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Async/await promises alternative. Rewrite await to Promise

I was trying to understand how await works in different scenarious, and camse across a problem. new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { resolve(); console.log(await Promise.resolve(7)) ...
uhidga's user avatar
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3 answers

Fluent pattern with async methods

This class has async and sync methods (i.e. isHuman): class Character: def isHuman(self) -> Self: if self.human: return self raise Exception(f'{} is not human') async ...
ZC13's user avatar
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2 answers

How does event loop handles async await internally?

Let us say we have the following async function - async function foo(x,y) { x = x+1 await fetch('some_url') y = y+1 } When the function foo encounters await, the execution of foo must be ...
Pratyush Ranjan's user avatar
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In Python async function, how to calculate time consumed by overlapped blocking operation and non-blocking operation?

I'm working with an asynchronous Python program that schedules three coroutines. Each coroutine involves: A blocking operation that takes X seconds (denoted as X_i for the i-th coroutine). A non-...
xjqian's user avatar
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Is it possible to check if an asyncio.Task is blocked vs ready?

I'm working on a make-like system written in Python and I want to be able to throttle how many cores are in use for parallel building, similar to the -j/--jobs option supported by GNU make. Each build ...
Joseph Garvin's user avatar
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Facing difficulty in understanding async await

I'm a beginner. Got confused about async programming after seeing the output of this code async function f1() { console.log('this is f1'); let res = await f3(); console.log('result of f1 from ...
Tony Stark's user avatar
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How does NodeJs handle while(true) using event loop [duplicate]

We are using NodeJs for a highly performant backend system and need to know most of the intricacies around JavaScript and how the NodeJs event loop works. One of our dependencies is the JavaScript ...
Klaus Nji's user avatar
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Understanding JS event loop and render cycles in browser

After watching these talks on the JS event loop and rendering in browsers (What the heck is the event loop anyway? and Web browser event loop, setTimeout, micro tasks, requestAnimationFrame...), I was ...
Devansh Sharma's user avatar
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python asyncio `loop.create_task` add task in another thread's loop, the task randomly get stucked

console's output the code: import asyncio import time from threading import Thread import threading loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() def print_ids(s, l): print(f"{threading.current_thread()....
ogios's user avatar
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Async function running before completion of rest of code [duplicate]

Below is the node.jscode to read content of a file let { readFile, WriteFile } = require('fs') let create = (path) => { console.log("Inside function") return new Promise((resole, ...
Brijesh Roy's user avatar
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Doesn't use the running event_loop if it exists? (asyncio.Queue with producer consumer)

I'm trying to use a asyncio.Queue to implement a producer - consumer pattern. But I found out that if i create a Queue out side and i set the maxsize of the queue larger than amount of ...
prodigy_sub's user avatar
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JavaScript web server: Understanding blocking behavior during request handling

I have a web server that needs to fetch and cache around 1000 items that come from a slow api. I would like the first request and any that hit a ttl expiration to kick off this operation, but then ...
Nick Carbone's user avatar
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Await fetch affects the event loop until I comment it

I am currently studying the event loop that handles NodeJS synchronous and asynchronous functions. From what I understand, synchronous functions will be executed first, then the asynchronous functions....
Joe's user avatar
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Order of execution for asynchronous tasks in JavaScript: Promise and setTimeout [duplicate]

function job(){ sequenceB() sequenceC() } function sequenceB(){ setTimeout(_ => console.log(`🍅 Timeout at B`), 0); Promise.resolve().then(_ => console.log('🍍 Promise at B')); }...
Ephraim XYZ's user avatar
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Does a returning a Promise from a recursive async function cause a stack/heap overflow?

Given the following piece of code async function recurse() { await someAsyncStuff(); return recurse(); } await recurse(0); It would make sense that recurse(i) would resolve into recurse(i+1) ...
Dusan Kovacevic's user avatar

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