirect Issue with ASP.NET Core MVC - 404 Not Found

Question: I am implementing Google OAuth2.0 authentication in my ASP.NET Core MVC application. The process goes through the following steps: The user logs into my application using a user ID and ...
Hadi Soufan's user avatar
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How to get current User outside of Controller in another layer

In ASP.NET Core 6, I need to get the current user in service layer This is code: public class ServiceModel { private readonly IHttpContextAccessor accessor; public ServiceModel(...
MrMustafa022's user avatar
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Will Blazor SSR make ASP.NET Core MVC and Razor Pages obsolete? [closed]

I’ve been exploring the new features in Blazor 8, particularly server-side rendering (SSR), and the new rendering modes, and I’m impressed by its capabilities. Blazor allows for rich interactivity, ...
Johann Heinzelreiter's user avatar
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ASP.NET Core 8 MVC - view model validations

I have an ASP.NET Core 8 MVC application. Currently I'm trying to have an admin have the ability to create new clients for their e-commerce site. They have a simple form looking like this: NewClient....
DonDavid12's user avatar
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VS Code take too much time to run a simple ASP.NET Core 8 MVC website but nothing works [closed]

I was trying to run an ASP.NET (MVC) website called "GuitarStore". The building process dotnet build is fine but not for the running process dotnet run. It keeps stopping running at a ...
Thái Uyên Giang's user avatar
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ASP.NET Core - error 404.15 after adding authorization services

I am working on an ASP.NET Core MVC project and recently added custom authorization services to my Program.cs file: After doing this, I encountered the following error when accessing my application: ...
hamada magdy's user avatar
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EF .NET 6 Data Annotations with database-first: cannot make annotations work

Here's a model class (generated by scaffolding, nothing changed): using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations; namespace ...
J. Barrett's user avatar
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How to add to a list from view and pass it to controller in ASP.NET Core and Entity Framework

I want to save information of TV programs faults. Each TV program has a number of different platforms. First user select the TV program then on the view I have a for each loop that shows the platforms ...
nadjmeh's user avatar
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ASP.NET Core doesn't create an authentication cookie when SameSite is set to none

I want to test a cross-domain authentication after some research it seems SameSite for authentication cookie should be set to none as below: options.Cookie.SameSite = SameSiteMode.None; The problem ...
Davood's user avatar
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The current .NET SDK does not support targeting .NET 8.0 [closed]

enter image description hereI'm having difficulties setting up .NET 8. Each time I open a project, I get an error, where the current SDK is not supported, even though I have already downloaded the ...
photon's user avatar
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Upload Multiple Images to File Path and Database

I'm using ASP.NET Core MVC, C# and EF Core code-first. I'm running into an issue that is not allowing me to upload multiple files to my folder and the corresponding path to the database table. The ...
user18776105's user avatar
2 votes
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Using a custom role provider in .NET 8 with no scaffolding and custom database

It used to be with older .NET versions that you could use forms authentication along with a custom role provider to handle role checking. With this, I could use [Authorize(Roles="xxx,yyy,zzz"...
Simon's user avatar
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Gmail API in ASP.NET Core 6 MVC

I am working on sending email using Google cloud gmail API with my ASP.NET Core 6 MVC web application project. I followed the OAuth 2.0 setup process in the Google Cloud Console and configured my ...
Hadi Soufan's user avatar
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ASP.NET Core Razor pages web app: in the OnPost the request has data in the Items list but in the OnGet the list is empty

What am I doing wrong? I have not used ASP.NET Core or EF Core in a long time so I'm relatively new to it. When I debug with breakpoints in the OnPost the Items list has data, but when the page is ...
Zinox's user avatar
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Form Not Updating with Correct Model Value After Postback

I’m working on an ASP.NET Core 8 project where I have an AddOrUpdate method to either add a new entry or update an existing one. However, after submitting the form and successfully saving the data, ...
Bahadir Emre's user avatar

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