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jQuery dynamic input value lost on blur or focusout

Whenever I dynamically change the value of an input field ($("#test").val("test") or $("#test").value = "test") then physically click the field then exit the ...
Mech's user avatar
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Unable to click() div-element in embedded tableau

I'm having issues clicking the "Create PDF"-button in the embedded tableau frame on this webpage. First, I call the element for the export button on the bottom of the tableau-iframe => works. That ...
drckeberger111's user avatar
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Getting handle on the calling html element using javascript or dojo or jquery

I have the following table: <table> <tr><td><span onClick='toggleFunction();'>ABC</span></td></tr> <tr><td><span onClick='...
Vicky's user avatar
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jQuery connect as dojo connect alternative?

i have a dojo code in this way dojo.connect( window, "keypress", this, this.keypressHandler ); i want to achieve the same with jQuery, i tried getting information about jQuery connect but couldn't ...
Satyaaditya's user avatar
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dojoquery with closest method not working in Internet Explorer

I am trying to use the closest method in dojo to find out the first parent of a element which I want to show/hide based on value selected in one of filtering select. It working fine in firefox browser ...
Gaurav Parek's user avatar
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Kendo ui sortable trigger start-event when click on spezific area

i would like customize my kendo Sortable function. I want to start drag my row when i click on the last cell of the row. I think it would be the easiest, when i trigger the event "start", but i cant ...
Benedikt's user avatar
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How to pass a zip file into a function without using file input?

How can I pass GIS.ZIP file located on server (../maps/GIS.ZIP) to the generateFeatureCollection() on load without using the uploadForm? As you can see I am currently calling Dojo on function: on(...
Mona Coder's user avatar
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Can we remove click event without calling it?

I am having problem in overriding the pagination code given by grid. What I need to do is kind of hack the pagination given by my grid. We are having a lot of records. So, what we are doing we are ...
shv22's user avatar
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IE browser cache not clearing after reload the page

IE browser cache not clearing after reloading the page. Actual result: we are using dojo filtering and at very first time login to the application data is showing properly and I tried to change ...
Seshadri's user avatar
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Export AMCharts content to one pdf in javascript

I am stuck with the approach for exporting content which is in charts format, charts are not in the image format by the way. These charts will be generating in the runtime. Flow is like this: 1) All ...
Venkatesh_CTA's user avatar
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Unexpected scope behaviour in Javascript objects

I tried my best to replicate the error outside my context but failed so, so I'll have to provide with it. Code : var view; widget = { activated: false, close: function(){ this.view....
Mojimi's user avatar
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ASP.NET MVC - On Input Value Change Update URL Parmaeters

I have a mapping application that I would like to place the extent values in the URL. (XMIN, YMIN, XMAX, YMAX). I currently have a javascript file that handles all the mapping related functionality. ...
LCaraway's user avatar
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How to clear/empty dojo widgits

I have an application which hides the Dojo elements on the Form such as (Text field , Radio Button , Combo Box etc) on a certain event. It uses = "none" to hide the widgets in a ...
Noman K's user avatar
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How to run the code sequentially using Deferred?

Inside of this for-loop, I hope to force it to run the AJAX code block first. With the result (i.e. data.LocationId), I want to save that on the server, and then run the loop with i decreasing. If ...
Atlas Guo's user avatar
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Trouble getting xy coordinates in Chrome when using Dojo DND onto a Canvas

I have a project that uses the Dojo framework (1.12.1) and JQuery (2.1.4). I am using the Dojo DND (Drag and Drop) function, but I need to find an XY offset into a canvas element that is a DND Target ...
Diane Blackwood's user avatar

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