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How to get current Laravel Filament resource page type (operation) create/edit/view

I need to customize some Laravel Filament v3 Resource Form Fields/Elements by the current page type index/create/edit/view. For example, hide some action Fields on a view page. Resource PHP file (Bar) ...
Igor's user avatar
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Laravel 11 The form data is not getting passed to the email template

I am fairly new to using Laravel. But the question is here, I am having an issue where the data that is getting from the form after clicking submit, it is not getting passed to a blade template. For ...
Gregory Rothstein's user avatar
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Laravel: in-place filtering of an model by dropdown selections

Idea Via multiple dropdown menus filter the model Requirements Page shall not be loaded Every dropdown selection, filters the model (send queries to DB), as well as adds an query parameter to the ...
Roman_Coding's user avatar
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How to increment a livewire variable

I've made a dynamic multi-page form that works using "step". When I press the next button, I increment the step variable, which takes us to the next page like this: <button type="...
Grégory NACHER's user avatar
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Get data from Quill Editor and insert it in MySQL database in Laravel 11?

I've used Quill Editor in my Laravel project. However, I am unable to retrieve the value from the editor. I tried adding a name attribute but this is not working. <div id="content" name=&...
Ajinkya More's user avatar
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Keep selected option when validation errors occur

I have a form that deletes a selected option (Office field on the gif) when there is a validation error. The other fields that had data entered remains in the field. I would like the Office field to ...
missy miss's user avatar
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Undefined variable $action. Can't pass route to a variable in a component, Laravel

I have a component with a form inside it. I assigned a variable to the action attribute: <form action="{{ $action }}" method="{{ $method }}". When I call the component using: &...
GoodGuy2213's user avatar
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Save fields from form that dont belong to the Model

Im working with Laravel (11 with livewire). I have a SERVICE and i need to add some SERVICE_EXTEND fields (like wp_postmeta). SERVICE_EXTEND are generic fields with a meta_key and meta_value Model\...
GMazzacua's user avatar
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Laravel 9 update Form that contain input file for CV

I have been trying to update a form that has a resume file input. I want users to only change the file if they are make mistake of uploading a wrong resume but the page refrresh and when i debug using ...
Abdellah Hajjam's user avatar
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The GET method is not supported for route (to delete). Supported methods: DELETE. (I'm using Post & Delete)

I have implemented a modal to delete objects in my project, the problem is that when I click delete, it tells me that I am using a get method even though I use a post/delete method. <form id="...
Raúl García's user avatar
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Required condition in form continues to validate even if it is false in filament laravel

I'm having a hard time. In my form, I ignore the validation of required fields when a toggle is equal to false. However, when saving the form, even without the *, validation continues to be carried ...'s user avatar
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Function from the controller never called in Laravel 11 [closed]

I have a form to edit my users, <form action="{{ route('user.update', ['id' => $user->id]) }}" method="post"> @csrf @method('PUT') --content-- &...
Marius Clément's user avatar
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Laravel form not sending IDs

ID input <input class="form-control" type="hidden" value="{{ Auth()->user()->id }}"> After dump "_token" => "...
Abim's user avatar
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Form validation by JavaScript in Laravel 10.x won't work

I made a custom validation in Laravel 10.x blade using JavaScript and Bootstrap 5 classes. When I press the submit button, the store action doesn't work, and the form is reloaded empty without putting ...
Andrew_1979's user avatar
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Laravel validation: ignoring certain fields during update

How can I prevent Laravel from validating certain columns when editing an existing user? I'm trying to update a guest's information, but I want to ignore the phone and email fields if no changes have ...
Peter's user avatar
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