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How do I use ValidationAttribute or IModelBinder to ensure that an enum property exists in the JSON body and has a valid value?

Given a model that looks like this: public enum Types { Emergency, Notice, Event } public class Message { public Types Type { get; set; } public string Title { get; set; } } And ...
SiBrit's user avatar
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Serializing table data with reference entity with NewtonSoft.Json in ASP.NET 4.8 Web API

I am working on an ASP.NET Web API which returns table data from database using linq2SQL. I need to include reference entity data to response, till only one level. If reference table next referencing ...
Abhash786's user avatar
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Forcing SnakeCaseNamingStrategy doesn't work in ASP.NET MVC

I'm trying to force both serialization and deserialization to use SnakeCaseNamingStrategy but no luck. Here is what I have used in Global.asax.cs: protected void Application_Start() { ...
Hooman Limouee's user avatar
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Getting error, while trying consume API and display the contents in gridview of ASP.NET Webform

Error: Target type System.Collections.IEnumerable is not a value type or a non-abstract class. Parameter name: targetType. I was trying to consume Web API endpoint with below gridview and C# function....
Guru's user avatar
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Can I redefine output formatter for one controller method in Net Core 6?

All my method in Backend API working fine and return correct JSON by the same way Return OK(obj) Return Unauthorized() Return StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError, obj) But in one ...
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JsonIgnore attribute is not working in

My model is using Newtonsoft.Json; ... public class User { public int Id { get; set; } public string Login { get; set; } public string Password { get; set; } ...
Евгений Мартынов's user avatar
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How to deserialize array of guid ids received from cognito attribute

I have custom attribute in cognito used for mapping third party claims. After mapping is completed(on user login) I receive values as string in this format [bf5ad010-8961-49d7-b068-87f23026f49d, ...
Minja's user avatar
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Apply IsoDateTimeConverter to Incoming Request

I created a Web API in .Net, I added the global settings below: var jsonSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings(); jsonSettings .Converters.Add(new IsoDateTimeConverter() { DateTimeFormat = "yyyy-...
Silva's user avatar
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Customize object serialization to Json in c#

I am making an core web api and i want to return Ok(JsonList) in a specific format I have a list of the following object: public class obj { string schoolName; int studentscount; int ...
Hyroglatos_7700's user avatar
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How to read the JSON values from the unstructured data in c#?

{ "id": "zd_tags", "value": [ "bp_ticket;pazure_server" ] }, { "id": "itd_priority_1", "value": 900 }, { "id&...
Vanapandi Narayanan's user avatar
-1 votes
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Request Model is null when I post it to API

I'm facing a problem doing post requests via .Net6 Web API. I'm a bit confused about it. Since .Net6 we prefer to use System.Text.Json in place of Newtonsoft.Json I have one Bool property in Request ...
Mazhar Hayat's user avatar
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Json Deserialization in an ASP.NET not working properly

I have an API that returns the following response as string [ { "id": "62a9f8f90346133662624bd3", "referenceID": "test1", "additionalInfoList&...
Robert Rachita's user avatar
-2 votes
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Deserialize json into csharp object errors - Could not cast or convert from System.String to ProjectName.Models.CarsModel

I'm stuck with a tricky json. trying to deserialize below web api json into c# object. Seems like it has no key, only the below value. ["toyota","bmw","nissan","gmc&...
User456's user avatar
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From API response Cannot deserialize the current JSON object

I am getting this error when trying to deserialize data. the details are given below. ALso the screenshot of the running App in which i debugged the app and can see the data from my api response. My ...
Hotspot Shield's user avatar
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Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException: Unexpected character encountered while parsing value - ASP.NET

How to properly deserialize POST method "Update" while developing Telegram bot in ASP.NET Core Web API by using Telegram.Bot package? I used DeserializeObject(string) method to do so, but it ...
Anvarxon Xamzayev's user avatar

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