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Joomla Website showing while color while opening website (only Home Page is white and remaining pages working fine)

When we are opening the website domain ( It was showing in White Color, Bit if i am opening any sub pages ( We also Tried Updating to the Joomla version With ...
Sherjith jayadhas's user avatar
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How to search domains with common code or template?

I need to search for other domains on the internet that share a certain part of code in the index file of the home page or in .css or .js files. or even an entire Joomla template. How can I do this ? ...
Mkgl's user avatar
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How can I get my Joomla 3 to work correctly?

I need to do a very simple task for school in Joomla 3.10.3 but it doesn't seem to work correctly. I'm trying to create modules but I can't, it gives me those errors: Undefined property: Joomla\CMS\...
CESSIR's user avatar
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How to output the amount of comments left by a user with JComments / Joomla 3?

JoomlaTune - developers of the JComments extension - offers the following code to display comments anywhere: <?php $comments = JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_jcomments/jcomments.php';...
Vlad1's user avatar
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Joomla Migration - FastCGI Error Cannot declare class because the name is already in use

today a perform a migration of a Joomla 3.8 site from a server to another. All works well except only one custom module. The module works correctly before the migration but after the migration the ...
Massimo Lombardi's user avatar
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( ! ) Deprecated: The each() function is deprecated. error on Joomla 3 Access Manager

i got an error on this component with joomla3 and i'm not know what should i do due to make it ok: the error is : ( ! ) Deprecated: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed ...
Mohammad Ahmad's user avatar
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Remove variables appended to JS File

My Joomla installation loads Jquery as follows /media/jui/js/jquery.min.js?74a9f5d23561aa584c363ede5bfbfad6 The value 74a9f5d23561aa584c363ede5bfbfad6 keeps changing and hence caching in not ...
Tushar Korat's user avatar
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Create articles via the Joomla API

I need to create a significant number of very similar articles in Joomla 3.x, and I'm looking for a way to do that by scripting. I'm very new to Joomla (and web stuff in general), but I thought it ...
Georg P.'s user avatar
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Joomla Module – How to send formdata to a function in helper.php

I am working on a small Joomla Module for sending a userinput of an event to database I stuck at trying to send data from a submitted form to a function in the helper.php file, where I can put the ...
Jakob Hürlemann's user avatar
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My CSS in Joomla admin side is not running?

I have a joomla website ( Last week, it has not issue at all. But, when I open the website, the CSS is not running, even in the joomla admin site. I have no idea what caused it. ...
Shota's user avatar
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Joomla 3.X | Change the layout of the fields on the module

I'm trying to customize the layout of the fields in the various tabs of my custom form but I can't find the php file that generates these fields. For now I have seen that in Joomla the fields of the ...
Jackom's user avatar
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Issue with update joomla from 2.5.17 to 3.5.1

I am trying to upgrade Joomla from 2.5.17 to 3.5.1 from administrator panel. In the options of "Joomla Update" I have selected "Short term support" and this is the error message ...
Jackom's user avatar
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White Screen for posts on joomla

I've updated my CMS-System to current php8. After that i get an white screen error if i want to show my posts. link to the homepage is : link sample post: https://www.lan-...
Paddymaster's user avatar
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How to remove Live Chat powered by zendesk in my Joomla website?

I am using Joomla! 3.7.5 and template Helix3. I'd like to remove the Live Chat powered by zendesk. It is the blue help button. See picture. When the buton is clicked, a live chat appear. I've been ...
Shota's user avatar
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MySQL error when trying to select data from a homemade Joomla component

I am trying to create my first Joomla component. I am working often with MySQL and .NET but I'm rather new in the development of Joomla stuff, so pls forgive my newbie-type things... Basically I am ...
Phil91's user avatar
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