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PHP code issue causing grid container and bootstrap 5 cards (grid-items) not to render on web-page loading?

I am trying to create a grid container that will dynamically display bootstrap cards of treeseed items that I added to MySQL database.The items should be displayed on the shop portion of a webpage I ...
Crosser's user avatar
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How to update map coordinates after zooming in Leaflet?

I am new to working with maps. I have currently implemented a feature that allows users to draw an area on the map, which gets marked. What I need is for, when the user zooms in on the map while ...
Giuiliano  García's user avatar
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Who to clear the polylines when the itinerary change?

I'm loading a page with a map and routes already loaded. We can change the origin, destination and transportation mode with this form : <div id="formulaire" class="box"> ...
Melody Nelson's user avatar
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POST request works fine in devtools, but not on the website

My issue is that for some reason, the addEventListener for my POST request doesn't work unless I'm in devtools. The POST request is connected to a button on the page via this addEventListener in a ...
Krod-31545's user avatar
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Upload document into Flowise AI via API endpoint

I have an OpenSAAS (react) application, and a Flowise flow with document uploader and Supabase vector store. The chatbot is currently embedded on the website just fine. I added an upload button for ...
Obi's user avatar
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mock.module is undefined in Node.js v22.9.0 node:test module

I'm trying to mock the some module using Node.js v22.9.0 with the built-in node:test mock.module . While other properties like mock.method work correctly, I get undefined when trying to access mock....
Daniel Santos's user avatar
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npm install is giving error - npm error ERESOLVE unable to resolve dependency tree

In my React Native with TypeScript project, I wanted to install dependencies. To install Testing Libraries I've used this command: npm install @testing-library/react-native @testing-library/jest-...
Mobile_Dev's user avatar
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What is different in my Ajax vs XMLHttpRequest Call that lets my Server understand Ajax but not XMLHttpRequest?

I have a very simple server call like this: [HttpPost] [AllowAnonymous] public JsonResult Test(TestRequestModel requestModel) { //do stuff return Json(new { result.Success }); } My ...
Bagzli's user avatar
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Highchart vertical and horizontal scrollbar

I have dependency information that I would like to show on a web page using Highcharts. I chose Treegraph chart as I think it's more suitable for what I need it for. This is the link to a demo https://...
Jelal's user avatar
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Chart JS Curved Labels in Polar Area

I am working on a web project using Chart.js to create a PolarArea chart that dynamically updates based on the selected class from a dropdown menu. I have encountered an issue where the labels are ...
Sas Ber's user avatar
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Dynamic audio rendering with tone.js

Sorry for the trivial question, but I'm struggling in finding the correct/best method that I should use to achieve this simple task using Tone.js (and/or a clear example): I would like to create a &...
Vor's user avatar
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The request failed to reach my Django view

This is a web Django project, In my navbar I have a drop down that contains buttons to exploring products depending on their category, here is the code of the drop down list snippet in the main ...
Lina Alrashid's user avatar
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How to know what graph are you referring with multiple eCharts graphs in one page with `renderItem` callback

If there are more then one charts in a single page and you got some functions like this to change the graph type function setGraph_chartName1_to_customType(e){ //there are multiple functions like this ...
user27160653's user avatar
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Prop is usable in template but not in script

I'm a little confused as I've got a prop called filterData with an array being sent from the parent app to a child app, and it both shows in the Vue inspector with the populated array: and it also ...
Chobbit's user avatar
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How to arrange data structure for querying in firebase for this explained query not to give any error?

I have a database existing of user docs. Sample user object is as follows: user { id: string, name: string, town: string, city: string, country: string, filter: ["town", "city&...
Anthon Santhez's user avatar

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