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Build make target when directory structure changes

I have a script dir.ts that is part of my project website. It generates a JSON file with git repo tree structure, but it takes few seconds to run. Is there a way to check if the directory tree changes?...
jcubic's user avatar
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How can I disable the astextplain attribute on git for windows?

I read What is the difference between diff and diff=astextplain? and understand what astextplain does and that it comes as part of a git for windows install, but I don't want it. How can I disable it ...
idbrii's user avatar
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package for swift, cannot find x in scope

I followed a few guides online showing how to create a package for swift, I created a repo at our gitlab and added the tags so I could import it properly into other projects, all that seemed to work ...
Neglected Sanity's user avatar
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How to reorder commits to make a squash in git?

When doing interactive rebase for making squash and merge some commits into one I realized that when commits are not correlative this can not be done properly, this is an example suppossing we have 5 ...
StormByte's user avatar
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Why Git can't merge on the server-side if there are no conflicts

I've been using Git for a long time in a lite mode: branch, pull-commit-push, merge. Mostly with SourceTree. That was enough for development. So I'm an amateur) But now I've got a repository that is ...
donRumatta's user avatar
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Why doesn't git log show reachable ancestors?

With git log --graph --all --oneline I have: * G (HEAD -> main, origin/main) ... * F * E * D * C * B | * Z |/ * A But if the --all flag is omitted, then the graph is: * G (HEAD -> main, ...
Ooker's user avatar
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How to get a log of all commits (and only those) from stdin?

I have a list of commits and I want git-log(1) to show all of them. But only them.
Guildenstern's user avatar
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How to delete a commit when both rebase -i and reset --hard don't work?

I have this tree: git log --graph --all --oneline * B1.1 * B1 | * B2 |/ * A I want to remove B2. I git switch B2 --detach and try both reset --hard or rebase -i, but none of them works: git reset -...
Ooker's user avatar
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Does anyone know why merging a PR in Github resulted in a new commit to the parent branch with the correct updates but without the actual merge?

So teammate just merged in a PR recently. This is the commit circled in blue below where the commit circled in red is merged in. The actual updates were put into the parent branch correctly but it ...
SarahK's user avatar
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How can I set a branch specifier for branches and tags based on a job parameter?

My git repo has a declarative Jenkinsfile that is used to build the software in the repo. I want to build either the main branch or tags that are of the form release/<version>. My goal is to ...
Alexander Krumeich's user avatar
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How to install an npm package that has submodules from GitHub directly

I made a fork of an existing node module (that has a git submodule), and I want to install my fork using npm fro GitHub. However it seems that npm install does not save (or removes) the .git folder, ...
Davide Capodaglio's user avatar
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LDAP with Gitea doesn't find user

I have some troubles with configuring LDAP into app.ini file. After putting all the configuration attributes, I try to access with my username, which is into our LDAP directory, but with no success. ...
neurothingy's user avatar
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Can I get assistance with Git in VSCode [closed]

I'm having difficulties with Git in VSCode. In trying to publish a branch or push code to our repository, I'm getting this. Apparently, it used a .git folder above the folder of my project. We're ...
MB34's user avatar
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Need to link ( two azure repo git) new repository is "app repo2" with existing build pipeline which is linked to repository is "app repo1" [closed]

Could you please help on this? Need to link ( two azure repo git) new repository is "app repo2" with existing build pipeline is "service-webapp" which is linked to repository is &...
veer's user avatar
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How to remove the Git Repo from the VS Code

enter image description here How Can I remove this repo from the VS-code I have tried everything but not able to remove it, I have already deleted repo from the GitHub as well. Please provide me the ...
Raj Khajanchi's user avatar

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