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count multiple values in one column(mysql) PHP (Rs form joomla)

i want to count multiple values from 1 column(FieldValue) using PHP mysqli, and I can't do it. `SubmissionValueId` `FormId` `SubmissionId` `FieldName` `FieldValue` 100567 ...
Red's user avatar
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MySQL error when trying to select data from a homemade Joomla component

I am trying to create my first Joomla component. I am working often with MySQL and .NET but I'm rather new in the development of Joomla stuff, so pls forgive my newbie-type things... Basically I am ...
Phil91's user avatar
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Migration from Joomla 3 on an old OS (Debian 7) to Debian 10 : find a way to backup Mysql database with JSN pixel plugin

I have been searching a simple way to inject my MySQL database of previous Joomla 3 that I had on my Debian 7 on a new Debian 10. This file has been generated with a : mysqldump -u root -p --all-...
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Add Open Graph Data from MySQL in Joomla

I have a web site built in Joomla 3.x, and I am using it to store recipes. It stores recipes in MySQL database. Link to Site I am using single PHP page to show any recipe, and because of this, I am ...
GurhanCagin's user avatar
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Sort foreach loop result

I want to sort it by $distance base in foreach loop in my VIEWS.. so heres my code in Models $db = $this->getDbo(); $query = $db->getQuery(true) ->select('*') ...
Rhea Lorraine's user avatar
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After Insert Trigger on joomla database gives an error1172

I made AFTER INSERT Trigger on joomla database (table _users) which after registration copies user_id and name to another table. Everything works fine until someone during registration enters a name ...
Midhat's user avatar
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Joomla 3.8 compatablity with MYSQL 5.6 , 5.7 and 8

I currently have setup Joomla 3.9.3 on production with MYSQL 5.5.62, i would like to upgrade to 5.7 or 8. Is joomla 3.9.x Compatible with MySQL 5.6, 5.7, 8. The official documentation states that ...
onlinejava's user avatar
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How to use mysql variables in joomla queries

How do I use mysql variables inside of the Joomla! query builder and with loadObjectList()?
Mohd Abdul Mujib's user avatar
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Joomla Database query column params OS Events Manager

I am using OS Events Manager, and I need to show query from a table column to show the "field_speaker" which is the under the params column in OS Events Manager. I have this code: ` $query = $db-&...
samlf3rd's user avatar
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Why won't truncateTable work in Joomla 3.7?

I have the following code attempting to truncate a table. The Joomla documentation makes me believe this will work, but it does not. What am I missing? $db = JFactory::getDbo(); truncate_query = $db-&...
Rob's user avatar
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How do I make a MySQL query on a comma-separated field in Joomla 3? [duplicate]

I'm trying to make a MySQL query in Joomla 3 module to find the rows that contain a specific id value in the lexicon column. All fields are strings of comma-separated integers from multi-select ...
Flemming's user avatar
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How to SET LIMIT in Joomla Database using php? Users should show according to the Group 2 and 6

How to SET LIMIT in Joomla Database with PHP? If logged in users who belongs to group 2 I should see only 3 values and if logged in user who belongs to group 6 I should see only 9 values out of n ...
Pradeep rajendiren's user avatar
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How to SET LIMIT in Joomla Database using php?

How to SET LIMIT in Joomla Database with PHP? If logged in users who belongs to group 2 I should see only 3 values and if logged in user who belongs to group 6 I should see only 9 values out of n ...
Pradeep rajendiren's user avatar
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How to securely write a Joomla SELECT query with an IN condition in the WHERE clause?

With a regular MySQL command, we use SELECT foo WHERE bar IN (a,b,c). How is this properly executed using Joomla's query building methods? I tried this: $query ->select(array('', 'a....
Kreasi Bagus's user avatar
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Unable to upload a joomla template

I have installed the latest version of Joomla and downloaded a Joomla template. I downloaded Xampp on to my localhost and got the Apache and MySQL running on the localhost. When i tried to install ...
Nchill's user avatar
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