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TinyMCE API for joomla

As TinyMCE has started API integration, how do i enter the API in the joomla plugin. I have signed up for Free TinyMCE API, and added the domain for the usage. The TinyMCE version is 4.5.12 Added the ...
user6313841's user avatar
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How do I trigger modal js function for Virtuemart child products

I hope someone can help. I need some help creating some js but I don't know the language, so please bare with me. I've created Virtuemart parent and child products using BreakDesigns 'Custom Fields ...
flippertricks's user avatar
-1 votes
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Joomla Website showing while color while opening website (only Home Page is white and remaining pages working fine)

When we are opening the website domain ( It was showing in White Color, Bit if i am opening any sub pages ( We also Tried Updating to the Joomla version With ...
Sherjith jayadhas's user avatar
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Add bootstrap tooltip in input field

I'm using Bootstrap 4 on my website. Need to add tooltips for some elements. It's not so difficult, but I have problems with tooltips fir input fields. This is example for one input field HTML Code: &...
Zeus07's user avatar
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How to search domains with common code or template?

I need to search for other domains on the internet that share a certain part of code in the index file of the home page or in .css or .js files. or even an entire Joomla template. How can I do this ? ...
Mkgl's user avatar
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count multiple values in one column(mysql) PHP (Rs form joomla)

i want to count multiple values from 1 column(FieldValue) using PHP mysqli, and I can't do it. `SubmissionValueId` `FormId` `SubmissionId` `FieldName` `FieldValue` 100567 ...
Red's user avatar
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I can only find how to fit a smaller background to a bigger size page using I want to fit a 5000px background to the width of smaller pages

I have a 5000px plus bg image which I want to use as a backgroun but I want it to fit the width. I can only apply the CSS to the body or html. I cant add any div or any other HTML to the page. My idea ...
rawraj's user avatar
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How can I get my Joomla 3 to work correctly?

I need to do a very simple task for school in Joomla 3.10.3 but it doesn't seem to work correctly. I'm trying to create modules but I can't, it gives me those errors: Undefined property: Joomla\CMS\...
CESSIR's user avatar
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Redirect url with ids range to another url using htaccess

I try to redirect user from Joomla plugins links that have specific IDs to the default admin page as following: When user login in Joomla backend, he can reach this page of plugins: https://www....
Nolly MM's user avatar
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How to output the amount of comments left by a user with JComments / Joomla 3?

JoomlaTune - developers of the JComments extension - offers the following code to display comments anywhere: <?php $comments = JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_jcomments/jcomments.php';...
Vlad1's user avatar
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How do I configure RSS XML generation of Joomla 3.9.11?

I have a site on Joomla 3.9.11. I want to get the RSS of one of its classes from other site of mine. I understand that the RSS URL is generated like this: https://class-URL/?format=feed&type=rss, ...
Medios Digitales Sede Medellin's user avatar
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How to remove the default upload capacity limit of 40MB in joomla?

I am a new to joomla, I use xampp to install joomla, because the default upload file size of joomla is 40MB, if the file is too large, how to solve it? Is there a way to remove the 40MB default upload ...
THY's user avatar
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Loop through paths / files in array and remove path

i'm working on a Joomla 3.x component, I'm trying to build an array with folders, files and filenames, I can get the Folders and Files , including paths, which I want, but have been unable to get it ...
Rifbsss's user avatar
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Joomla Migration - FastCGI Error Cannot declare class because the name is already in use

today a perform a migration of a Joomla 3.8 site from a server to another. All works well except only one custom module. The module works correctly before the migration but after the migration the ...
Massimo Lombardi's user avatar
2 votes
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PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Undefined constant "MB_OVERLOAD_STRING"

Can someone assist me with this error please. http error 500. Somehow, I install a new Drupal on a new subdomain, and I remember changing the time zone and region on cPanel, later both our main ...
Tekitaa Mautaake's user avatar

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